Leverage of course.....$$$$$$$$$$$$$ High end grifters in a nutshell.
CCP wants them sanctions off badly and their being made to sweat a bit. Like a renegotiation for as much as each other can squeeze out of each other is what is playing out there.....
Biden Regime just handed Afgan to CCP, Biden's handlers will eventually give whatever CCP wants for the right price....
Leverage of course.....$$$$$$$$$$$$$ High end grifters in a nutshell.
CCP wants them sanctions off badly and their being made to sweat a bit. Like a renegotiation for as much as each other can squeeze out of each other is what is playing out there.....
Biden Regime just handed Afgan to CCP, Biden's handlers will eventually give whatever CCP wants for the right price....
so you dont believe the proof or facts, laid out on devolution ? but you believe the whole afghan ,psyop ? you have to blind to be buying that whole charade . way too many facts proving its a show . simply watch the video of the kabul airport bomb. its was 9;40 et or 6;10pm there . video was in the dark there , lights were on . then less than an hour later . the aftermath , or triage videos were all daylight ? do we need to mention the various other videos ? or how our troops left there , all their equipment was seized , but as soon as they returned . they had full fleets of armored vehicles again ? why has almost every taliban that has been shown in uniform , is wearing the uniform in total conformity or dress code ?
I stand by me statements benny....I never said Afgan was a psyop. Don't misquote me. I have many times on this board held Qanon was a psyop.
Nothing you try to reference above as some possible evidence of foul play changes the reality, Afgan was surrendered to the Taliban (and CCP) by this marxist Biden regime and collaborating MIL Generals.
i said afghan is a psyop . try reading something before accusing . the mere fact that you believe this and keep referring to q drops , which barely anyone else is . proves you are buying your version with no chance of seeing any other possibles . i just gave you an easily found scenario and you still wont even try to debunk it ? not sure what planet or reality you are from , but your simple blind following , is truly showing . you mention the marxist biden regime , but fail to think who helped place the last regime into power in afghanistan . lost of regime changes happening in places the last 20years of u.s.a. helped run the elections. my point is how quickly you are buying the biggest show of it all ? almost every video piece of evidence shown ? has major flaws .
You want me to believe the Afgan shit is all smoke and mirrors and US forces played a FF and we are still there running the show with the Taliban just to make Biden look bad????
I don't think so crazy benny...... You need to take your meds and lay down for a bit. lol
you dont have to say anything . how many countries or nations have taken back their govts ? you accuse the author and everyone in the comments , as being govt actors , spreading misinfo . everything found and shared is all , public knowledge . yes it could be a black hat op . but ask yourself this ? why would the black hats keep pushing the people over the edge ? why are they going full tard in their agenda push ? they had full control of the govt . house senate and potus . they could have slowly played it , and had status quo . do you think they are that confident in the police or the armed forces ? they may be ? i am just showing you multiple reasons why you should be second guessing the taliban show ? or should i say the northern alliance ? my point is merely this . take nothing for face value , whether it be here ,q ,on the media , anywhere .
if you think the Afgan surrender/handover to Taliban/CCP is signs "somethings happening" by Trump and his mythical Devolution posse, your delusional to insane....
i am crazy , but i noticed you cant debunk my crazy conspiracy theory on afghanistan ? ps the mere fact that you have to make vague mental or delusional accusations ,proves your just a troll .
Leverage of course.....$$$$$$$$$$$$$ High end grifters in a nutshell.
CCP wants them sanctions off badly and their being made to sweat a bit. Like a renegotiation for as much as each other can squeeze out of each other is what is playing out there.....
Biden Regime just handed Afgan to CCP, Biden's handlers will eventually give whatever CCP wants for the right price....
so you dont believe the proof or facts, laid out on devolution ? but you believe the whole afghan ,psyop ? you have to blind to be buying that whole charade . way too many facts proving its a show . simply watch the video of the kabul airport bomb. its was 9;40 et or 6;10pm there . video was in the dark there , lights were on . then less than an hour later . the aftermath , or triage videos were all daylight ? do we need to mention the various other videos ? or how our troops left there , all their equipment was seized , but as soon as they returned . they had full fleets of armored vehicles again ? why has almost every taliban that has been shown in uniform , is wearing the uniform in total conformity or dress code ?
I stand by me statements benny....I never said Afgan was a psyop. Don't misquote me. I have many times on this board held Qanon was a psyop.
Nothing you try to reference above as some possible evidence of foul play changes the reality, Afgan was surrendered to the Taliban (and CCP) by this marxist Biden regime and collaborating MIL Generals.
i said afghan is a psyop . try reading something before accusing . the mere fact that you believe this and keep referring to q drops , which barely anyone else is . proves you are buying your version with no chance of seeing any other possibles . i just gave you an easily found scenario and you still wont even try to debunk it ? not sure what planet or reality you are from , but your simple blind following , is truly showing . you mention the marxist biden regime , but fail to think who helped place the last regime into power in afghanistan . lost of regime changes happening in places the last 20years of u.s.a. helped run the elections. my point is how quickly you are buying the biggest show of it all ? almost every video piece of evidence shown ? has major flaws .
Benny, what do you want me to say?
You want me to believe the Afgan shit is all smoke and mirrors and US forces played a FF and we are still there running the show with the Taliban just to make Biden look bad????
I don't think so crazy benny...... You need to take your meds and lay down for a bit. lol
you dont have to say anything . how many countries or nations have taken back their govts ? you accuse the author and everyone in the comments , as being govt actors , spreading misinfo . everything found and shared is all , public knowledge . yes it could be a black hat op . but ask yourself this ? why would the black hats keep pushing the people over the edge ? why are they going full tard in their agenda push ? they had full control of the govt . house senate and potus . they could have slowly played it , and had status quo . do you think they are that confident in the police or the armed forces ? they may be ? i am just showing you multiple reasons why you should be second guessing the taliban show ? or should i say the northern alliance ? my point is merely this . take nothing for face value , whether it be here ,q ,on the media , anywhere .
Sorry crazy benny,
if you think the Afgan surrender/handover to Taliban/CCP is signs "somethings happening" by Trump and his mythical Devolution posse, your delusional to insane....
i am crazy , but i noticed you cant debunk my crazy conspiracy theory on afghanistan ? ps the mere fact that you have to make vague mental or delusional accusations ,proves your just a troll .
how did the multiple dem ideals get shot down in the house and senate so far ?