Lots of missing info here. The PCAPs came from some ethical black hats working with Dennis Montgomery who is a former CIA contractor. There are A LOT of details on the entire operation to collect them here: https://www.worldviewreport.com/

Go back and listen to the many vids with Alan Jones, Mary Fanning, Ret. Col Waldron, Ret. Gen. McInerny, and Ret Gen. Vallely. Not coincidently, all of these folks were either directly or indirectly involved with the DIA. They were so certain that foreign hacking would occur that Jones & Fanning wrote a book entitled "The hammer is the key to the coup" that was released summer of 2020. So they got Montgomery and others to set the trap. A significant point here is that domvr these folks knew it would happen, then the military probably did too and planned accordingly to capture the steal.

The reason why Lindell got involved originally is because he was the only person in the circle above that had direct access to POTUS. The reason he spent so much time between discovery of the PCAPs and the cyber symposium was to verify the validity of the PCAPs. He discussed this fact at the cyber symposium. The origins of Lindell's involvement is discussed by him in vids I mentioned above.

The SCOTUS suit IS NOT being filed by Lindell. It's being filed by ~20 state AGs. The only thing Lindell did was engage the AGs to show them the PCAP evidence and help them to collaborate on the SCOTUS suit. But the evidence going to SCOTUS is a lot more then PCAPs. Working together, the people involved with the AGs did their own forensics on voting machines. The actual algorithms for stealing the election were figured out and it was used in MANY states. Lindell said the algo accurately predicts votes down to a pretty low level, either county or precinct and apparently this is part of the SCOTUS case. If you want the details, go back in warroom.org archives within the last few weeks. Lindell talked about parts of the case in several episodes. They are going to present the evidence in Lindell's symposium that starts the evening of 11/23 and runs around the clock for a couple of days. It's on FrankSpeech and will likely replicate to Rumble like the cyber symposium. I'm guessing that some of the AGs are going to be speaking as well as other data scientists that were involved in figure out the algo. The point is that even if the PCAP data is rejected by SCOTUS for any reason, there is likely enough info in the case to throw out the election which is what Lindell said is the goal of the case. AGs are usually all good lawyers and I doubt 20 of them working together would present a case to SCOTUS if they didn't have their act together. They could have brought a huge amount of resources to bear to get it right.

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Here is an update from Lindell. The cyber PCAP data has been moved to a separate case and it's not in the case created by the state AGs that was sent to SCOTUS on Tuesday. The SCOTUS suit has all of the other info I mentioned above. Here are the latest short vid updates from Lindell:



Lindell's 96 hour telethon started 11/25 at midnight and it runs around the clock through the weekend. He said the entire SCOTUS case will be laid out by the lawyers who created it. Should be fun to watch.

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This is excellent info. Thanks for taking the time.

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Yes I said several months ago that Mike Lindell is working with the military. there are many clues about this including the fact that most of the people he interviews have military background and are involved in cyber command or space force.

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I am so encouraged by all of this clear, direct, irrefutable information you have investigated and gathered together for all of our benefits. I consider this service to be like a secular prophetic ministry. All along throughout all the ups and downs we have experienced, along with unfulfilled expectations that were based on our best understanding...I had never lost sight of the singular truth that we are living in unprecedented times experiencing a new, unrecognizable form of warfare........and that no matter what God will work all of this out....He is and always has been clearly in charge, He loves us, and is having events manipulated for the benefit of all. It will all work out for good for those who love and obey God. All that is left for us to do is for each and every one of us to come c!ean and change our ways.

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Brilliant! I agree 💯% with you. It will also explain why Mike Lindell is ALWAYS so confident. He knows he has to make a massive world announcement about the Supreme Court case it is the only way to prove the last hope of the three stages of our government. He needs the world to see it and he needs the world to see the judicial branch FAIL! I also agree about John Durham because the demons that are occupying the White House do not care about the law they constantly break it and I would almost bet my life on the fact if they could stop John Durham they would have by now. Thank you so much for you're doing. (though I would say you are so unbelievably intelligent that it almost makes me wonder if you could be a part of it all as well 😉) God bless you and everyone who is fighting to save the last beacon of Hope for the entire world! 🙌🙏✝️🇺🇸

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Who better to come forward to the people as a citizen of America who has greatly benefited from its capitalism and freedom who loves the country and will do anything for it while the military can stay in the background.

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Not far fetched but I do not believe practicable nor safe, The attempt tp be speaker Remember the enemies of the state have not been backed into the wall yet and Trump run for Congress will bring out the worst in them and they control the DOJ. You get my point. Arrests would most probably start taking place on yes bogus charges but charges of insurrection. I think that the PCAP's have the correct chain of custody and they have not appeared anywhere public such that the winning hand of cards would hold up.

Contrary to the quote of Byrne after the Lyndell Symposium, I think that Pat is now on board with the proof based on his publics statements that he sees very little chance the case will not be accepted by the court to look at the evidence. There are multiple conspiracies re election steal and there are new groups surfacing regularly asking for audits, including one for a complete forensic audit by Pennsylvania yesterday, at lest reported yesterday. It has taken years for the enemies of the state to arrange and pull off what happened in 2016 and 2020. It is hard to believe that it in not years to defeat it.

Patel you are a great American and right at the top of the list of historic Patriots. Addendum #3 askes a lot of good questions but most interesting is the theory regarding Durham not being shut down I hope you are right but I have other thoughts on why he is still active.

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Yes, as long as Biden, or another liberal puppet, occupies the top seat, the DOJ will run as per the shadow government's wishes and can be dialed in further. Thanks for your thoughts.

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Another beautifully organized piece, Patel! We are living in unprecedented historical times, and you are helping us understand more than we would otherwise. Mike Lindell has been a mystery to me all year, and the theory you put forth here makes so much sense! Brilliant.......what a chess game we are witnessing! Another interesting note..... it was Mike's symposium that lead me to Brian Cates, with his play by play on Telegram...and Brian lead me to you. I imagine I'm not the only one. See you in the chat! ~~Ballerinagirl (Donna Sanson)

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Question: (I've heard of this theory on Bannon's Warroom) If SCOTUS refuses the case citing lack of standing and we come to the 2022 midterms winning control over both the house and senate - do you feel it is a real chance that Trump would be called upon to be Speaker of the House, begin impeachment proceedings on Biden (if he's still in the seat) and then begin our road back to regaining our country utilizing this avenue? Does this seem far fetched?

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Yes as impeachment would take 67 Senators to vote to convict. You might get 60 votes in the Senate and still be way short and it would not work.

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All is good.

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In today's clip of War Room on Rumble, during an interview with Russ Vought, Steve Bannon introduced Steve as a person who working in Trump's first term of his presidency. I thought it odd that he would make that distinction (i.e. "first term") unless he knows more about devolution than most.

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The people directly harmed by incorrect voting data are the ones who cast their votes, representatives of the voters, to determine who would be the next President. They couldn't accurately cast a vote on behalf of the voters if they had data that was tampered with and unknowingly relied on that data to cast a vote to confirm a President.

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Isn't the election suit supposed to be filed today? Any news anywhere??

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warroom is covering it. Lindell was already on this morning and may be on again in the evening segment.

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Great article as always Patel! I was thinking Mike had Space Force PCAPS evidence. In my mind at the time, Mike was working with Trump. But for Mike and John being recruited for military. Genius and Magnificent to say the least. As Trump says, The Boss, he gives God the Glory!! Rightfully so! Prophetic Word of God from Julie Green says, we’re in “The Great Exodus of 2022”. He’s using Trump as an Abraham, Noah, David of Old Testiment Days God has the final Word!! Check Julie out, it’ll be worth your time and will not disappoint. God Bless see ya on the Den tonight 🙏🇺🇸♥️🥰😎

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This doesn't bode well for devolution since we know that Milley would have to be in on it. If devolution were really happening (which I hope it is), Peter Navarro would be in the middle of it since he is one of Trumps most fiercest loyalists as is Bannon. Navarro absolutely destroys Milley in the short discussion below. My perception of Milley has been as Navarro describes him.


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Milly is not in the chain of command per my information as it is the CIC then the Secretary of Defense then the Combatant Commanders of all the Commands and that is like 18 Generals NOT including any of the Joint Chiefs of Staff who are advisory. If I am wrong someone please correct the chain.

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