This first article of the Devolution Series was written on July 2nd, 2021. I had no idea how many articles I would write. I’m just a guy trying to figure out what the heck is going on. As I have continued to research and write my series, my conclusions have evolved. I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t know everything.
The one conclusion of mine that hasn’t changed and that I have only grown more confident in, is that Donald Trump initiated a continuity of government plan.
I’m not asking you to take my word for it. I don’t think anybody, including myself, should be blindly followed. We as a society need to question everything. I urge you to read through this series and all of the research I have compiled and discover for yourself why I am so confident that Trump didn’t just walk away from the stolen election.
What conclusions do you come to when you add read through this series?
On January 20th, 2021, President Donald Trump delivered his final speech at Joint Base Andrews before boarding Air Force One, leaving the Presidency and the fate of America in the corrupt hands of Joe Biden and his handlers. Like many, I was devastated and even more so, I was confused. It was obvious that the election of 2020 was rife with fraud, though the mainstream media has been diligent in emphasizing that it was “the most secure election in history” and that Joe Biden is the most popular “president” in history.
None of this made sense. As I’ll show you throughout this series, Trump knew that the political establishment was using Covid-19 and the resulting push for mail-in ballots to cheat on a massive scale. Was Trump really going to let them get away with it? Was Trump going to allow America to fail without putting up a real fight? Did Trump just walk away after having his second term so obviously stolen from him?
The answer to these questions has now become clear, and that answer is a resounding “NO!”
The Devolution series outlines exactly how President Donald Trump used all the legal powers available to him as President of the United States and Commander in Chief of the United States Armed Forces to defeat the election theft. Donald Trump initiated a real and long established Continuity of Government plan and left office on January 20th but his return is imminent.
What is Devolution?
The concept of Devolution is fundamental and part of the US government's top-secret continuity of government plans. On March 18th, 2020, Newsweek published an article discussing continuity of government in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic. The article specifically mentions “devolution” which tells us that not only does “devolution” exist, but it was also a topic explored by Trump.
"Standby orders were issued more than three weeks ago to ready these plans…". That means in February of 2020. Trump had ordered the military to review and prepare the continuity of government plans. I think the timeline of this is essential.
Note this article regarding a "fringe theory" being thrown around by Senator Tom Cotton and notice the date of February 17, 2020.
A "theory" stating the virus originated from a biosafety lab pops up around the same time Trump is ordering the military to prepare continuity of government plans. Today we know that this "theory" is almost certainly true. It's safe to assume military intelligence was all over this at the time, even though Trump didn't publicly state that he had seen evidence that the virus came from the lab until May 1, 2020.
There is so much disinformation still surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic and that is by design. Was it an accident? Was it a bio-weapon? Depending on the platform you use, you may not even be allowed to ask those questions. However the answer to those questions is key to the Devolution theory because it was the launching pad for the theft of the 2020 election and ultimately the pretext for Trump having our military prepare for Devolution.
If you look objectively at Trump's handling of China, his policies were pro-American rather than the pro-China approach of previous administrations. In August of 2017, he directed the Office of the United States Trade Representative to investigate Chinese economic practices. Their subsequent report attacked many aspects of China's monetary policy.
Trump began imposing tariffs on Chinese products referencing "a trade deficit of $500 Billion a year with Intellectual Property Theft of another $300 Billion." (I’ll cover this IP theft in a future post) These tariffs led to a "trade war" that culminated in the Phase One trade deal signing on January 15 of 2020.
Why is that date important? Because the very next day, Trump’s impeachment trial in the senate began.
Think back to August 2019.
The pressure is building on the Biden family for their ties to Ukraine and China. It almost feels like Durham would drop the hammer any day on the Obama administration for Spygate. The "Whistle-blower" comes forward with the quid-pro-quo accusation, and an impeachment inquiry in the House of Representatives is underway. However, with a Republican majority in the Senate and no evidence of a quid-pro-quo, everybody knows the President will be acquitted.
The America-first platform Trump campaigned on was working. The economy was booming. He was winning the “trade war” with China. None of the scandals thrown at him had stuck. He was unscathed through Impeachment. Along with the other two most significant threats to America (Democrats and the media), China was desperate to get Trump out of office. China favored a Biden presidency, and as found on Hunter Biden's Laptop; they would have an equity stake in the Biden administration.
Although the fake polls said otherwise, the Democrats appeared to have little chance in 2020. The momentum was palpable. The only way the democrats would be able to win the election was to steal it.
How convenient that Covid-19 would present them such an opportunity.
Now you can decide for yourself whether the leak was intentional or not, but what did PDJT himself say?
“We went through the worst attack we’ve ever had on our country”. This is important because the President has the authority to interpret the actions of other countries as an act of war, allowing him access to a wide range of presidential powers.
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The Election
Everything about the election of 2020 was controversial. Sitting Presidents don’t gain votes and not get re-elected. Obama had 3 million less votes and was re-elected with a total of almost 66 million votes. Trump gained almost 12 million votes and lost with a total of over 74 million votes. It was evident Covid-19 was a pretext for mass numbers of mail-in voting. A famous politician once said:
"Mail-in ballots are extremely susceptible to fraud" - Jerry "Pampers" Nadler
Local Democrat officials and RINOs unconstitutionally changed election laws in swing states to create more mail-in voting.
Trump saw this coming a mile away.

There are thousands of examples out there just like these and even a few prior to 2020:
Every day we are seeing more evidence of election fraud being exposed. Our entire election system is corrupt and Trump knew that from the get go. So what do you do as President when you know fraudulent activity runs rampant through our federal elections?
You take action.
Everybody underestimated Trump during the 2016 election. There was still fraud, but he was able to overcome it. They were underprepared because they believed their own fake polls and thought Trump had no chance. He knew just like everybody else, that cheating was their only path to victory leading up to the 2020 elections. He began preparing to correct our broken election system very early on in his Presidency.
On May 11, 2017, he established the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity.
In September, he signed an Executive Order Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election.
In November of 2018, he created the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency.
In December of 2019 Trump created the Space Force.
I will cover his time in office in detail in a future post but these actions signify that Trump was proactively taking steps to deter an election theft.
The Actual Theory
So let’s discuss the theory of devolution as it will be outlined in the Devolution Series.
President Trump, with assistance from the United States Military and other key individuals throughout our federal agencies, caught our foreign adversaries aiding the democrats and even some RINOs with the theft of the 2020 election. This is bigger than just mere corruption and scandal.
This is an act of war.
Biden was allowed to assume office but it’s not what it appears to be. How much control does Biden really have? The policy decisions being put forth by the Biden regime will be reversed because fraud vitiates everything. They are basically playing house.
Their time “in office” will only lead to more people wanting Trump back. That is the whole reason Trump had to walk away. The MSM had created such a divide in this country and tensions were so high that if Trump would have prevented Biden from being inaugurated, it would have resulted in a small scale civil war. Trump needed the country to wake up to the corruption and false promises of the political establishment.
Under “devolution,” Biden has no meaningful operational control over the military (I will cover that in a future post) and the team operating “devolution” won’t let any real harm come to us while the battlefield is prepped for whatever reveal is coming.
If you look at actions Trump took leading up to the election which I will outline in this series, you will see that he was prepared for anything the democrats might pull. Our military intelligence monitored and captured the election theft. We just need to expose the election fraud on a massive scale.
“If Trump had caught them stealing the election, why didn’t he do anything? Why haven’t we seen any “real” proof of voter fraud”?
Covid changed everything. When Trump said Covid was an attack, he stated that it was "worse than Pearl Harbor." If PDJT had information that the Democrats would steal the election with help from China, that would be considered an act of war. Do you think that is something Trump would allow? Would our military let China install a puppet as President? We prepared for Devolution after gathering information on the lab leak and activated it sometime between November 3rd and January 20th.
“It’s too late, the electoral college voted for Biden”… “there is no legal precedent outlined in the constitution for him to be reinstated”.. Blah Blah Blah.
We are in a completely unprecedented situation.
If the military came out tomorrow and showed you definitive proof that China assisted the democrats in stealing the election, would you say, "oh well, no precedent. Can you show me to my assigned gulag?" or would you say "F&@% that, this can’t be allowed to stand." Trump chose the latter.
We need to step back and review everything that has happened since the release of Covid. Our enemies conspired to attack the U.S.A. with a bioweapon to steal an election with one of our political parties. That is the actual coup.
We've been thinking too small.
Do you know who hasn't been thinking too small?
President Donald John Trump
The best is yet to come
Patel Patriot
Next Article: Devolution - Part 2 - by Patel Patriot
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I will tell you this... these people would nuke a city just to take out Trump. They just haven't been that desperate...yet. Thousands dead worldwide from a BS virus with two cures available that were being kept from us and follow that with their real intention; deadly vaccines to commit genocide and to sterilize the worlds population. These people are evil as hell and our lives and our children's lives don't mean Shite to them! So yes, they would nuke a city for 1 man or an airliner or the Titanic for 3 men.
I believe DJT knew how deep, the enormity and the corruption. I also believe that JFK and Bobby knew too. The solution is, I believe, we must all be committed to the restoration of our Constitutional government and God's Commandments. In Jesus's name!