Extremely impressed with your level of research on this . Thank you .

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I was not aware of Eisen's book, '|The Playbook'. It appears to be the amplification and perfection of that other notorious playbook of Saul Alinsky. It contextualises that manual of street-fighting and agitation in terms of the greater aim which it always served. It makes that aim explicit, and enables it to be tied back to the interests of its prime movers - it unmasks the Head of the Hydra.

What this allows is a knowing resistance to those 'principals and powers' directly, rather than becoming enmeshed in the innumerable tentacles that are cast forth onto the battlefield, to confuse and exhaust our efforts. It dictates a two-part agenda of effective defence, of decapitation and dismemberment. Co-ordinating these is a matter of planning and strategy, and if these are to succeed, then they must themselves be devolved just as much as the physical devolution itself.

Dismemberment is a matter of street-by-street, community-by-community engagement. Decapitation is something that can only be engaged in by powers beyond those of the individual, or locally-organised citizenry. It must be a pincer movement, from below and above, and it must at some point be closely but flexibly co-ordinated and controlled. I believe this is Trump's true function, to exert leadership in a complex war, and I think this is what he is progressively approaching now. His behaviour is shifting, and I think he is coming to the point where he will start to explicitly command that co-ordinated effort - we will do well to be ready.

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Agree completely

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Thank you - Part 12 clearly establishes the larger picture, which provides the vital context for the specific actions you have previously covered so exhaustively. Your entire series is quite magnificent.

Does Trump have the basis for effectively countering this coup? We already know that massive popular support is not enough; as guided by you and others, we suspect that there is also solid military support, whether this is potential, awaiting triggers to put into full motion, or perhaps already in full engagement, although currently semi-covert (what I call 'behavioural declaration' as opposed to 'affirmative declaration' of what amounts to a war; is this enough?

Having read Part 12 carefully, there was nothing significant that was new to me, but its value is in conclusively bringing the whole context together, between foreign color revolutions and the domestic realities of the last five years. What it so vitally demonstrates is the Hydra-headed full-spectrum-dominance nature of the beast we face. I do not believe that (either or both) organic popular support and military willingness are enough to successfully resist such a colossal and carefully planned conspiracy to overthrow the Republic. Has such a revolution ever been successfully defeated before?

I am casting around to identify the extra ingredient that I am convinced is necessary to do so. So far, I am thinking in terms of leadership - more specifically, leadership as the source of command, control, communication and co-ordination. Without this, in a time of lawless conflict there can be no effective response, no possibility of taking the war to the enemy.

This is not so much an information war, as a cognitive one - we are beset by a cognitive schism across which a bridgehead must somehow be established, in order to destroy the enemy's entrenched influence in a conclusive and comprehensive way. The enemy has embedded itself in the minds of every citizen who is misinformed, disinformed, enticed and terrorised into becoming their effective soldiers. We must destroy that effectiveness and 'turn' that army so that it starts to work against our enemy, not for it.

I can see the necessary aims, but I do not at the moment see how this can be achieved in any detail. I am - still - left simply hoping that this understanding is shared by those who are able and willing to put such a strategy into operation.

Perhaps Part 13 will illuminate the battlefield for me, or at least cast some plausible light on avenues that are actively being used, to take back the nation from these usurpers.

Thank you.

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Wow! Just Wow! I knew about the lawsuits to change election law and what I didn’t understand is why Trump did not have people in place to challenge these lawsuits?

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Hey Patel....after reading some of these comments......your audience.....those of us...IN THE KNOW....ain't stupid....I'm impressed..of course by the rigors of your discourse and 'DIG'....but also...by your audience...at large.....this audience... whose perception and understanding of this ...'unseen' management... of DEVOLUTION .....will have the inertia to TAKE US TOWARDS that promised land of......SANITY.

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You're right on point! I pray everyday that evolution is real. Thank you again for all you're doing it truly is amazing

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🎺🐸🎶🎶 Deeeevolution time , come on , da da da , da , da , da da ,,, 🎶 ( But sing it like CELEBRATION TIME )....

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The more I read, the deeper the swamp seems to be, yet the leading rats keep appearing over and over as each chapter unfolds.

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Great stuff - solid foundation. Was going to donate via PayPal but account doesn't work. Clearly I broke the code cause here I am. :)

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Great research. But forgive me for my pessimistic position on rectifying it. The 11 combatant commanders have a new SECDEF boss. HOW are we to believe that they will enact a countercoup as instructed by the administration no longer in power, even remotely. If this had happened in the month following the theft that would be probable, if within 3 months it would still be possble, but we are now approaching 1 year and your predicted "probable" timeline to occur at the conclusion of the AZ forensic audits is past due, every hopeful thinly veiled guidepost for hope is in the rearview mirror. As much as this sounds somewhat possible, as much as I pray it is possible, hope fades with each passing week and the continued unraveling of this nation. Didn't Michael Flynn and Mike Pompeo give us assurances that this treason would not stand and to stand by for the counter-coup. Now I hear no assurances from them or am I wrong? It is cruel to lead people on and give them false hope and finally, WHY ARE YOU/ WE TIPPING OUR HAT AND ADVERTISING THIS SO-CALLED GRAND STRATEGY??? SO THE BIDENITES CAN INSURE IT NEVER HAPPENS? Please shed some light on my concerns; V/r E.Doll - erich55@att.net

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Once again, amazing writing and research! The Left/Cabal/Globalists et were close to perfecting the society portrayed in many of Hollywood's films like The Matrix, Soylent Green with only slight differences. They have hijacked the wealth of capitalism, wed it to Socialism and cloaked it in Nazism. the Transition Integrity Project is the trifecta of the Left's trademark - accuse your enemy of what you are doing out in the open, with the lamestream media complicit and amplifying it. Most pray that President Trump and his allies emerge the victor but it is trying the patience of many. I can't thank you enough for this series.

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