Hi Patel
Great work on all of this. I appreciate your analysis and thoughtfulness that has gone into this. I'm a critical thinker and so I’m well aware of confirmation bias and seek to control for it. That said, here are some holes in the devolution theory.
1. If you figured this out, so has the corrupt political class that is trying …
Great work on all of this. I appreciate your analysis and thoughtfulness that has gone into this. I'm a critical thinker and so I’m well aware of confirmation bias and seek to control for it. That said, here are some holes in the devolution theory.
1. If you figured this out, so has the corrupt political class that is trying to wreck the country. If they are dumb enough not to figure it out, they just need to read your articles. They aren't going to sit on their hands and watch it happen before their eyes. They are vicious and desperate, and will do anything to maintain control. For example, they could rescind the EOs and other directives put in place by the patriots under Trump. They could replace the key people that Trump put in place for devolution to be successful. Where is the evidence that they are doing anything to stop devolution if it is happening? If there is no evidence, then devolution is probably not happening.
2. If the political class does know that devolution is happening and they know they can't do anything about it, they are going to try to save their hineys by doing things like fleeing the country. They are not going to wait for special forces to show up at their door and be hauled away to gitmo for military tribunals. Is there any evidence that this is happening? If there is no evidence, then devolution is probably not happening.
3. I don't believe what Biden is doing is incompetence. He is just a figure head puppet that is being manipulated by others in the political class. They know exactly what they are doing. They have fully bought into the great reset pushed by the party of Davos and are working hard to make that happen. Their goal is to discredit and destroy capitalism and replace it with a one world communist government. To do this, they must destroy the US starting with the economy. Everything they are doing is consistent with the goal. Is there any evidence to disprove this theory?
4. The loss of Afghanistan and its lithium could be an unrecoverable strategic loss for the US. Afghanistan is critical real estate for China's belt and road initiative. While lithium is now of strategic importance, battery technology is likely to advance beyond it at some point and lithium will no longer have the importance that it does now. If devolution is really happening, I don't see how the military could have allowed this to happen.
5. The set up for devolution was under Sec Def Chris Miller. Miller was replaced by highly incompetent Lloyd Austin. Wouldn't you expect Austin and his handlers to be able to discover and stop devolution if it is happening?
There is a lot of info here you may find interesting to support the devolution theory and I haven't heard mention any of these.
1. Steve Pieczenik was good friends with Tom Clancy and he is the real life Jack Ryan in Clancy's books. He knows the intel communities well and has a good track record over the years predicting major global political and military events. https://stevepieczenik.com/breaking-news/ Take a look at the interviews from Alex Jones's shows. He stopped talking about military ops to take back the country after his July interview. A lot of what he talks about sounds like devolution.
2. Alan Jones and Mary Fanning web site: https://theamericanreport.org/ They are very knowledgeable about the intel communities. They were so confident of CCP election rigging that they wrote a book entitled "the hammer is the key to the coup" that was released in the summer of 2020. As a result of that belief, they collaborated with some white hats to monitor all network traffic on every voting machine in the country. They captured all of the flipped votes as well as the countries from where the votes were flipped. The data were presented at Mike Lindell's cyber conference a few months ago. Lindell subsequently worked with 20 state AGs to collaboratively verify the data and they have a date with SCOTUS on 11/23 to present evidence and demand the election results be thrown out. Lindell stated this on a warroom.org episode a few weeks ago.
3. WVW TV has been a forum for Jones & Fanning to discuss the election theft and other concerns of national security. https://www.worldviewweekend.com/tv/video/exclusive-3-star-general-mcinerney-calls-martial-law-tribunals-investigation-treason There are a lot of vids between early November 2020 and February 2021 on this. Generals McInerny, Vallely, and Flynn, and other former intel people, are in these vids and what they discuss sounds a lot like it could be done under devolution. They were involved with DIA. They all went silent on this topic after 2/2021.
4. Just because the people in #3 and #4 went silent doesn't mean devolution is happening. It could mean that the opportunity to retake the country has been lost and they don't want to talk about it any longer to save face.
5. There were two massive power outages on 1/10/2021 that occurred hours a part during their nights. One was in Pakistan and most of the grid went offline affecting over 200 million people. A few hours later, power went out over a big part of Italy including the Vatican affecting 57 million people. Both countries have been implicated as involved with the election theft. One country losing power is a coincidence. Two losing power within hours of each other is suspicious. Since the US military has a major advantage at night, I believe these could have been military operations to extract people and/or equipment involved in the election theft. More evidence the military **may** have been involved in gathering evidence of election theft by foreign actors.
Jeff, about #6. Geller Report does NOT state what day the raid took place. I know for a fact that the Frankfurt raid took place sometime Nov 6-8, 2020. There were German news reports right away, followed by US MSM reports Nov 9, which is the date I first read them and passed them on to friends by email. Those news reports are now very difficult to find, but I have a list of some news links. I sent most of my links (but not the best ones) via email to Patel Patriot on 10/21, but that was just before his Vegas trip and he may have missed the email. That Frankfurt raid was vital. Happy hunting.
Also, the timing is much closer to the power outages I mentioned in #5. I think it further bolsters my hypothesis that the power outages were part of military raids.
One last comment about timing... The successful Frankfurt raid was immediately followed (on Nov 9) by the firing of SecDef Mark Esper and the elevation of Christopher C Miller as Acting SecDef.
That's interesting. Would be good to find more evidence of US mil ops in Pakistan and Italy during the power outages. It was reported that earlier in the day of the power outages, some people in the Vatican were served some sort of legal document alleging more than 50 counts of child sex trafficking. Then during the power outage, there were reports of flash bangs going off and gunfire in the Vatican. I only saw one report on this at the time. There was one other report that the offices of Leonardo were raided. But these are scant an unverified reports. With Miller appointed as SecDev on 11/9, it would give him plenty of time to plan raids in these two countries by 1/10/21.
Thank you. Some interesting points of visibility in a conflict which I think will remain largely hidden, both for operational reasons and for much deeper necessities.
I don't know how this would be kept hidden for so long if we assume devolution was put into action in Nov or Dec 2020. Suppose there are only 500 people that know this is happening. What is the probability that one is a traitor and/or spy for the deep state who is getting paid off? I think very high. All it takes is one. I really hope this is happening. But hope and reality are two different things.
Hi Patel
Great work on all of this. I appreciate your analysis and thoughtfulness that has gone into this. I'm a critical thinker and so I’m well aware of confirmation bias and seek to control for it. That said, here are some holes in the devolution theory.
1. If you figured this out, so has the corrupt political class that is trying to wreck the country. If they are dumb enough not to figure it out, they just need to read your articles. They aren't going to sit on their hands and watch it happen before their eyes. They are vicious and desperate, and will do anything to maintain control. For example, they could rescind the EOs and other directives put in place by the patriots under Trump. They could replace the key people that Trump put in place for devolution to be successful. Where is the evidence that they are doing anything to stop devolution if it is happening? If there is no evidence, then devolution is probably not happening.
2. If the political class does know that devolution is happening and they know they can't do anything about it, they are going to try to save their hineys by doing things like fleeing the country. They are not going to wait for special forces to show up at their door and be hauled away to gitmo for military tribunals. Is there any evidence that this is happening? If there is no evidence, then devolution is probably not happening.
3. I don't believe what Biden is doing is incompetence. He is just a figure head puppet that is being manipulated by others in the political class. They know exactly what they are doing. They have fully bought into the great reset pushed by the party of Davos and are working hard to make that happen. Their goal is to discredit and destroy capitalism and replace it with a one world communist government. To do this, they must destroy the US starting with the economy. Everything they are doing is consistent with the goal. Is there any evidence to disprove this theory?
4. The loss of Afghanistan and its lithium could be an unrecoverable strategic loss for the US. Afghanistan is critical real estate for China's belt and road initiative. While lithium is now of strategic importance, battery technology is likely to advance beyond it at some point and lithium will no longer have the importance that it does now. If devolution is really happening, I don't see how the military could have allowed this to happen.
5. The set up for devolution was under Sec Def Chris Miller. Miller was replaced by highly incompetent Lloyd Austin. Wouldn't you expect Austin and his handlers to be able to discover and stop devolution if it is happening?
There is a lot of info here you may find interesting to support the devolution theory and I haven't heard mention any of these.
1. Steve Pieczenik was good friends with Tom Clancy and he is the real life Jack Ryan in Clancy's books. He knows the intel communities well and has a good track record over the years predicting major global political and military events. https://stevepieczenik.com/breaking-news/ Take a look at the interviews from Alex Jones's shows. He stopped talking about military ops to take back the country after his July interview. A lot of what he talks about sounds like devolution.
2. Alan Jones and Mary Fanning web site: https://theamericanreport.org/ They are very knowledgeable about the intel communities. They were so confident of CCP election rigging that they wrote a book entitled "the hammer is the key to the coup" that was released in the summer of 2020. As a result of that belief, they collaborated with some white hats to monitor all network traffic on every voting machine in the country. They captured all of the flipped votes as well as the countries from where the votes were flipped. The data were presented at Mike Lindell's cyber conference a few months ago. Lindell subsequently worked with 20 state AGs to collaboratively verify the data and they have a date with SCOTUS on 11/23 to present evidence and demand the election results be thrown out. Lindell stated this on a warroom.org episode a few weeks ago.
3. WVW TV has been a forum for Jones & Fanning to discuss the election theft and other concerns of national security. https://www.worldviewweekend.com/tv/video/exclusive-3-star-general-mcinerney-calls-martial-law-tribunals-investigation-treason There are a lot of vids between early November 2020 and February 2021 on this. Generals McInerny, Vallely, and Flynn, and other former intel people, are in these vids and what they discuss sounds a lot like it could be done under devolution. They were involved with DIA. They all went silent on this topic after 2/2021.
4. Just because the people in #3 and #4 went silent doesn't mean devolution is happening. It could mean that the opportunity to retake the country has been lost and they don't want to talk about it any longer to save face.
5. There were two massive power outages on 1/10/2021 that occurred hours a part during their nights. One was in Pakistan and most of the grid went offline affecting over 200 million people. A few hours later, power went out over a big part of Italy including the Vatican affecting 57 million people. Both countries have been implicated as involved with the election theft. One country losing power is a coincidence. Two losing power within hours of each other is suspicious. Since the US military has a major advantage at night, I believe these could have been military operations to extract people and/or equipment involved in the election theft. More evidence the military **may** have been involved in gathering evidence of election theft by foreign actors.
6. In one of the above WVW TV episodes, Gen. McInerny confirmed that US Special Forces raided and extracted servers from a CIA facility in Frankfurt on 11/26/2020 that were involved with stealing the election. Article here: https://gellerreport.com/2020/11/lt-gen-mcinerney-us-special-forces-attacked-cia-server-farm-in-germany-in-server-seizure-operation-5-soldiers-killed-servers-secured.html/ Chris Miller is mentioned. McInerny stated that DIA has them. More evidence the military **may** have been involved in gathering evidence of election theft by foreign actors. Also confirms military is aware of corrupt intel agencies as you’ve covered in your articles.
Jeff, about #6. Geller Report does NOT state what day the raid took place. I know for a fact that the Frankfurt raid took place sometime Nov 6-8, 2020. There were German news reports right away, followed by US MSM reports Nov 9, which is the date I first read them and passed them on to friends by email. Those news reports are now very difficult to find, but I have a list of some news links. I sent most of my links (but not the best ones) via email to Patel Patriot on 10/21, but that was just before his Vegas trip and he may have missed the email. That Frankfurt raid was vital. Happy hunting.
Also, the timing is much closer to the power outages I mentioned in #5. I think it further bolsters my hypothesis that the power outages were part of military raids.
More to the point, the Frankfurt raid to scoop up the Scytl servers took place immediately after the Nov. election had been confirmed stolen.
One last comment about timing... The successful Frankfurt raid was immediately followed (on Nov 9) by the firing of SecDef Mark Esper and the elevation of Christopher C Miller as Acting SecDef.
That's interesting. Would be good to find more evidence of US mil ops in Pakistan and Italy during the power outages. It was reported that earlier in the day of the power outages, some people in the Vatican were served some sort of legal document alleging more than 50 counts of child sex trafficking. Then during the power outage, there were reports of flash bangs going off and gunfire in the Vatican. I only saw one report on this at the time. There was one other report that the offices of Leonardo were raided. But these are scant an unverified reports. With Miller appointed as SecDev on 11/9, it would give him plenty of time to plan raids in these two countries by 1/10/21.
Thanks! That's better yet. There isn't a lot of info to be had on a lot of these operations.
I have some links, but will not put them here, as I am afraid they will disappear before PP has a chance to see them.
Thank you. Some interesting points of visibility in a conflict which I think will remain largely hidden, both for operational reasons and for much deeper necessities.
I don't know how this would be kept hidden for so long if we assume devolution was put into action in Nov or Dec 2020. Suppose there are only 500 people that know this is happening. What is the probability that one is a traitor and/or spy for the deep state who is getting paid off? I think very high. All it takes is one. I really hope this is happening. But hope and reality are two different things.