We live in a strange unprecedented time and at a time like this unconventional thinking to protect a nation would be required. Thinking out of the box and only someone who is not part of the corrupt status quo would be the one to have that type of thinking abilities. A time like this would require an outsider to destroy the corrupt status quo and there is no one better than President Trump who can do this. I have seen the destruction corruption causes in Africa. For far too long, the US has upheld the corrupt status quo in some African nations and I would wonder why. When President Trump spoke on corruption, using the word 'corruption', talking about the corrupt status quo in DC etc..he was telling the truth. Make no mistake, corruption is a weapon of mass destruction. There should be awareness on the destruction it causes-crime against humanity and should be recognized as such. There should be an awareness in Universities, schools about corruption. Because in America corruption has seeped into all our government institutions and the federal courts. The lobbyists pay the politicians to do their clients (big tech/biz/Media bidding, NOT the Peoples. Thats when the corrupt win and the people lose and a nation is lost. When President Trump mentioned rule of law, you know why, because the weapon needed to fight corruption is rule of law, because rule of law leads to accountability and people need to be thrown in jail for the crimes they commit especially the ones that hire lobbyists to protect them from the 'laws' that they break!

When laws are abused and judges 'rule' against US citizens, all that is left is looting of the peoples dreams, hopes, futures, rights, justice and lives.

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When we live in a world where they deceive in plain sight .. "criminal" justice system.. what would one expect .. lady liberty is blind .. justice is blind .

So many trusted those in power. But they were never supposed to hold power over the people.. the people should have seen this when no longer were they selected and served their position for free out of love for this country ... instead they flipped it and began to earn a pay check that fell on the tax payers back.. as it was before so shall it be.. a lesson hard learned and hopefully never forgotten.. trump never took a pat check for his own benefit... he gave it back to the country in one charity or another why?? BECAUSE CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME


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Those who served congress were paid for their service from the beginning. It was a much argued measure, however, they concluded that they need to be paid by the government so they wouldn't be tempted to take payment for votes. Though it was just a stipend and not an actual living wage.

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That's exactly how it should be. They earn a very small salary and are not allowed to receive any other moneys, kickbacks, etc while in office or for 5 years after.

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I agree.

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So we’ll said. Thank you.

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Nicely done. Great write. I, like you was in dismay when he walked away and felt betrayed. But now that I look at the facts, I think he's still in position. If not, then we are in a world of trouble.

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We are in a world of trouble...

This is Devolution writing is nothing but fantasy what if's by a school teacher.

The MIL is not going to be the savior of us or the country.

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I don't know if the devolution theory is right or wrong, but I do know the documents are legit. They are all on government websites and you can go read them at any time.

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Well, just maybe these "what if's" have some truth in them. Granted, nothing has been revealed to be so but if it were revealed to be true then we can surely hear from the deep state that it is all lies and conjecture.

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to believe that the military has not been infiltrated down to the sergeant level is naive...Our school system has been even down to your local high school.....I have been thinking this for a long time..Just look to the Soviet Union and tactics of the Bolsheviks

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Sometimes asking the right questions can provide answers... But even more so when we search the Matters out...

What Jurisdiction does Foreign Interference in a U.S. Election fall under?

What are the Military's Duties in the Case of Foreign Interference in a U.S. Election?

Why would the Supreme Court Deny Reviewing Cases of Voter Fraud for incorrect Standing under Article III of the Constitution?

What Falls under Article III of the Constitution?

What Kind of Interference in an Election is Considered Treason?..

Why were 30,000 Troops dispatched to DC?...

Under Who's Orders were they Dispatched?

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The military is suppose to support not only the President, but also honor our Constitution. It's pretty clear to me that they are not doing that at all. Clearly the AZ audits did nothing. The MCBOS is clearly guilty but there is zero accountability. It appears to me that the deep state has too much power and may have taken control of the situation. I hope I'm wrong.

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I literally had an epiphany as I read part four on a quiet Sunday morning over coffee. A voice from Spirit or Universe asked my soul, "Why do yo think congress was so insistent on calling Jan. 6th and 'insurrection'?" I was aghast and I am still trying to digest all of this. It will be interesting to see what happens in the next few months.

I do disagree however about Lincoln. Not his interpretation of war power but his refusal to honor a states right to secede. We can't go down that rabbit hole right now.

Thanks for writing an excellent piece. I have been sharing it around quite assertively.

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Thank you for the comment! I'm glad you enjoyed and have been sharing. You're epiphany gave me goosebumps. Blessings.

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And why did congress attempt to impeach someone that was already 'out' of office? The media will have you believe it was legal and straight forward - they lied and many took the bait.

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I've been telling people that answer. You can not impeach someone when they are out of office. Once that person is out of office they no longer hold any power. They become a citizen. Just like the rest of us. You're right, it was no way a legal procedure if he wasn't President. The impeachment would be null and void. However, if Trump does still have the office then it would hold water. That within itself that Trump has been in control this whole time. From the enemy point of view though, if it had worked it would have been a great way of removing the threat without the public understanding what happened. You raised a great point. Thank you

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So, are you saying that Pelosi et al knew then that Trump WAS still the president?

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I think he's implying that as speaker of the house we can assume she has read the constitution and at least her job description. It's fair to assume she may have suspected he was crafty enough to keep his office despite their shenanigans.

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My belief was it was because someone who has been impeached twice cannot hold public office OR they knew he was still in control. Honestly, impeaching him seemed like they were saying just that. But when Biden was inaugurated he did become president (small p) so I'm very confused.

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The Dem marxists wanted to use Jan. 6th psyop to brand PDT as a extremist leader attacking the capitol bldgs.

Then impeach him from running for office again in 2022/2024 or hold any office.

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You can't impeach someone that was out of office, correct? No stipulation in the Constitution supports it. It was a Pelosi circus act - a full 3 ring - her the House and the Senate.

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It had never been tried before.

The Dem Marxists were clearly at that time worried the election results might be overturned either then or in the future.

Plan is to impeach Trump over Jan. 6 riots so he can never be restored to office in the future as rightful winner of 2020. Or prevent him from being able to rerun in the future. It was broad scheme to take him out politically permanently.

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The impeachment happened Jan 13 2021, which means he was still president. To many, it seemed dumb to do because he was "leaving office" and would be a citizen. So yes he was still acting President when it happened.

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States don't have a right to secede. All of them except Texas gave up that right when they entered the union.

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And the other side has been following the RULES....

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True, but all bets are off now. They are not following the Constitution anymore and if we decide to separate, the Constitution goes down the toilet and is rewritten. They don't have the right to do what they are doing either. We are the good guys that never make waves and they are using that goodness and our law-abiding nature against us. It's time to take the gloves off.

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What we all have the right to do , which is cited in our founding documents, and is God given, is to throw off the shackles of tyranny. The founders made this clear in the declaration of independence. Revolt and rebellion against a tyrannical government is the right of the PEOPLE. I will remind you that the founders, however, did not take that action lightly and didnt revolt until they exhausted every other avenue. It took years to get to guns and ammo. It would be a refreshing endeavor to go back in history to see what the founders went through before guns up! In our case we have a president that put together a plan that have put us in a position to destroy our oppressors without gun play. But it will take our involvement in our civic duties and patience. We are well on our way to over throwing this illegitimate regime under the construct of our constitution and laws! Devolution is absolutely brilliant! I am thoroughly enjoying everyday of this operation! Trump 2023!!! Then 2024!!!

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Wow! Thank you. While I have questions on some of the things you have written, I never could get an answer as to why Trump would hand over the country to the communists knowing all so well that he won and they stole the election. No one could answer that for me. I knew he had something in his sleeves. And then that speech on his inauguration day. And then he keeps telling us 'The best is yet to come' 'I will never let you down' And things like that.

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I remember when he said at his rallies; "Can you imagine me losing to a guy like Sleepy Joe? It could only happen if there was massive election fraud." He was preparing us.

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The media and the dems would have caused a civil war and Trump knew that. This is his way of playing the hand dealt him. Gave them the noose to hang themselves.

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i pray you are pray correct

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"pray you are pray" ??

Get real and serious.......Trump was no genius and got outmaneuvered by the DS swamp. The ONLY law enforcement institutions that could have done anything are fully involved and compromised by leftist evil.

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Your right on the first 2 sentences, but nobody at the very end in govt or top MIL was going to jump off the ledge with him and fight the fraud results.

He had made very few friends and had a swamp FULL of enemies.

Nobody were going to ruin the rest of their careers and sacrifice their families for his ego and legacy. I know thats hard to stomach.

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Because Slick Willey had no sexual ego is the reason every democrat threw their careers on the line to defend his sexually deviant legacy? Or 0zer0’s stompy foot ego and legacy when he abandoned our ambassador in Benghazi, backed up by Killary’s “what difference does it make now?” Comment all in an effort to cease investigations?

How about the current installed puppet? No ego calling out voters for being fat and challenging others to a physical altercation because they have a different opinion or question about a policy? The leftists are not standing up right now to defend the legacy of the Afghanistan failure by blaming it all on- you know- DJT?

States and counties have indeed jumped off the ledge for 2020 integrity, regardless of where it leads. Same can be said about the ones who jumped in bed with Biden to obstruct the audits. What compelled that behavior? Ego? What compelled the polling places to kick observers out and cardboard up the windows? “Open” elections?

It is truly amazing to witness one common default position of every leftist who hates DJT and every never Trumper spouts when unable to confront facts... it is his ego. As if no other POTUS had one and especially “their” big guy.

When you cut through the personal attacks and are forced to deal with what DJT actually did for this country, that he LOVES, you can easily see a solid America First legacy. Achieved under severe duress by false accusations, charges, impeachments, investigations, etc.

He is THE most vetted American President to ever live. He drew out the swamp dwellers and exposed them for the world to see.

You know who else appreciated DJT’s “ego”? Australia. Japan. Brazil. England. Ireland. Guatemala. Spain. Venezuelans. Poland. Along with many other countries that supported a strong American leadership in the world.

So yeah, resorting to personal attacks means you lose an argument. Especially when those personal attacks are the mantra of America First haters.

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bullshit - Steve Bannon, Rudi G. MTG, and Many Many others are not gona let go

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None of those you mention are relevant to the above statement. Nobody in Government at the time was needed (Nov Election) Congress, SCOTUS, FBI, DOJ, DHS, NSA, CISA, Joint Chiefs, MIL , ect did anything to back up Trump regarding election fraud. They all wanted him GONE.......

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First of all, speech police, "Nobody were going to ruin? How about nobody WAS going to ruin. Secondly, i think ur a troll trying to create division. Third, u have NO clue who Trump really is or what he stands for. I know Biden is not the President for several reasons.

1) Biden is a fake. He is not the real Biden therefore, not the real President.

2) I saw an interview of a high ranking military gentleman, telling a news anchor, that there would be a peaceful transition to MILITARY power.

3) Bidens inauguration was pre-recorded, as other countries said they saw it hours before it aired here. Not possible if it is live.

4) Biden was "sworn in" 10 minutes or so BEFORE noon. That creates a dual presidency. So if it were real, it would NOT happen.

5) Biden had to take a private plane, this has never happened in the history of there being and AF1. Trump left the white house that day on AF1.

6) Biden couldnt get into the White House on inauguration day because the doors were locked. That's never happened.

7) During his "motorcade" on that day, 90% of the military, had their backs to him and none saluted him.

Trump allowed Biden to be placed, so that sleepers like u, would see the corruption and wake up. (Obviously some of u will never wake up. Trump did put these exec orders in place before he left. Do some research and look them up for urself. Stop being lazy, spouting doom and gloom. Better yet, just get off the site if u dont believe. I doubt anyone cares about ur misguided opinions or if u left. This gentlman is SHOWING u, to ur face, many proofs that back up what he is saying. Ur just too brainwashed to see it. Or u simply refuse to, because ur little brain can't handle that u have been lied to all ur life, about EVERYTHING.

I bet u believe planes actually hit the twin towers lol. I bet u believe we landed on the moon as well lol. Did u get the jabs too? Did u mask up like a good little sheep during the flu? Like it or not, Trump is playing 5D chess with morons who can barely play checkers lol. U probably believe Putin is evil, even though he told us never give up our guns, or that on 58.6% of Russia is vaxxed. Meaning in simple terms even u can understand, is that they were given a choice. NOT forced or coerced. Putin is absolutely loved by his people and his public speaking proves that. He draws more people than Trump does. Please go educate urself before u run ur mouth with misinformation. So much is happening in our favor. Turn off the news and u may wake from ur lifetime of brainwashing.

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You should also factor in EO 13848. Former DNI Ratcliffe had a timeframe to produce the results of the election integrity that they had basically set up in a sting. This would show the evidence to put this into motion.

Also, it's worth watching the Biden inauguration with this context in mind. It does not look at all like a celebration and there are some very nervous looking people, very well detained with security looking types.

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Thank you for your patriotism, and thank you for writing your insights to what is really going on. The people need hope right now. Hope inspires action, action, action.....

Keep kicking ass brother!

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Wow, what a devine read! It certainly sounds right, it fits with events happening. God Bless America and President Trump!!

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Interestingly, there are far too many who will not read good stuff in depth. They want instant gratification and they want to use as little grey matter as possible. Fixing the problems we face is not a drive-thru.

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Finishing the 4th part of this series it shows in black & white, and in order, all that we have seen and heard and then some regarding what is really going on. We as firm believers in the American dream and the American way of life can feel those very things under attack from an unseen force. Many theories out there, but this is by far the clearest understanding backed up with the receipts of course, that i can feel is on the money and will be exposed as the truth of what is going on behind the scenes for obvious reasons. If America is to be great again, this is the way. I dont believe our nation dies under this attack, and im grateful for those who saw clearly what was happening before many of us took real notice, and im grateful for the ways in which WE are fighting back prepared.

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This series helps me put some pieces in place. I wondered why a military man like Flynn was urging the populace not to train or prepare to fight, but rather become digital warriors, attend school board and city council meetings, etc. At first I was thinking what the hell is that going to do! We need change at the top! What does a city council change in Poughkeepsie have to do with Crazy Nancy and Sleepy Joe? Flynn's plan is the ground war, if you will. The trenches. The Left's grasp on basic civic function, whether spurred by greed, promises of power or Soros' bribes, became monolithic in Leftist ideology, and there had to be "something", and outside force to break the monopoly. C-19 and the resulting "remote learning" demanded by the Lefties actually gave patriots first-hand knowledge of what they were actually teaching kids. Many parents were shocked to learn what was happening, and next thing you know parents who previously relinquished school board oversight jumped off the bench like Lou Gehrig, when Wally Pipp went down. This exact scenario applies to city council meetings, mask mandates, rescinding liberties, all bad policy and practice, all the result of good people leaving leadership to others. Those others, unchecked, lean-left and would have continued to push us down the path to Soviet or CCP style One Party Control, from the bottom "up".

Devolution, described within, deals with the top down. Even if the head of the snake is cut off, the ground forces need to be in place, on the local level, to hold everything together. Death throes can be dangerous. Without patriots taking control on the local level, regime change at the top would be short lived and ineffective.

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If the Constitution were suspended, wouldn't it need to be public information? I find it hard to believe that a PEAD could suspend the Constitution in secret for months on end.

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Patel said he didn't believe it was suspended, but the electoral college was instead. That is the reason he really is still president and is actioning the devolution behind the scenes. As Lin Wood said, all will be revealed.

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Lin Wood does not know shit.... he is a zeolot that got ran out of Georgia. All his predictions have tanked. His ran to South Carolina and found out the republican establishment dont want him there. He lost badly running for chairman recently. Trump even endorsed his rival challenger. He's irrelevant.

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Well obviously you don't know what you are talking about. Your biggest misunderstanding about this sting is you don't seem to want to accept the fact that everyone that is pipe hitting for Trump has a role. Lin served his role and continues to play that role. I suppose Q is wrong too. No don't answer that you will embarrass yourself more. Keep swinging for the commie fences, and when all is revealed come back up on the net and apologize to Lin Wood.

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Hey Force Retard.

You say I "don't know what I'm talking about" but provide no answers or evidence to enumerate your slander.

What did hurt your feelings on Lin Wood? What did I say that is not true about him?

-Every prediction he has made is not come to pass, making look like a charlatan idiot.

-Things got so bad for him in Georgia, (Bar threatening to disbar him) he had to move to rural South Carolina.

-He mistakenly thought his conspiracy theories were well accepted there so he tried to run and take over the Republican Chair their and failed miserably.

-Trump even abandoned and betrayed Lin Wood by endorsing his opponent, an establishment RINO. Try to explain that one Recon.......

Trump don't want nothing to do with Lin Wood politically or socially because Wood's rhetoric makes him look bad with Republican Establishment whom Wood attacks aimlessly and Trump thinks he still needs (even though they hate him).

Q? Q who??? Oh, You mean the LARP psyop that served its purpose right up through the elections, hypnotizing the right wing populace to sit on their asses, do nothing but stay by their computers and "Trust the Plan"?????

And once the gig was up on his promises, disappears never to drop again.....

9 months later, you think Q is still real and still gonna save your asses???

OMG, you conspiracy people are such train wrecks of sadness....

ALL has been revealed to you since Nov. 4....Reality is Evil is now in control and coming to a town, street, home near you soon....


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Oh ok putty twat. You got me with your over powering intellect. Can't come back to a freakin idiot. Just be back up on the net when all is revealed. I don't waste time with a clown show troll!! Stupid fu*k.

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You and your low IQ were over-powered the second you tapped your keyboard around here....

Devolving your futile arguments into profanity slurs, is tantamount to defeat.

I accept your surrender soldier.

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i Like Lynn Wood

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I did to at first, but his ranting on stuff/people he never would prove or reveal got old....

He never produced the goods so to speak to back up his mouth.....

He has fallen off from being the most revered defense attorney in the whole country to a rabble-rouser street preacher in one years time.....crazy


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A PEAD last as long as it needs to resolve the threat. Patel said he believed he suspended the electoral vote, not the constitution. I believe this to be most likely because this is a sting operation meant to trap those in unconstitutional acts.

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I share your skepticism. There are huge holes in this school teachers fan fiction.

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I believe many of us didn’t realize the true meaning behind his numerous references to Lincoln. If you go back and really do some digging on Lincoln you will find that he was the start of the communist infiltration. Lincoln was good friends with Karl Marx. They wrote letters to each other quite frequently. Lincoln also started the public school indoctrination. Worth a dig - 😉

I think Trump wanted us to go back to Lincoln to find all the connections to the Freemasons and Karl Marx.

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Prove it. Show these references of yours.

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woah THATS Heavy

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Thanks! Loving these! Heard you on X22. You should do one on how Covaids and the j-j-j-jab (great reset) plays into all this. Are chyna and klaus schwabbb aligned, and/or two foes with a common enemy?

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This theory make total sense, and brilliantly put together.

I must add that PEADS will most certainly play a huge roll. Could be an explanation for the suspension of the electoral college theory, among many other things unknown to even congress at this time.

For those unaware of PEADS here is a link to explain these highly top secret documents.


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cool, but WHY would Trump Tell Congress, when At Least more than Half Of Them are compromised or hate him

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Wow, now it makes sense when Trump was at Walter Reed for Covid. He said “I have to go away for a while”. It didn’t make sense then, but it does now. Thank you!

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Exactly......The greatest sting operation in history!!!!!!

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This too- I used to wonder why in the heck Trump invited all of his supporters to DC on Jan 6th only to give some boring speech (when he had hinted towards a much grander one). 🤔

As we've found out since, there was a lot more going on that day than just the speech.

A specific section of the 1807 Insurrection Act details the steps that must FIRST take place in order to successfully enable the Insurrection Act, one of which is the Proclamation to Disperse (10 U.S. Code § 254)- which states: "Whenever the President considers it necessary to use the militia or the armed forces under this chapter, he shall, by proclamation, immediately order the insurgents to disperse and retire peaceably to their abodes within a limited time." So, consider the announcement that Trump made on Twitter on January 6th as the capital 'insurrection' was winding down... He wrote, "... Go home with love and in peace. Remember this day forever!!"

So, just like 10 U.S. Code § 254 states to do, Trump immediately told the insurrectionists to go home peacefully!

Jan 6th, 2021 will be a day to remember forever indeed.

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You're correct about all this... Your 100% right, I can assure you that

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Please assure away.....We are all ears if you have something to verify.

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What's wrong?? Have you ran out of your abortion pills??

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Profound! Learned so much from this.

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