At this point, it takes a huge leap of logic to think that devolution isn't what's going on. Anyone who believes that Trump would do nothing to prevent a coup, then would do nothing to remedy it when it happened, then would just hope he could win in 2024 using the same infrastructure that stole the presidency from him already, doesn't know a damn thing about the guy or the military personnel who asked him to run in 2015. It's actually laughable that they'd drop the ball like that and allow a Manchurian candidate to take office without any countermeasures.

Devolution isn't for Biden, because that's not Biden in office anyway - look for videos anywhere other than Youtube/Google and you'll clearly see it's a masked actor who's playing a role to make liberals understand how easily they were fooled by the MSM, and it's working as well judging by Twitter reactions to the Afghanistan situation. I get that Patel doesn't want to delve into that, I understand why especially when people will attack you and call you crazy for even suggesting that they'd put a controlled double into the presidency rather than actually allowing a deep state traitor with ties to multiple hostile nations and child trafficking rings become leader of the free world and let a non-natural-born globalist who destroyed thousands of black lives in her home state and slept her way to the top become VP.

The point is that when Trump says 'think big,' that's what we need to do. This isn't about one puppet president or even one party, it's about clearing out the entire corrupt sociopolitical and corporate infrastructure of the US and indeed the world as this is an allied operation. That's where we come in as Patel said in his first addendum, we focus on things at the local level while the military - or at least this uncontaminated portion of it - deals with the situation at the top, the highest rungs of which I fully believe have already been punished and we're just watching the minions/lower level guys getting ensnared so people understand how bad the infiltration was. If there truly wasn't a plan as Flynn says, they wouldn't be asking for people to just go to their school board meetings or boycott companies. They'd be asking for the militias, and failing to do so thus allowing an illegal communist takeover of government would actually be treason.

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The military has already completed the heavy lifting in The Silent War. We the People will need to clean up the mess in our neighborhoods after the storm.

The transition out of the corrupt western central banking system will be easier with Trump back in office.

Devolution was done by the book so that the results would stand. Law and Order.

God bless America!

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If Trump had not rushed the VACCINE so many more would have died because it really would have bern made mandatory as an approved Vaccine. Plus, we would have been in a perpetual unending lockdown which would have destroyed Economies. With the the consequent negative outcomes. Finally as witnessed by the percent still asleep, you needed drastic occurrences for people to wake up. People dying is one such drastic measure

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You have absolutely no way to know this. This is all conjecture and hopium to sustain your "Donald Trump:Superman" fantasy.

14 DEAD MARINES is pretty drastic. You "trust the plan" types should go tell their families that Trump "couldn't tell them he had to show them."

Absolutely disgusting.

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I seriously doubt those Marines died. The scene at the airport was heavily CGI'ed. Trust the military to know what they're doing.

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Politicians have been killing soldiers for centuries....At what point do this stop?

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Bonzer - Those deaths are on the head of the Biden Regime!!! It was his Sec of Def calling the shots. Those were political decisions that got our troops killed. No military strategist in their right mind would pull the troops prior to removing civilians and equipment. Nor would they give up such a strategic Air Base 400 miles from China and 500 miles from Iran. That was the incompetence Biden and his regime's of woke politics. They will pay for their treason.

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Pay for treason, When?

The elections are rigged and will remain that way because the population won't mobilize....

10 months later americans keep staring at there screens hoping for somebody else to fix it....

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Tiger, I know you're better informed than that. Patriots across the country are mobilized and mobilizing to to get to the bottom of Nov 3 and prevent future thefts.

Arizona Forensic Audits plus - The private citizens of AZ organizing and conducting meaningful canvassing reporting and providing all sorts of corroborating evidence. Investigations and Audits in Georgia and Michigan.

Today the Pennsylvania State Senate issued 17 Subpoenas for emails, records, ballots and voting hardware.

Mike Lindell held a 3-day Symposium that representatives from all 50 states attended. He showed the P-Caps and foreign interference. He introduced Professor Douglas Frank who identified the algorithms the machines used. Bobby Piton who calculated the amount of fraud using voter rolls and census data. All corroborating data.

So far 5 (maybe 7) State AG's and Sec's of State that are joining in a Lawsuit to (again) rattle the US Supreme Court to take action.

Dominion has been outed as a Chinese controlled company and there are dozens of lawsuits (from both sides) that will bring discovery and big headlines.

Forensic Audits are being announced in as many as 23 States, including those that Trump won. There will be an epic uncloaking of the election fraud and revelation to the real election results. My bet is that there was a pattern of Fraud, nationwide. If so - That will make it nearly impossible to censor or explain away and we will "Red Pill" 10's of Millions.

Election Laws are being changed/ modified in some 25 states (so far) to make it harder to cheat. New ideas for casting and recording ballots are surfacing regularly. From Patents for blockchain recording to Specially marked paper using QR Codes and simple "counting machines" that have no software; just an ability to tally the votes.

People are starting to pay attention and Biden's pole numbers are in the toilet. The Deep State is starting to turn on the Biden regime. The debacle in Afghanistan was a huge wake-up call for the complacent Bureaucrats and patriots alike.

Patriots across the country are running for school boards, county seats, and local governments.

So much more.

Remember - Never interfere with your enemy when they are in the midst of destroying themselves.

The wheels of justice grind slowly but grind they will.

Semper Fi,

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Well, Your sign off does describe your optimism. Semper fidelis is a Latin phrase that means "always faithful" or "always loyal".

However, I remain grim......on all aspects you point to above.

The Audits have moved inexplicably too slow to be adjudicated before any new elections (2022). No courts will touch them out of fear....

The Libs and Estab Repubs will NEVER give up there "golden ticket" (dominion style) digital voting farces. They got away with again in Cali gov recall race yesterday......

This all result in Conservative Republican voters being disenchanted and staying home, as voting is meaningless when the other sides cheat so openly and the authorities do nothing and cover their treachery.....

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Political, or not, the 'military' allowed it. They followed the order. NO ONE resigned before hand, or after. NO ONE refused to carry out the order. The military has been captured IMO. They have gifted $85 billion in military assets to our enemies. Dream on.

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Your right Paco....

The upper brass MIL are complicit in the steal, the siege we are in, and the animation that IS TO COME.....

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So you guys think the Military is God and can control everything. Right I see

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Smartest post I seen from you. Now if you can let go of that Qanon fantasies you will be fully awake....

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Not just military, ut Military Intelligence. The ones who use the NSA to track and record every phone call, email and text in the world. The ones who use quantum computers to analyze and sort through all the information that's available 24/7. The plan laid out in videos on Rumble and YouTube until they're deleted, was for the child traffickers to be taken out and Special Ops forces to destroy their tunnel systems and DUMB's (underground bunkers). At the same time an irregular war is being fought against all the corrupt governments and corporations throughout the world. The number of indictments necessary for the operation is staggering - 600,000 - resulting in the arrest of every Prime Minister in Europe except Poland's. Military air traffic to Gitmo and Iceland detention centers has been through the roof. That's why this has been taking so long. You don't root out all the corrupt actors in the world overnight. But just keep an eye on high profile resignations and you'll realize that something is going on, The most recent was Fauci's boss. The arrest of Fauci himself can't be far behind.

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Well said. Thank you. I have many anxious days. Helps to read comments like this.

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While I struggle, as do most of us, to fully grasp what is currently going on, some of the timelines just don't add up, to me. Setting up a cyber security defense on December 9, 2020 would be like deploying a Naval fleet to Pearl Harbor on January 7, 1942. What would be the point? The massive attack on the infrastructure had been done.

The only reason I hold on to hope that there is an epic battle going on that is covert and unseen, is the obvious facts that we are all blown away by watching day after day.

As this battle is raging, and, devolution or not, our balls are being put in a pneumatic vice with full pressure being applied, we will be forced into action at some point in the very near future.

If/when the jab brigade enters my neighborhood, I do not intend to allow it to happen without confrontation. We are going to be actively persuading our local Sheriff to choose which side he intends to be on. He will either have scores of official deputies, or we will be on opposite sides. As far as we can tell, he has indicated that he is on our side. Which, I am grateful to hear at this point.

Another thing to think about is that our enemies are watching and waiting for an opportunity to strike. After Afghanistan, I am not that convinced there's not dissension among those in high command. If that's true, then we have serious problems coming. Because, if our Military Command had been under devolution, Afghanistan would never have happened. At least not in the way it did.

So, I hope and I pray that there will be an end to this nightmare soon. But honestly believe we will see this devolution apparatus turned against us very soon. Because, if we get hit (I believe Iran has nukes) then the cabal will have their excuse to execute the final chapter in our republic's history. Not to mention the fact that they are importing battle hardened young men into this country by the thousands.

Get prepared and pray. Food, water, supplies and a means to defend yourselves. May God have mercy on our souls.

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I'd be remiss with not agreeing with your points. We here in our small farm belt town are mostly silent with our voicing but as each week ensues a few more flags are being put out in front of homes. My approach being in my late seventies and having moved from SoCal years ago, has been focused mainly with survival mode. Get out of high population areas and higher altitude with months of food, ample water and purification apparatus and of course ammo of different calibers and a home of largely concrete build out. Do I trust anything out there with propaganda intent? No and since the 60's I've seen with opened eyes what VietNam brought to our social tables and colleges. I was there and dawned my defenses with objectivity and open mindedness knowing full well this takeover was going to be a LONG TERM program of theirs. Those of us that have played the middle road through our lives have danced on a thin sharp blade and you out there that have are better equipped to deal with these coming events. I've allied myself with local LE and can only hope that will turn out positive. We've discussed our allegiances and believe in our Constitution and oaths to protect it to where I've promised to be on the front lines with them....being old or not I know I'm not the only one here in town to stand the line. This will be another time in my life where I KNOW that fear and have faced it when young in times of war. I'm ready and waiting....fearful? you bet your sweet ass I'm fearful and many of you know what I speak of. Put that fear to the good....it's added fuel when needed. Yes, be prepared and ready and as Silence said above, May God have mercy on our souls.

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Have you seen this video? It's an interview with an ex-KGB agent who describes how America is being taken down over time through Cultural Marxism. It was recorded 30 years ago but it perfectly describes what's happened in our media and education system to weaken and ultimately destroy us. And, yes, it did appear to begin in the 60's.


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I saw that video a couple of years ago and found it to be exactly as this ex-KGB agent revealed it about the subversive take over of America by Cultural Marxism. Reading Mark Levin's book titled, American Marxism details the entire process that has taken place since the early 60s. We are now witnessing Marxism sitting in the White House and every area of our society. It's here and we didn't take the warning seriously from the Russian whistle blower.

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You are correct scifiwriter99. Back in the 60's the Chinese had a saying: "you don't attack America. You wear them down from within".

Whether it is the Chinese, Russians (to a lesser extent), Globalists/Financial Fascists', or Socialist/Marxists, they all have the same goal to bring down our Republic and then all Nations and Nationalist movements around the world.

NWO, top down - one world currency and resources control.

The elite - Proletariat and then the Bourgeoise. "It's a big club and YOU ain't in it" George Carlin.

Most humans on the planet aren't.

If they succeed, the most treacherous of the cabals will then destroy the others.

We have been living with their lies and goals for more than 5 decades. It's time the people of the Republic, that believe in the Constitution, take control of our nation or we will lose it. Get involved and get informed, research, vet the info and force multiply the truth.

just say'n

Semper fi,

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I agree with what you're saying in principle but I think there's another way that's already being used to address the attack on America from within. We know that over 90% of politicians are corrupt as well as the judicial system and intelligence agencies. We basically have a uni-party and every government entity is controlled by the cabal through either bribery or blackmail. The CIA are their henchmen who do all the dirty work. However, when JFK addressed the issue and vowed to splinter the CIA into a million pieces he was taken out. It was at that point that certain military leaders, the only people who took their oath to defend the country seriously, began devising a way to strike back. It took many years, with Reagan being the only president to even attempt to address the problem, only to be warned off, but in 2016 the military found their man in Donald Trump. Thankfully, they also had the most powerful weapon on their side, the NSA, which could eavesdrop on and store every email, text and phone call in the world. Here's a video to explain what happened.I apologize if you've already seen it.https://www.bitchute.com/video/Q9jP5URSszF4/

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COGCON and the activation of Devolution may very well be an aspect of "The Plan".

Remember PDJT followed through on Kennedy's 1963 EO to remove the Special Forces from the clandestine operations of the CIA. Effectively "defanging" the organization and forcing them to use the limited resources of contract operators.

I had seen the video and it dovetails nicely into the belief that there was contingency planning and wargaming connected with PDJT and the events we have witnessed in the last 5+ years.

Thank you for the sharing the information.

The ability to present this type of information is a force multiplier for "Red Pilling" the people.

Semper Fi,

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Thank you for your comment. Thank you for your service. I agree with the '60's being used to cement communism in America. Just look at the Weather Underground. Although, I was born in '67, I love history, come from a military & police family. I was lucky. I will fight for this country with my life. God bless.

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Semper Fi, Brother

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Yo, Silence, Your facts aren't so obvious.

Remember Space Force was "Officially" established as one of the Branches of COCOM in Dec 2019. They were certainly in full operation and on task by Nov 3rd 2020 and before. Broadcasting the new Cyber Security before Nov 3 may have jeopardized the sting operation. No harm to warn our enemies afterwards. It also gives them something more to worry about - did they get busted?

Afghanistan pullout was a "Political Operation" (Biden's Sec of Def). No military strategist in their right mind would pull the troops prior to removing civilians and equipment. Nor would they give up such a strategic Air Base 400 miles from China and 500 miles from Iran. An entire squad of Marines died as a result of the incompetence.

The blood in Afghanistan is on the Biden Regime's head and that is one more nail in their coffin. We'll see if Pompeo's meeting with the Taliban may foretell some backstage diplomacy on Trump's part.

Definitely get prepared! we could still lose this thing. It is up to us to take action and take back our governments on the local level - 1 precinct at a time. Do your part!

just say'n

Semper Fi,

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Good point. I pray to God Devolution is in process right now. I believe there are more rotten things to be revealed. It's a waiting game. I hate waiting. I'm the type to square off & settle this now. I do know if President Trump had done anything different, it would have not ended well. The riots had to happen. The steal had to happen. I do want my pound of flesh when this is said and done. Obama, Pelosi, Soros, Gates, Biden, Hunter, CEO's, MSM, the dog catcher, anyone involved in this attack on America. This series has certainly helped me. It confirms that our President didn't leave us high & dry until 2024. God bless, God bless America, stay strong, hold the line & be free!!!

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Our demands for justice that's been long overdue will be satisfied when this is all over and videos of the tribunals and executions are televised. There's also a book being written that details every behind the scenes episode from Trump's first term, from Tump's overseas trips that resulted in capitulation by the Vatican, British Monarchy, EU members, etc. to the 20 or more assassination attempts on Trump. (Melania also was targeted when her SS detail discovered that her nail polish had been poisoned). The second book, soon to be completed, reveals details of everything that's happened since the election last year. The Special Ops missions to seek and destroy the DUMBs across the US where child traffickers operated and held kidnapped children, the cleaning out of DC, including the government buildings, White House and the tunnels that interconnected them, and the US coordinated military operations that took place in other countries around the world. The military coups in Guinea and Myanmar are just the tip of the iceberg that we were allowed to witness.

Anyone who's been paying attention knows what I've said here is true. For example, a White House livestream from Jan 21 shows children being led out of the White House at 2am. On another day 20-30 buses with their windows blacked out were seen leaving the White House grounds. A recent video of the Federal Reserve building shows that the building is fenced off and empty with major renovations being done to the building (the Federal Reserve was the foreign owned and controlled operations center in DC from where the central banks manipulated our economy and printed currency). There have also been unexplained underground explosions in DC, followed by underground flooding pouring out of the sewer system.

Once DC is cleansed of the evil Cabal that owned and operated our government since 1871 it will be transformed into a monument to our Second American Revolution that restored America to a Constitutional Republic.

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I hope I am still alive to see this transpire and the restoration of our Republic as it should be. The evil that has taken over the government is being exposed but there in no shame in any of these agents of Satan. Their conscience has been seared of all feeling of guilt.

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We can end this faster if we all get involved

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Agreed. We can't wait for someone else to start. People have to start now organizing, talking & sharing information.

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I hadn't thought about Space Force. Very good point, indeed. Doing everything I can to peacefully restore our republic. Thank you for your service. I only hope to attend some of the hangings coming. Head on a swivel. Stand together or die alone. 🙏

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While I may disagree in Windlord's faith MIL Devolution will materialize....

I concur Afgan is a political handover to our enemies the Taliban/CCP by this traitor Regime and collaborating Generals.

They impeached PDT over a phonecall and Biden has surrendered a whole country to our enemies and the Congress/Media praise Biden and blame Trump....This can NOT stand......

We ARE losing this thing Windlord.......Yes get in the fight at every pricint, board and chair from schools up to town, state and govt offices. DEMAND paper balloting, NO computer voting. EVER.

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Hey Tiger, we certainly agree on the motives of the administration and the "collaborating Generals"! In addition, I am not feeling any thrill of victory going into this fall season.

I am an activist for getting folks to take back our government one school board, City/County Counsel chair, or RNC precinct worker at a time.

I'm not confident we'll make it to the next elections.

There is only one reason for the voting machines and their capabilities and that is to cheat!

They have the big guns of the Legacy News, the Social Media Oligarchs, the cover of COVID, and Green New Deal financials (Agenda 2030). All to implement the crash of our Republic.

Not to mention the decades of propaganda and "conditioning".

William Casey was the Director of the CIA from 1982 to 1987 (think Iran Contra) and is credited with the phrase.

"We will know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American public believes is false."

(Think CIA "Operation Mockingbird" to infiltrate the media and control the narrative).

This is Tom Clancy a material but it's for real. One of many Declassified Programs.

Having said all that, my research gives credence to Devolution and its plausibility. Trump won many policy battles and lost MANY strategic political/informational battles including the election. Russia, Mueller, 93% (avg) negative press for 5 years, and 2 Impeachments to name a few. He avoided convictions in every case, but the political image and branding took a beating. He was outnumbered and outflanked with traitors around EVERY corner. But he and the Patriots around him were not dummies.

They put many things in place ahead of time; like Election fraud EO of 2018 and...... To believe they didn't have a plan for losing the election is small scale thinking. My analysis of the Jan 20th inauguration indicates there were a lot of fictitious messaging and counter moves in play.

My bet is the Space Force DID get the P-caps of the election and Mike Lindell does have the electronic receipts. I watched the 3 day symposium.

The question now is: can the people get the Nov 3 election fraud info out or will the DS be successful in clogging the news cycles and bringing us down.

UNITE, share info and vet the facts. Be a force multiplier. Let the truth replace conspiracy as conspiracy is shown to be the truth.

Thanks for the discourse.

Semper Fi,

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Windlord. We have the masses of people seeking justice. We have in the US, the Supreme Law of the Land which is the Constitution. We have loyal Generals and the Military chain of command answerable to the Commander-in-Chief ie. TRUMP. We also have the evidence collected steadily over time by white hats within the NSA. All this corruption and crimes is being exposed to the public for all of us to see and believe. This Great Awakening is what will finally truly bring down the Deep State. As ordinary men and women throughout societies begin to truluy live a creed based on moral values because such will be the impact of uncovering the derp rot corruption and evil within our world

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Cam, your not describing the real actuality of 2021 in any of that.

The masses?? Have not done shit since they went and voted Nov 4. 2020. And, for 10 months now been eyeballing there Comp screens fantasizing others will step up and do ALL the hard work to save the country. Sad.....

The Constitution has been shredded for as long as anyone can remember by the Courts Liberals, Corps, Elites.

Loyal Generals in the MIL COC???? your a fool......Gen. Austin & Milley and many others say otherwise....

NSA white hats???? Your a comedian right? Gen Nakasone did nothing to help Trump and even claimed no foreign actors intervened into the 2020 elections countering Trumps legal teams entire arguments COLD!

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Communists know how to win via deception.

"It is enough that the people know there was an election. Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything,"

Communist Tyrant and mass murderer Josef Stalin.

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Yes. The Ezra Cohen acct on TG said "Devolution through Revolution". We can end this faster if we all get involved

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Some good points, 'especially' on your local sheriff. EVERYONE should know where their sheriff stands. Your sheriff is the ONLY elected LEO in your county. Actually, they are the ONLY elected LEO's, period. They can control a lot of assets and manpower. Their oath is to uphold the 'constitution' (state and federal) AND protect their 'constituents', NOT federal or state thugs. Which one is yours loyal to?

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Nonegiven. Your post is magnificent. You should spread this commentary as much as possible

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"Take the shot" was all I needed to hear from Don the vaccine salesman. I voted for him twice and I am completely done with him.

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Perhaps Don Don purposely misled on this so that "we the people" never again blindly trust elected leaders or authority, including him! People need to take responsibility for the wiping of their own collective butts....we're not all as fortunate as Resident Biden, having others do it for us. No longer can we put individuals on a Jesus pedestal- especially Trump.

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So were supposed to blindly follow an man, any man who "purposely misled" his nation of millions to maybe catch some bureaucrat criminals months or years down the road huh........... How many have directly/indirectly died/damaged because PDT encouraged this vaccine madness??

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You're not paying attention. Quit being a troll and read the Series. This is not about catching a "some bureaucratic criminals". If you had been paying attention you would understand that we are at WAR. We were attacked by the CCP virus and there was an attempted Coup d'état on Nov 3.

We are fighting a battle on many fronts that is attempting to destroy our nation and way of life.

Consider the consequences of no vaccine and the 'justified" lockdowns in perpetuity. at least now the globalist plots are showing up as a hypocrisy rather than the moral imperative of keeping locked down because there is no official alternative. Trump tried to give the therapeutics alternative and was slammed and banned for it.

His presidency is the best thing that has happened for the American people in a very long time.

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Win, you're a fool if you think this school teacher's "fish story" drivel is real. He interviews with Conspiracy streamers! And even admits during those he has no inside info and its just him speculating his hopes. Search Patel Patriot on Rumble.

So many of you have been falling for one conspiracy theory after another for sooooo long it's saddening. STOP!!!

The ONLY Devolution is the The Trump MAGA movement has now devolved into desperate rabbit-hole conspiracy chasers devoting too much time into (fake) prophesies and tainted internet research.

The solution is no demigod (trump) or a MIL coup(that will never happen).

It has always been us uniting as one in peaceful protest(s) throughout the country even to the point it all shuts down.

You state "Consider the consequences of no vaccine and the 'justified" lockdowns in perpetuity. " As an EO declared war time president Trump could have wielded his enormous powers to do it right but he didn't.

He could have held Big Pharma feets to the fire to produce safe Vax or alternatives. Instead under pressure of reelection, lords know all the bad advices he was listening to around him, gave Pharma everything they could dream of unlimited taxpayer profits with NO LIABILITY to its poison. A fucking tragedy.

And continues to promote that garbage to his own people to very day, he's very proud of it (Vaxxes) and in his mind thinks there is nothing wrong with it. Trump zeolots need to get there head out there asses and grasp that something is really wrong here......

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A crime must be committed first , and Donald J Trump , figuring out the good , the bad , and the ugly , Wanted to dismantle the CDC , WHO and (FDA ???) .... Now ALL are exposed.... He saved millions upon billions.... Donald J Trump... 🇺🇸🎖️🇺🇸

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If that is your belief (and I understand why you believe these things) why haven't you done anything to get us all united to protest and shut this thing down?

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He's gotta keep the deep state guessing. If he says don't take the shot, he could be divisive. So he said take it if you want to. But I don't think he actually took it seeing as he has natural immunity. I think it's all optics

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See poast above.

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Its the truth. Loved the man (PDT) and all the things he did and tried to do but he has alot of blood and death on his hands believing in these Big Pharma Co's to produce safe vaccines to the masses. He is wise in some ways (Business) but very naive in many others. Hell look at all those appointments he made around him that screwed him.

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The Deep state plan was to let all of us die.They meant for Killary to win but she lost.There was suppose to be a big war on her watch .That would have easily depleted millions .

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You don't really know that....That's speculation/rumors of what was a 16 year Plan.

So what are your making excuses for his OWS Vaccines??

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When you're up to your ass in alligators, it is difficult to remind yourself that the initial objective was to "drain the swamp".

PDJT tried to work within the system to affect change, but was stabbed in the back by a very powerful entrenched 'Deep State'. He had to have people to navigate Wash DC and clearly couldn't find enough Patriots in the Swamp that he could trust. Surrounded by the enemy and outnumbered. Still! Look what they accomplished.

Vaccines were a double edged sword against a CCP virus clandestinely funded by Fauchi and others in his own administrative agencies. After being blindsided by a surprise attack worse than Pearl Harbor, PDJT has to respond depending on liar's and agencies full of traitors that sold out, are profiting handsomely, and kept information from him. They will be held to account.

Without the vaccines, the globalists and media would manipulate the fears of the populace and crucify him (and us) with lockdowns and unopposed total social control by leveraging the big tech censoring and the moral high ground. Millions would die with no reasonable end in sight.

With the vaccines (as questionable as they are), thwart the pandemic tyranny, warn the people the best you can, and hope that the populace is smart enough to do their homework and reject the offer. The dumb ones "go to their grave alone".

It is tragic and heart breaking. But it is war and war is hell!

Even the American Frontline Doctors promote the vaccine option for those in high risk categories that have compromising comorbidities. It does have a purpose. Just not the way it is being pushed as a mandatory one size fits all.

Do your part and take back this country one precinct at a time. Local politics wins the long game.

just say'n

Semper Fi,

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Win, I assume your are a marine veteran. I'm with you on your first 3 paragraphs till you said "they will be held to account." By who???

Really by who?? The MIL? NOPE. Merrick Garland's DOJ, lol NOPE. FBI?? NOPE. DHS?? Please....Congress?? OMG NOPE. SCOTUS.......ummm NOPE. NSA, CIA??? Yea right.......States or their attorney generals........ZZZZZZZZ.

Nobody is doing anything that is going to change this "status quo" we are living in. Soo many are now active participants in "The Plan" it will make you throw up like Neo after realizing what the Matrix really is.

Politicians, Schools, Colleges, Hospitals and Doctors, MIL Ind Complex, Churches, Lawyers/Judges, the full gamett of our modern society is corrupt to the core and perpetrating this evil, joining with it instead of against it. (Like Sauron collecting evil armies on their way to Mordor)

Can't agree with your comment "The dumb ones "go to their grave alone". Even a soldier as yourself can't be that cold-hearted about innocent people listening to their beloved leader push his vaxxs and lord knows how many dies and are damaged now. And you just chalk that genocide up as Trump's ok cause "war is hell" ?????

Have you done your duty as a marine and taken your VAX as the legitimate Commander In Cheif wants??? I bet not......You aignt stupid and won't bet your life on him...... So stop saying Semper Fi Latin for “Always Faithful,”

when you are not.......

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Yo Tiger, I contemplated not responding to this last post. But I believe it is important to push through the petty insults and get people engaged.

You don't know me nor my fidelity.

Time for some enlightenment!

Yes, I served, fought, and lived to fight another day. I will continue to use a well-earned phrase that is embossed on the MC Emblem signifying a state of mind, devotion, dedication, and loyalty. It is from the service and sacrifice of the individuals that took The Oath that all Americans can exercise their inalienable rights; including the right to free speech.

That being said - The statement that you denounce as: "that cold-hearted about innocent people listening to their beloved leader" came from a French Oligarch, Elitist member of the Fabian Society, Eugenicist, and Bilderberger, Jacques Attali in his 1981 book 'Verbatim I'

"The future will be about finding a way to reduce the population...Of course, we will not be able to execute people or build camps. We get rid of them by making them believe it is for their own good...We will find or cause something, a pandemic targeting certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus affecting the old or the elderly, it doesn't matter, the weak will succumb to it. The stupid will believe in it and ask to be treated. We will have taken care of having planned the treatment, a treatment that will be the solution. The selection of idiots will therefore be done by itself, and they will go to the slaughter alone."

Let that sink in - "They will go to the slaughter alone".

That is not my cold heartedness, that is the EVIL we are up against. Predictions or prognostications from 1981!?! These monsters are ruthless. So before you attempt to admonish me for my opinions or positions, be sure you know the context.

WAR IS HELL and you are not fully engaged in the gravity of the situation. We didn't pick this fight. Those in the NWO have been maneuvering, killing, and manipulating for thousands of years to dominate the world once and for all and it's people like everyone participating in this discussion that will eventually stop them.

Ultimately it is a battle between Good and Evil. There will be casualties. Evil demands it

Love ya man,

Semper Fi,

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Yea, I think we have some common ground on alot of points and understand the intergenerational depop satanic evil currently in full blitzkrieg upon this earth.

My original argument is still the same, against Trumps horrendous Operation Warp Speed and the UNCHECKED genocide he gave Big Pharma companies a license to kill at will......

Don't tell me there was nothing he could do or it had to be that way, he could have made it strict and clean, but he folded, fucked up or/and is clearly not some stable genius.....

Many want to blame the CCP (and rightfully so) for the plague but the real tragedy now is the forced VAX paradox we will now forever be suffering because of Trump......

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We are all being vaccinated against the woke agenda by living the enemies dreams of totalitarianism out right now. Perhaps Trump spoke in parables about the vaccine being good. Meanwhile the simple pass on and are punished by actually getting medically shot up (not able to discern truth).

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"spoke in parables" ? Like Jesus ? Seriously?

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Ikr. Its time to call it what it is....

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A "huge leap" huh....You go first. Some of us will stay in reality.

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It's an interesting proposition and not without some rather compelling circumstances and acts. On the other hand, there are also strong counter propositions. On the devolutionary side of the equation there are some very strange and odd things that happened in the last days of the Trump presidency; things that are difficult to explain as Standard Operating Procedure. Patel Patriot is no fool. He's on fairly good footing in many ways. I believe you will admit that Tiger. That said, and as you and I have discussed, overall the devolution narrative is pretty bloody far-fetched! with a lot of things unexplained...still. We live in strange times. Extraordinary times. Surrealistic times. I wonder where Ezra Cohen-Watnick is tonight and what he's doing.

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PP is only passing off speculative theories many others have been writing around the net for a year now... But PP is commercializing it into income/profit where the others worn't straddling the lines between "hey this just speculation" and "this IS really what's going on" in his writings and interviews.....

Just one of many examples of him monetizing on the sham......


Pretty Far-fetched is an understatement.....

ECW?? He came out in Jan and put a rest to him being Q, having anything to do with it and the country deserved better that is and the Jan. 6 capitol riots.....


ECW is likely preparing for a the onslaught of the Jan 6 Commission witchunt that is subpoenaing everyone around Trump for indictment.....



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"..while the military - or at least this uncontaminated portion of it..". Yes, a 'portion' that grows smaller each day. ...... Have all the plans you want, make all the laws you want, without an 'enforcer' they are meaningless. The FBI and the DOJ have already been lost, and the military is disappearing into wokeness. ......... Kind of like all the laws that the Soros funded DA's refuse to prosecute. ...... Keep shopping the dollar stores, keep buying Chinese. keep funding your new master. ........ And let me add: Rah, rah, rah.

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There are two militaries - Biden's woke generals and Trump's patriots. One is for show and the other is saving the country from our enemies, foreign and domestic.

I wouldn't take Gen. Milley seriously.

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From the 662 Comments under the article, this one sums up my thoughts as to what Milley said.


September 29, 2021 12:32 am

Milley is trying to throw Trump “under the bus” over this to save his skin in exactly the same way he is throwing Biden under the bus over Afghanistan.

I would not believe a word he says.

Is there any chance he is trying to push Meadows and Pompeo under the bus as well or at least tarnish their CVs (despite what they may have done themselves?)

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Trump calls them "television generals".

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I go on Telegram a lot to check out different channels.One og them is run by a woman who lives in DC and records what's going on around the Capitol. It's pretty much a ghost town with no rush hour traffic and a LOT of construction. What got my attention he other day was video of the Federal Reserve building. It's empty and fenced off. Inside the fencing there's a lot of construction going on remodeling the building. My thoughts are that now that the Central Bankers have been arrested/kicked out it's being re-purposed for our new Constitutional Republic.

In the past nine months there's been flooding in that area, mysterious booms from underground, Lines of what looks like children exiting the White House past midnight and entering buses waiting in line next to the WH and glitches in the YouTube video livestream that looks like someone is hiding what is really happening by running a pre-recorded tape instead of the live video. I've been emotionally all over the map since last November but for some reason I'm feeling very calm and in a good mood lately for no reason. When you put all the pieces of the puzzle together, including everything I just mentioned, plus the fact that Gitmo is undergoing yet another multi-million $ expansion, there's been increased military air traffic this summer (especially to and from Gitmo), military personnel and equipment spotted traveling in various parts of the country, and ad that to the military coups in Guinea and Myanmar, it all adds up yo something good in the works.

What I find amazing is the high number of black-pilled morons on Telegram who viciously bash Trump and accuse him of being a Zionist shill. Just goes to show how deep some people's convictions run. Last year they were all behind the MAGA movement and now, because he hasn't come out strongly against the vaccine, they want his head on a platter. I should probably unplug from ALL media while the clock runs down, but I'm curious to see what each day brings good or bad.

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can you tell me the channel name of the lady in DC? thanks

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Her channel is called Nancy Drew.

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Hear him, hear him! Just use your noggin.

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So is the actor put in by good guys or bad guys

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Great great reply

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Interesting and well put.

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Well except for the para saying that these are actors wearing masks. That's too far for me. Biden looks just like Biden to me. I don't understand why the Cabal would even need to do this way out deal - Joe Biden is perfectly capable of doing exactly what he has been shown to do. So what is Nonegiven saying? that "Joe Biden" would be even MORE of a senile basket case than he appears?

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Agree. They lose me with the 'clone', or 'actor'. He has obviously had tons of work on his face. And I'm sure that whatever 'pharmaceuticals' they have had him on for the last 10 years (especially the last 3) are increasingly taking their tole on his body and mind.

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Agreed. There is no limit to the deception and trickery these monsters will perpetuate, but let's not get hung up on scifi theories we can not verify yet. Must keep on the basic truths and lies we know to be necessary.

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You need to look for a picture of Biden before 2016 and compare it to this Biden

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“Biden looks just like Biden to me”. Have you seen the side by side pictures both of which purport to be Biden, yet the ear lobes are different? One person’s is connected and the other person’s is not connected. I find it interesting. At W’s second inauguration my husband met W’s body double. Yes, they have masks that help perpetuate the charade. Of course they look alike. If not it would not be effective. There are videos on the internet showing people take off such masks. Until they do you would have no idea it is a mask. The day Hillary fell into or was shoved into the car and then later that same day appeared coming out of Chelsea’s (all alone with NO body guards) I thought it was demonstrably a body double, although a very effective one. It is like an optical illusion. At first you don’t realize, but once you see it, it is difficult to believe others cannot.

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The pixie ears are a consequence of facelift scarring not done well. Take it from a facial plastic surgeon.

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There are different levels of facelifts aren't there? I've know a few friends that have had work and the ears looked the same.

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If you look closely at Biden without a necktie in an open collar shirt you will see his facelift was pulled so tight that his belly button is at the base of his neck. Same for Nancy Pelosi.😜

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Watch Locked Up Abroad Season 6, Episode 10-- Son of Saddam. (It's on Amazon Prime). The episode which came out in 2012 showcases how the Saddam administration (1988) picked someone out of their military to be a body double for Uday Hussein. They did this against his will and tortured him into compliance. They gave him surgery, dental work, trained him to learn Udays mannerisms and cadence of speech, etc. It was one of the craziest hours I've ever seen! Mind-blowing what takes place, and now it means more than ever. Body-doubles are 100% real!

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No I have not seen the side by side pictures.

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I am so fascinated to have read the Devolution 1-9. I am learning and understanding more about history as well as current especially military structure/ ranks as well as who is most important to carryout for Trumps return. This is why the election results are KEY. The sooner we get what we need the sooner the suffering and the loss of life can be spared.

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Prepare for the "initial wave" with emergency supplies. Food, water, cash, ammo. Consider getting a power station with solar panels in order to power almost all of your devices.

Protect your wealth with gold, silver and cryptocurrency. The destruction of the western private central banking system is next.

Make contingency plans with your friends and neighbors. Stay home, stay safe but also be prepared to evacuate if necessary. Store gasoline in containers.

Q told us that every available resource is being fully exhausted to protect Americans during this painful transition. Use your awareness of this situation to protect yourself and loved ones.

Then get ready for the best years this planet has seen in a very long time. The best is yet to come!

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Well...that stuff does cost money you know. Good advice, but many of us can't take it.

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The price of silver is ridiculously low right now. It's been cheaper but given the rate and pace of hyperinflation that is getting started, they are practically giving it away. It would be better to stock up on plenty of non-perishables like food, clothing and household goods before investing in metals or crypto. Do keep a supply of low denomination cash stored outside of a bank in a fireproof box. Get creative in hiding it. Cash will be king when the power goes out.

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"The price of silver is ridiculously low right now". And is so due to manipulation that's been going on for 40 years by coordinated short sellers. Silver is the most non-brainer investment in the commodities sector. It's an industrial and technological material with countless uses and more being found every year. And yet compared with any other commodity you'd like to name, it is, adjusted for inflation, at its lowest price now. There is no down-side to owning silver; and the up-side is basically unlimited.

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Start changing what money you have info silver. You can always sell it if you need cash

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I have. What I have to invest so. Still need some damned Federal Reserve notes for everyday and to pay those damned taxes!

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Q?? And where is your magic messiah Q now? Still playing "The Game"?

It was play-along LARP psyop bullshit. And abandoned your sorry asses 10 months ago when the election was clearly stolen. The gig is up man....

Get a life and a clue it was fake.......

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I'm always just a bit leery of someone who has such high emotion about something that is really neutral. You can believe or not believe in Q but either way it isn't so crucial that one has to get all worked up over it. What's it to you? If you don't believe in it let it go by. By the way I am enjoying more and more the dialogue we've developed. You're a knowledgeable observer of the on-going conjectures and just different enough from my point of view to be valuable to me. Except for your irrational reaction to Q.

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When a fictitious entity leads millions of americans along for years only to abandon them at the most crucial event in history, I call it what is really is, anywhere I see it....

Yes, I've seen your likes on my comments Breck, I'm getting quite alot of those all over these blogs. Thanks.

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Thank you. My current thinking is:

1. The Constitution has been rendered inoperable through infiltration and corruption of all three of its components.

2. It follows that there can be no civil remedy against its collapse, since the very arbitrators of what is fair, just or legal are part of the problem. Neither individual actions, social protest nor legal proceedings can be effective.

3. Therefore, until the Constitution can be brought back into effective operational capability, the only recourse is to force, based on the Declaration and the Bill, which have precedence in the preservation of the nation.

4. If there remains a kernel of military capability which is uncompromised and can therefore exert power on behalf of the people, it is duty bound to do so.

6. You have described in much detail the provisions made to ensure that, provided it has both the situational awareness and the willingness to act, it will do so according to those plans and its available capacity.

7. In addition to the issues of awareness and willingness, there is that issue of capability/capacity. In this connection, our opponents might well be attempting to remove that capability, and I think the current fiasco in Afghanistan might have been designed to do so.

8. By engineering a situation of outrage, Congress might 'respond' to it (with broad support from the general population) by engaging the military forces in a Declared War. It would be able to take command of those forces and direct their strength in numerous created theatres, hoping to pre-empt what they will be well aware is a pre-existing (but undeclared and invisible) war on they themselves. If they weren't aware before, your articles will have left them in little doubt of the threat they face if they do nothing.

9. I therefore expect to see the imminent unveiling of a large-scale armed reaction, by engineered popular outrage and demand for action. At the cost of losing Biden and installing a fresh and determined administration (which they anticipated well before the election, as evidenced by Pelosi's puzzling remark last year that Trump was not the target of their interst in the use of the 25th), they would have a popular mandate for a plan which would remove the threat from election issues and much else besides.

10. So the key issues are - awareness, willingness, and capability, plus crystal-ball gazing on timing. The first two you have answered adequately to my mind; the third is for me the crucial on; and the last is a matter of gateways passed or paused, and the quality of planning, neither of which we have direct access to.

I guess it helps me to work through this, and it does give me at least one pointer outside the military itself, to how real this is and how real our opponents consider it to be.

Thanks again.

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Good points. But do remember the Redlines. These are operational "tripwires". If they do this; we do that. And given that the Patriots had as their major resources the NSA Quantum (Q) computer system, the operational game plan is pretty danged good.

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Looking Glass probably helps too. 😉

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had not known of it until your mention. Looked it up. Pretty far out stuff, esp when anyone starts bringing in the "little green men". https://exopolitics.org/project-looking-glass-the-q-anon-deep-state-temporal-war/

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I think this has already been game theorized. The planning of this has been years in the making and they have planned for contingencies.

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Yes see mine above.

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My take is the good guys have had the inherent advantage. As they are the ones who initiate and thus the DS is on defensive. They have to respond to what the White hats do. The other big potential advantage for us, the good guys is the sheer size of the masses and how by more and more awakening, we can assert ourselves in a very forceful manner. Our combined brain power, socio-economic impact, persistence, monitoring can truly create seismic influence on the trajectory our societies take

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There's no need for a large scale armed reaction. Trump is a wartime president and has declared war on our enemies, as the Constitution allows. Forget about DC, 97% of the politicians there are corrupt. And many, I believe, have already been arrested. Gitmo was expanded several years ago and is now undergoing another $15 million expansion. BTW, there are less than 100 foreign terrorists being held there, which tells me there are prisoners we don't know about. It would explain the high level of air traffic to the compound in the past 10 months.

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Hey Mr. Science Fiction, you been asleep for too long. Trump is not president anymore.....

And no politicians have been arrested and taken to Gitmo you conspiracy nutjob. Credible sauces?????

Gitmo will be used to house and trial all you treasonous coup insurrectionists if you keep following and worshiping these fake ass Dev hope porn fables.

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You think any of us would be spared with the New World Order. Not likely

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There is no Biden administration. Just look at pictures of him now and five years ago. Completely different ears and facial features. The White House is empty. My understanding is he's already been executed and there are several actors portraying him. They do everything they can to make him look bad, like checking his watch while the "dead soldiers," are taken off the plane.

This is all an elaborate production to wake people up. I wish it was over already but ridding the world of corruption at the highest levels on down is a huge undertaking. Patel has done a good job at laying out his theory of devolution. It all makes sense when you realize that the NSA has monitored everything the bad actors have been doing for years, including monitoring the actual election results in real time. Military intelligence is our greatest asset.

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Yep totally thinking the same. Just trying to be patient and continuing now years of trying to wake others especially about not taking jab. By the way what are your views on Trump seemingly supporting taking jab. We got good ideas on this on this board. Your feedback will probably coincide with mine. Trump always stressed it should be a voluntary choice and therapeutics

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that EO can wield enormous power for the Biden Marxists to take over elections and results from the states, without any Congressional amendments by just proclaiming foreign meddling. They can literally confiscate assets and obliterate anyone (MAGA patriots) with the power of this EO alone.

They were never going to throw away this gem Trump left them, and PDT never thought he'd lose with 3 SCOTUS picks.....WRONG.

Funny how those only see what they want to see......

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Thank you. It's almost 3 weeks since I wrote that, and things have changed. The most important point remains; I think #10 is still pending.

In the sequence I described elsewhere - covert declaration -> behavioural declaration -> affirmative declaration - we are still waiting for stage 2 to occur. That is the acid test of 'open-but-unaffirmed' action that will confirm the willingness to engage, of sufficient numbers and seniority within the military to make success a real prospect.

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We are the key. We ALL say NO, NO MORE TOGETHER! We bring change with our own "Peace through Strength" Doctrine. Every State,Every County, Every town, Street by Street. we outnumber them 1000 to 1.

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No way Tiger! If it comes down to that - we are in BIG trouble. Taking "them" on as a rag tag piece meal militia is tantamount to suicide.

You say "NO MORE" to masks.

"NO MORE" to vaccines.

"NO MORE" to lockdowns and business closings.

"NO MORE" to CRT and the abuse (Masking) of our children by the NEA.

"NO MORE" to the school board mandates.

"NO MORE" to election fraud.

Demand forensic audits.

Demand we support our law enforcement.

Demand accountability.

Become an RNC precinct official and reshape our government back to its constitutional principles. Get involved.

If you're in the street with a gun, we have already lost. There will be nothing left to "take back".

Those that advocate combat have never experienced combat!

just say'n

Semper Fi,

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NEVER said militia or violence. They want that to quash us like

supremacists, insurrectionists to control the narrative and unleash the upcomming policestate. Peace thru strength in numbers (Peaceful Protests, boycotts) don't get it twisted jarhead.

I do like the precinct ground up strategy along with peaceful protest and targeted boycotts of all companies, corps, institutions that are non MAGA, but if we don't get rid of these damn rigged voting machines, mail in ballots and corrupt woke counters, we are never going anywhere. I will do my part in my area.

Drop the "just say'n" and Semper Fi. Your not talking to another grunt here.....

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"2. It follows that there can be no civil remedy against its collapse, since the very arbitrators of what is fair, just or legal are part of the problem. Neither individual actions, social protest nor legal proceedings can be effective". The normal historic constitutional remedies are not available to us. Biden put it succinctly (in one of his rational moments). He pointed out that all our guns are canceled by the Federal Government's nuclear weapons. He was speaking symbolically of course, but the idea was cogent. To take on this Swamp we need some Big Guns too. Like Chris Miller and his Boys.

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"Chris Miller and his boys?? OMG your delusional. Miller is not in the fold anymore and distances himself from Trump in all his interviews "including the president threw us under the bus". LOOK it up.....




His "boys"?? ECW and Kash Patel publicly denounce Qanon and its followers and the jan 6 capitol rioters..... Look it up.....


None of the Dev crock is real....

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Tiger your references are all very much opposed to Trump: WaPo, Vanity Fair, CNN. One would not expect such "sources" to print anything but negatives. I'll read the links you provided but it would have been more effective on its face if there had been some UNbiased sources cited too.

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I care not for those leftist rags either, BUT it is the substance of the men's "direct quotes on the record" to the public that have extreme weight.

Acting SecDef Miller said out of his own mouth "Trump through us under the bus...." He also implicated Trump being responsible for the Jan. 6 riots and then later tried to walk that back but it was too late.......And “I cannot wait to leave this job, believe me,”. That is NOT a man whom represents beholden loyal to Trump or wants to be involved in any future Devolution coups.....

ECW came out immediately after Jan 6 and purposely interviewed with Politico that “It's clear that the QAnon conspiracy was a core of what was going on at the Capitol and I want to do everything I can to delegitimize this conspiracy,” “The country deserved better on Jan. 6 — what transpired was appalling and completely at odds with our democratic principles.”

THAT firm public statement is a middle finger FU to all this Q (and Devolution) nonsense speculating him being involved. And shames down Trump and his supporters that went to the Capitol Jan. 6.

Author PP will never address those statements as they crush his false narrative of secret MIL coups going to spring out to save the day....

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Oh and add Politico and Twitter to the list of anti-Trumpers. What does really get my dander up are these incessant claims that the "violence" at the Capitol Building was the work of pro-Trump groups, Q followers and the like; whereas there are photos taken of the ringleaders of this really "riot" who are obviously Antifa operatives posing as MAGAs. This was a false-flag. Any Trump supporters in the Capitol Building were invited in by the Capitol police. They were set up. And the only real violence was the completely unnecessary shooting of that woman by a policeman. And it is very obvious to see in videos taken at the very time that police were accomplices to the Antifa "riot" and acts. All of this has been swept under the rug by TPTB. I do want to acknowledge, though, your info on ECW, despite the biased sources. Sounds like some of it is true re: Watnick and I hadn't known that.

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Of course they were all setup.....almost brilliantly. Trump was encouraged (by somebody close to him) to urge his followers go down to the Capitol building to put pressure on Congress to stop the steal. It got put into his teleprompter speech as well, there were already infiltrators and fall guys staged to be down there, get let in by the Cap police, run around the buildings on camera with the qanan flags and shirts on , so they can later criminalize anyone associated with it forever.....

If Miller, Kash and ECW were the real deal as portrayed in Dev, they would NEVER be giving those interviews and spewing what they did publicly....They would have kept Op silence and tight.

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"2. It follows that there can be no civil remedy against its collapse, since the very arbitrators of what is fair, just or legal are part of the problem. Neither individual actions, social protest nor legal proceedings can be effective". Precisely. Which is why I have to wonder about Gen. Flynn. The days of rectifying this situation through getting elected to school boards, et al. is long gone, LONG gone. For this job we need the Military. We need the Big Guns and the Special Operations...

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The author addressed why he thought Flynn was advocating local action. That is spoke to the existence of Devolution.

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Thank you. Your series has been the most positive thing have read this year. I hope and pray you are right and we will watch our country be saved!

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Thank you for your tireless hours of research and investigation. Having evidence laid out makes the Patriot information fight easier to do since we have to back channel comms.

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Think spiritual vaccination. Trump accelerated the timeline which hurts us all but for a narrower window of time. We will be immunized against the enemies plans to monthly jab us to death in their new society of reduced population because now we see their plans laid bare and have refused to live it. (Gates, The Rockefellers, et al). We did need to be spiritually vaccinated so that we stopped blindly trusting authority.

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Good point, lastpence. To stop "blindly trusting authority" would be a major lesson in this classroom for aspiring gods. (Life - as we know it in this realm, this construct of Duality and seeming Separation - being a school, and the Purpose being to graduate.) Helping us to become the self-actualized beings that we are by our deeper natures. Needing to learn to listen to said deeper natures; not to the cacophony of competing voices all around us, testing our ability to discern the correct from the incorrect. And with such tests, and outcomes, we're getting there. So - Hold fast, one and all. The Best is Yet to Come.

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I agree that by implementing operation warp speed trump did force the DS to play their cards early and it was a necessary but calculated decision. A lesser of two evils type situation. If the DS got their way we would still be locked down and living in fear waiting for The vaxxx they say is coming to save us. Meanwhile destroying the economy and making everybody a slave to them. Knowing the vaxxx is killing and injuring so many is terrible but i hold onto the hope that this is necessary and the lives lost this way are far less than they would be if it was the other way around.

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Just cant let PDT off that smoothly for so many deaths and damages from the vaccines that he himself pushed onto everyone and is still pushing....

He could have and should have had the political guts to push Hydroxychlouriqine, Ivermectin, Antibodies, ect right from the start in March 2020 but he was too afraid the press and Dems would crush his re-election numbers and he was taking terrible advise from everyone around him Ivank, Jared, Fauci, Brixx, Mark Meadows, Ect to trust Big Pharma's coctails. He could have kept them honest with protections and testing on these vaccines but he gave them everything they wanted with no oversight or control.

Its a big FAT UGLY Elephant that cant ever go away now at this point.

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Yo Tiger, it's not so much the vaccine, but the government deployment of the death jab. One size fits all. Bad idea!

The best and the brightest agree that there is a place for the jab to help those with serious comorbidities! The rest should be employing therapeutics and combinations of prophylactics. The Biden Regime is managing the tyranny since the election. It's their leadership now that's failing!!!

Forcing perfectly healthy people to take the jab is the crime - not the creation of the vaccine.

"A good plan violently executed now, is better than a perfect plan next week" - Gen. G. Patton.

How many lives did PDT save vs how many lives destroyed by the consequences of unending lockdowns, financial ruin, and global medical tyranny leveraging the high ground and the "promise" of vaccines to come and save us all.

People have the choice to refuse the offer of the vaccine.

PDJT tried to make therapeutics known. We have free will and common sense (you would hope).

He's a leader not a god.

Cut him some slack.

just say'n,

Semper Fi,

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Another post, of yet again more weak ass excuses for your dear leader's Operation Warp Speed Vaccine mistakes. You like post the same BS every time.....

If your pro Vax as it appears you are, that's your choice. Good luck with that.....

I can not agree with what you say about them above. I don't buy any of it. You stay "Forcing perfectly healthy people to take the jab is the crime - not the creation of the vaccine." Is full of problems. Trump is fully responsible and inexplicably proud of his Operation Warp Speed Vaxes. He gave NO protections from hurting Americans. He could have. The deaths and injuries in the hundreds of thousands is blood on his hands.......

He vehemently reads the news and fully knows of these deaths and is still proud of himself and keeps promoting them and how great they are. It's madness!!!!!!

And you want me or americans to "cut him some slack" on that big fucking mistake????

Hell no.......His reign is tainted forever.

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Fair enough response. But as I tried to point out, a/the key lesson here is for people to stop "blindly trusting authority" - never just to accept what is given to us, but realize that there may be an agenda at work, and to be willing to look behind the curtain, as it were. We should NEVER have lost sight of the fact that there are a number of excellent treatments for this covid 'thing,'and therefore, there was something suspicious about the authorities trying to impose the vaxes'/genetic modifiers on all of us, as the answer to the non-pandemic itself. I am saying that ideally, it should never have come to this. And now we have made that bed, and have to lie in it. Sad.

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I agree 100% with that. I live in the capital city of the Northwest Territories in Canada. Over 60% of the entire working age population in the NWT (44,000 people total population) so approximately 6000 people work for the territorial or federal Goverment in some capacity. They are so blindly asleep it’s not funny. Some are awake but are so afraid to speak up because they don’t dare bite the hand that feeds them.

We have had one death from Covid. One death and we are still in a state of lockdown. The man that died was 92 years old and had other underlying health conditions. A strong breeze could have killed him. It is absolute garbage.

It’s been about 8 months since they started rolling out the vaxxx here and the gubermint tells us we have reached 75% fully vaccinated here in the NWT. The government keeps moving the goal posts here. Dangling the carrot of normalcy in front of everyone and as soon as we reach whatever threshold they set they move the requirements just a little bit further. We have had a supposed outbreak of cases and the entire territory is restricted from travel. People in smaller communities can’t go to other communities. It’s cases cases cases. Non stop. The government just made masks mandatory again in all public spaces. And everybody is just complying. It’s absolutely heartbreaking to see it happen again.

There have been multiple healthy 40 and younger in age people dying of heart problems, blood clots, brain bleeds etc. And the media is absolutely silent. The staff within the hospital and the Goverment health authority have strong armed the families of these people using threats and coercion to keep them silent. They can’t afford to let the cat out of the bag because then it all comes crashing down. We supposedly have less than 6 (they won’t tell us how many) people in the hospital with complications of covid. I would suspect they are all elders and have other health conditions exacerbating their battle with the ‘Rona.

As we get into the colder months and the regular cold and flu season hits I predict we will see an accelerated death rate amongst the vaccinated. ADE is real and it is going to start killing people off here very shortly.

I have been vocal on social media and I have been demonized for it. The “woke” mob up here is vicious up here and they will destroy you in every way possible. There is only 20,000 people in the capital city and we are all connected in some way. You can’t escape the echo chamber up here. I’m just getting so frustrated. I’m sharing and trying to wake up as many people as possible but it’s like speaking to a wall. I won’t give up and there are a few truly awake people here but we are definitely the minority.

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And the hundreds of thousands of innocent people that took his Vaccines and died are mamed is just part of a greater good plan??? Your a sick MF to be OK with anyone who would do that to americans....

Really some of you Trump sycophants will go to ANY lengths to rationalize what has become the greatest genocide ever perpetuated on american soil....

Trump green lighted Operation Warp Speed, unleashed Big Pharma with no restrictions to poison every american and continues to this day pimp it out to his followers.....Satanic!!!!

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The other fascinating point here is, in 2017 President Trump dropped a MOAB on the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Not reported was the fact that that mission was secretly meant to destroy Pakistan’s Central Intelligence Agency. Which it did.

Which, makes Biden and his puppeteers ( and General Aquilino ) even more complicit in the recent Afghanistan withdrawal because they’ve essentially given our enemies ( CCP and Pakistan ) our military software and the contents of our military operations, names, weapons cache , etc. Pakistan is back in business. Probably with more than they ever had before, to use against us.

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I completely agree. This whole Afghanistan situation SCREAMS collusion and Biden Admin clearly supports the continuation of terrorism at a grander scale than before. ALL ON PURPOSE.

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Unless...Central Command had already seen this situation. Given what we learned (above) the commander of this command probably wasn't sitting around with his thumb up his rectum.

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You mean "Admiral" Aquilino?

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Yes, yes. My mistake.

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V good data-point. Had not heard of it.

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No offense, but no. Even if this were true then why allow our military to be weakened with a forced vax or dishonorable discharge and loss of troops? Once again a narrative of someone will save us will cause good people to sit on their ass and eat popcorn instead of getting their pens out and writing or suing those in office! Go to meetings, get loud, state your constitutional rights, do not give in or comply, but get loud and in large numbers. IF this is true great but no more 'the plan the plan', it's worse than old 'the plane the plane' that never came.

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This all seems like a military structured plan. Combatant Commanders. Its their job protect the homeland from enemies foreign and domestic. They take this oath. I pray they are being activated as the protectors of our great republic.

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Optics and disinformation are part of war. Don't be fooled by everything you are hearing and seeing.

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"getting their pens out and writing or suing those in office! Go to meetings, get loud, state your constitutional rights, do not give in or comply, but get loud and in large numbers." Haven't you perhaps noticed that this has been done elsewhere? e.g. Hong Kong, France, et al. As Q said repeatedly, "we always knew in the end it would come down to the Military". The "Military" you are concerned about isn't the military that will be used in this operation. I have a cousin who is a Green Beret. He says they just laugh at the regular Army. They don't take them seriously at all.

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Thank you Mel for waking up. This "Devolution" fantasy is not happening. We all want it so badly we will believe anything even "fiction hope writing" by this school teacher Patriot Patel.

NOBODY, especially the military, is comming to save us but us.

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Maybe, maybe not. We just don't know. I realize that if this Devolution is real it would constitute one of the greatest reversals of fortune in human history. It would be talked about for a hundred years. Or even longer. In fact it would, as I've said elsewhere today, show unequivocally that God does have a special affection for America. Consider if you will some other historical events that I believe show God's hand at work: the fall of the Soviet Union; the creation of the State of Israel and its preservation against incredible odds; the success of the Normandy Invasion b/c Hitler somehow withheld his Panzers; the rescue of the Brits at the last minute at Dunkirk; the Royal Air Force holding out against the Luftwaffe; hell! Trump's election in 2016! The thing about reality is that it has two faces; two glasses of water - half full or half empty. Devolution. Maybe, maybe not. We who are alive in this time and this place will see the answer.

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The Q nuts can't answer this question because it would make their entire reason for existence melts like dog poop in the rain. "Trust the military" is what their stupid Q computer god told them. If Q told them that mud was a healthy treat they would water their gardens and dig until they could slurp no more.

Jabbing soldiers is okay BECAUSE TRUMP, and pimping vaxxes is ok BECAUSE TRUMP, and people dying and being vaccine injure is fine BECAUSE TRUMP, and China making the vaccine is totally normal BECAUSE TRUMP. Do you see the pattern here? It's a cult.

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Man, what a word salad of garbage. Try and be coherent for a start and then maybe actually try and sound like you know anything about Q because you obviously don’t.

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All hail Q.

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Bonzer, your wording is fine enough to get the major point across....

Q was a psyop. PERIOD. Trump is NOT coming to save us. He can barely save himself and his family from these criminals. WAKE UP PATRIOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We will have to save ourselves. More to come.......

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Spoken like a true agitator.

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I believe he's more a realist wind....right about now, it would be wise by many to be ready for anything and prepared for the very worse. Summing any of this rhetoric is still circling the wagons. It's fruitless in pointing fingers and disparaging others while being in a mind world of emotional quandary and uncertainty. We know what's coming and we'd better be ready for it. Honor, Courage and Fidelity for the tasks facing us.

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Agitating you I must be over the target huh soldier.....The above is the real deal we are in, we are fucked, it's going to take us, not him (trump) or some delusional MIL coup to turn this country around. Roger That???

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That's about it. Assume nothing and keep your eyes on the ball. The rest is hype and noise. The narratives and agendas of Marxist/Hegelian confusions are all around us and yet America still remains asleep at a helm until........cities will crumble first. The prelude is well under way. I have brother 05's that refuse to see any of this as a problem. I shake my head but still hope some will step up when it's time. I spoke recently with junior 0's that are battle hardened and are realistic. Most of my OD brothers are alert and have been but one or two were still in la la land a year back. We're scattered all across this land and prepared for the most part. In summation: You can lead a horse to water.........

I have personally reviewed "camps" that the Obama admins erected. Many more to my understanding have subsequently been constructed. I won't elaborate on any supposition to them. I don't need to. Communication will be the most important element! Remember that soldier. Radios radios radios!

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Copy that Col......

COMS will go down first and soon.....Possible by next week when the AZ audit report hits like a nuke.

Major EVENT will take place to water down that audit news cycle.

Take all your cash out now and pay only essential bills with cash or money orders for a while......

Go buy all the storable food, necessary meds and essential goods to get through a few months what you can.....

Fortify your homes and land from marauders.....

Network with only reliable patriot minded others for security and trading......

Got any advice or suggestions to the populace Col????

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Yo Bonzer, it's not so much the vaccine, but the government deployment of the death jab. One size fit all. Bad idea!

Forcing perfectly healthy people to take the jab is the crime - not the creation of the vaccine.

The best and the brightest agree that there is a place for the jab to help those with serious comorbidities! The rest should be employing therapeutics and combinations of prophylactics.

In case you haven't noticed, Biden regime is the pusher not Trump. The Biden Regime is managing the tyranny of the vaccine rollout since the election. It's their leadership now that's failing!!!

"A good plan violently executed now, is better than a perfect plan next week" - Gen. G. Patton.

How many lives did PDT save vs how many lives destroyed by the consequences of unending lockdowns, financial ruin, and global medical tyranny leveraging the high ground and the "promise" of vaccines to come and save us all.

People have the choice to refuse the offer of the vaccine.

You really don't know anything about the Annon movement or the concept of Q.

Making you sound more like a troll than a contributor to the effort.

Q isn't a leader. Q doesn't tell, and Annons don't follow.

Like the "Patel Series", Digital Solders research, share, and force multiply.

Socialists/Marxists and Communists follow and "Do" what they are commanded. Your mindset is not that of a Patriot!!!

You're quick to criticize, but short on understanding issues at hand or the scope of the problem. You lack the background and humility.

Are you a troll or just plain stupid?

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Bonzer, don't pay this Q lover Troll any attention. Just let them keep "trusting the plan" all the way down the FEMA train train tracks when it's too late to even save their own asses.

He copied and pasted this same reply in one of my other posts that makes no excuse for what Trump did and is still doing to innocent americans with these vaccines.

Fuck the Q LARP psyop bullshit people. You got played.......And know your getting played again by amaeture catholic school teacher that admits in recent interviews he's making it up as he goes and is speculation and hope.

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"Don't be mad at the mirror if you are ugly." -Putin

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I"m kind of thinking the military wouldn't give the entire force an experimental vaccine without knowing what is in it. Most of the CRT and transgender stuff looks like a show. Could they actually be getting a placebo?

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The FDA approved the Pfizer product today, and the Pentagon press secretary has just confirmed that "the DoD will now require all troops across the armed services to get the vaccine." (https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/pfizer-vaccine-receives-full-approval-fda) The question now becomes whether this will be allowed by those who are in command (as defined by Patel). Wouldn't this require the reveal in order to prevent the incapacitation of the entire force? Or are other objectives (I can't imagine what they would be!) more important than losing the entire force to these jabs, either through dying or resignation in order to refuse them?

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The MIL Command is systematically compromised from the top down to the ground up. Always has been. Most all are in place for a reason and it is not for any noble good purposes (The People) except itself and elitist govt self preservation. When the event begins (SHTF), they will operate to maintain themselves and the status quo (deep state).

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Tiger - you really don't know what the hell you are talking about! Systematically? or do you mean systemically? Ground up? you mean Staff NCO's Like me? Kiss my ass!

The leaders I followed The NCO's that led and the troops that did their duty DID have a moral compass and did Believe in the Constitution and their sworn oat to uphold it.

Like every institution pummeled by the Left, our military has its challenges, but those TV Generals are not running the show. Read - Devolution Series.

If your right about the military supporting the status quo, then we are in deep shit. But you have no evidence and NO clue. The whole purpose of the series is to reveal a plausible explanation to the events of the last 8 months.

For example, the outgoing POTUS keeps the football and arrives at Andrews AFB to "Hail to the Chief" and a proper 21 gun Salute.

That was NOT normal protocol.

The incoming "Occupant" arrives on a private charter plane. Seriously?

The media cuts to a "funeral cadence" gun salute at Arlington as the motorcade passes.

The Marine Guard doesn't salute him.

Those are NOT normal protocols.

8 years in the Corps and on Embassy duty - you don't forget to salute a POTUS.

Where were all the rank insignias and ribbons on the Guard? Go back and look at the videos. That's an obvious indicator something is seriously wrong!

So many other examples, too numerous to detail. rest assure, something was/is going on behind the scenes. read - Devolution Series

just say'in

Semper fi,

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I know what I know and believe....

Solsier, Alot of what you post is unusual shit (these are bizarre times) if even could even be verifiable at this point, but to imply that Trump is still president or in control of MIL and Biden is not, is utter fantasy.

Telling me to read these Devolution Tales written by a 20's something school teacher (whom admits its all speculation) and revere it as true inside knowledge of any secret plan is not confirmation of it's validity.

Once you detach your mind (and heart) from these hopium delusions of Trump is America's messiah savior and has very stable genius plan with the MIL to spring a coup one day when they are ready, you will wake up and see everything for what it really is.

Unicorns don't exist but evil sure as hell does......

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You seem to have it all figured out. Why are these articles even here, or us?!

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Are they really forcing the vax on the military? So much info warfare going on.

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Well, "The Pentagon" says they are (see my comment above). But we don't know what the commanders (as defined by Patel) feel about this and/or what they will do about it. From Patel's analysis, "The Pentagon" doesn't have authority to enforce this; only the commanders do, and they aren't giving out press announcements!

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You hit the nail on the head but I think it's not having people sit on their bitts and eat popcorn. It's getting them motivated for what we need to due as citizens. Like you said, get involved. "it had to be this way" so people would get involved, that is the only way things stay fixed. It's also a back up if there is no "Plan" If you fix local, then you fix National.

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Aug 21, 2021
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This isn’t about you. None of this has anything to do with the jab. Stay on topic

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Well said. Don't let the little bastards get you down. Stay on the main thing.

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Because you are both fucking idiots

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So full of anger and hatred. Do you need a hug lil lib’. I actually should refer to you as lil’ commie, because it is obvious you have ZERO love for America. What country would you like to be exiled to?

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A wonderfully researched paper as always, I enjoyed reading all of them! Since nothing like this has ever occurred in US history, I can't imagine how the act of removing an illegitimate regime would happen. Certainly, that will be one for this history books! We most assuredly need to get back to "one vote cast, one vote counted" for this republic to survive! Election fraud has been going on for far too long!

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I believe that in order to cause the least possible collateral damage - both civil conflict, and economic collapse, for two, but other things as well - any move will likely be delayed as long as safely possible, to first allow the regime to implode as far as it is going to.

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Good points, but the economic collapse is well under way and there's a very good possibility civil unrest will follow, especially if the attempt to round up non-jabbed people begins. I realize Trump is playing the least onerous cards, but action must be taken in the not too distant future in order to save the country from a complete meltdown, because that is most certainly on it's way, especially as the AZ voter fraud is publicly announced.

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Agreed. What is it several people have been saying, 'Plans are worthless, planning is everything'? So I trust that if devolution really is under way, the planners will be adapting to the velocity of the situation.

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and it sure is imploding! The Afganystan caper is pure delight. There's so many fires now "Joe Biden" don't know where to turn next. LOL. This is great!

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"pure delight" is not good choice of words there Breck, but I understand where you were coming from. Biden and this socialist regimes disasters need to be so epic that the military, congress, county shefiffs all wring their hands of it.

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Point taken.

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"Pure delight" I bet the Americans being beaten on the ground there are not thinking how delightful it is.

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Noted. I was thinking of the bigger picture which is no excuse for lack of compassion for those caught in crossfires. Tigerclaw understood me.

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All I can say is that today 12 American servicemen died in Afghanistan. If Devolution is the process of preventing the loss of American lives while exposing this travesty then it is time to let the cat out of the bag and prevent any such further foolish waste of human life. If America needs to see what is the alternative then it is shown. If the reveal is certain then show it now. To hell with any further exposure of this clown show.

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It's the core problem with all of these fantasy football "SEKRT OPRASHUNS" where they "couldn't tell you they had to show you". Real people are suffering and dying.

If it is true? Trump and his shadow government are co-conspirators in murder.

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Thank you for a great article and on clarifying our military chain of command. Whether or not this will be of use to determine what is going to unfold in the next days and weeks is very subjective. But I have my own theory. Recall the comment Trump made at the Alamo in January regarding the 25th amendment and that it will come back to haunt Joe Biden? Well, this is about to come to fruition.

From my DD it is my understanding that for the 25th to be invoked it is that all it needs is for majority of the Cabinet members to signs a letter issued by Kamala Harris.

One copy goes to the Senate, one copy goes to the house - 25th in place. No courts, no impeachment process, no mental tests. Still, for Harris to become POTUS she must go thru the inauguration process. This is where it gets interesting, and this where I believe devolution kicks in. I do believe the AZ audit report to the Senate and it's finding will have a huge impact on the timeline for the devolution to take place. There can be no justification for Harris to be POTUS in a fraud regime. This all seems to playing out just as Trump noted at the Alamo. Important to note that Trump will not automatically be inserted at that point because a 'cool down' period will be needed to show the still sleeping throng why this 'coup' came about. The timing is interesting.

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I have to chuckle at the celebration of the 25 amendment. This was planned all along. Do you really think the 'deep state' expected Biden to serve his full term with his obviously failing mental and physical capability? Of course not, he was just the Trojan Horse to carry in Comala-la so SHE could become their 'new' puppet. And the 'irreparable' damage will continue to grow. ....... I have held on for 8 months now, but as this damage grows, the 'white hats' become a fading fantasy.

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Can't say that I blame you. There comes a time when talk is cheap, actions speak louder. I've made enough donations to Trump. Enough is enough - those that don't get what is happening are in a deep coma. Pull the plug.

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skypup you watched Dave Hayes' interview on X-22 I see.

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I've been trying to piece this from many sources - very tough to give timelines but at least Mr. Hayes did provide some interesting scenarios - I don't always agree on X22's analogies - a bit too much hyperbole.

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Dave the honcho of X-22 does in fact go to some exaggerations. With Dave Hayes, fortunately, he kept himself in check and just let DH talk. And he (the Praying Medic) is one of the most solid voices of the patriotic movement today.

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I just cannot reconcile what Trump’s pivotal role was in ushering in the totally useless and very deadly Covid “vaccine”. At every opportunity (still to this day) he reminds everyone how it would have an additional 3-5 yrs for the “vaccine” to be ready vs the 9 months it took under Op Warpspeed. The “Fauchi Ouchie”, or “jab” has already killed tens of thousands, maimed hundreds of thousands, and possibly sterilzed 60% of those who took it. Not to mention many medical experts have publically stated that all those who have been “vaccinated” will surely die in 6 months to 5 yrs. i cannot see how any lucid and sane leader would allow that to happen. If you disagree, I would really like to hear about counter arguments.

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Praying Medic goes into great detail about it and Patel Patriot has mentioned it as well! If he hadn’t done that those that are still blind and WANTED a vaccine would have thrown him under the bus.. plus he had to come up with something and the one he pushed is the one they DEMONRATS took off the market. By continuing to speak about it or push it as u say is just to show Biden hasn’t done SHIT to combat what we know as fake pandemic but believe me there are millions who believe it’s real and still want a vaccine and walk around with masks

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This is the ultimate Trump rationalization. Trump can say bad things about things that are bad because something something LIBERALS and something democrats MIGHT have COULD have posssibly maybe. This is not an argument it is an excuse for Trump pimping the death shot.

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He did alot of good things...More than any other republican president, even Reagan. But he made too many mistakes too. Extremely poor advisors and appointments that were only going to monkey wrench any MAGA policy.

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*Trump can't say bad things

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And the Trump "vaccine" is the therapeutics. So 2 Vaccines , one bad and one good. Plus, many vaccinated have NOT died or been harmed yet.

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Denial. Total denial.

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By accelerating the vaccine production (as rushed and bad as they are), Trump prevented the technocratic deep state (middle men of the "elite"/oligarchy) to justify shutting down the economy quickly and ENTIRELY causing massive chaos & poverty worldwide... therefore allowing them to impose their new economic system (World Economic Forum).. Once done, the same "elite" would impose a new Health system mandating everyone to be vaccinated once the vax would become available allowing them to also have total control over health. TOTAL CONTROL over the people.

Not only Trump prevented the total economic meltdown but by rushing the vaccines, he was also able to expose this corrupt industry plagued with conflict of interest..

Worst I suspect the vaccines were going to accelerate depopulation wether by sterilization or worse, health decline.. all blamed on Covid 19 variants..

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That is incorrect. And just plain wrong to assume. Soooo much death and harm on his hands and actions when he had total power to be brave and stop the vaccines from the start. Or at the very least mandate by EO that they be much more safe and tested for purity. No he gave in to pressure and believed what he knew to be lies.

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Which would have probably started a Civil War. You do not account for the many who sadly are duped by the MSM and yes even the Demonrats

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No way. I argue he could have saved the country and soooo many needless innocent deaths and damage. He folded to Big Pharma, for what reelection hopes, hollow endorsements, money???

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In your reasoning he did. Seems odd then he is still so active and involved hmmm

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Money of course. He will raise record donations for his 2024 run, what he does not spend he can keep according to campaign fundraising laws.

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Exactly as this was intention of the NWO plan

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Your Truth is welcome here. The Sheep need awakening for the Next Phase.

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Ask yourself, just who is it that is most likely to refuse the CCP injection prior to extensive testing and safety data?

I'm guessing you might see a correlation between those who think pee-pads Biden and knee-pads Harris are the chosen ones and those who happily line up for experimental genetic treatments.

And remember, if the more serious advice about what the jab might be for is correct, what matters is not the jab itself but what instructions may be given to the contents later.

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It's ridicuoous. "It's ok if people are crippled or die from taking Trump's vaccine recommendation because the LIBS and the DEMOCRATS will LOSE or something.

No logic. Just pure adulation and excuses from uncritical sycophants.

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Wake them up Bonzer. Trump is not Jesus and we cant keep hoping and worshipping that he is gonna come back and fix all his mistakes. He's going to try to run again in 2024 and they WILL steal it again. They will never let him back in. The election system is too compromised.

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The stakes are a LOT higher than the Democrats losing. Are you even paying attention to what's happening to the country. Our govt. and judicial branch are almost 100% corrupt. We need a complete reset and if Trump needs to keep neutral on the vaccine then so be it. He always says it's a personal choice. No one I know is dumb enough to get it and if people can't see how dangerous it is then it's their fault for not doing basic research and believing the lying MSM.

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Bonzer is awake and as real as it gets, unlike you and your science fiction adoration.

You make the ridiculous argument above "if Trump needs to keep neutral on the vaccine then so be it". So you don't care if innocent american die or maimed as long as your dear leader prophet can come back to power. that is some sick ship right there scifi........

He is ultimately culpable for his Operation Warp Speed clot shots. He continues to encourage everyone to get them........If you are a true Trump alcolite disciple,

Why have you not received your 3 jabs like your messiah has demanded????

Ohh you trust the prophet's plan, just not with your life right????

If trump tells you to kill yourself because you believe he has a plan, will you please???????????

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He has always said it should be a voluntary choice. Plus all that GAPEACH said

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Thank You Awesome intel.

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Stop believing this fairy tale, people. Just stop. These idiots are out to either A) make you look stupid, OR B) ROLL YOUR DUMB ASSES UP.

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Well said Assigned Disinformation Agent for Devolution. Looks like they've added a new troll, as "Mike" and Gawain didn't seem to be getting much traction. Maybe just yelling "horseshit " will be more effective.

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I think he forgets that quite a few folk who believe this 'fairy tale' are going to be the very same folk who are also doing something about it on their own account.

If nothing else, they'll be unsurprised and able to cooperate when a corp turns up and asks for their help in spreading the message that yes, it is finally happening, and advising silent sympathisers on what they can do to maintain their own safety and not get in the way or misinterpret things going on around them - especially if there's a temporary comms blackout.

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Thats a stretch xt.

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The fact that you can't bring yourself to believe that what he is saying might be true indicates that you prefer fantasy to reality. Let me guess...a Qster looking for a new cult?

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...please clarify: who are 'these idiots' you reference?...

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Amen Fred.....Fucking sheep gonna sleep into the slaughter house....

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Dear Patel, I just want to say I love your series and will keep following it. I am not one to pubically call things out like this but I could not find an email for you to do this privately. It is based on a "theory" which I totally underatand and love. I came across a "theory" which tied into your series and one of your main characters in it. Only way I could find to get the info to you was through your spitballers channel. I have seen where you give credit to your followers for helping you through that channel so I figured why not. I am not one to post things or retweet etc things due to misinformation especially in this type of setting but I gave it a shot. In my message I just stated that "you might want to listen to patriot street fighter 24 Scott McKay pod cast for Friday Aug 27 around the 50 minute mark because his guest is making a connection between JFK and Ezra Cohen and kayleigh mceinery" (I still can't spell their names and I am not mom multitasking this morning lol). I never said this was a fact or anything like this just that their might be a connection. I was immediately yelled at by your admin for spreading something that might not be factual. At the time I did not realize it was your admin and just blew it off. I was busy cooking dinner and didn't care. I sat down to eat and saw that you had asked for a link and if I had any other sites to back it up. I had not had time to research it as I was being a multitasking mom at the time but I could give you the link for the pod cast so I did that while I was eating my dinner. I had not finished putting my food in my mouth after I had hit send and I got another message from your admin threatening me again. This time it stated "if you can only post links to the same unproven things you will be banned." I was like wow someone is on a high horse of power today. I responded that you asked for it and that she needed to not jump all over people that were just doing as they were asked to do. She responded that I misunderstood you and you did not ask for the link and she had full right to jump all over me. I am not one for confrontation so I left your chat or it was going to get very ugly. With all that is going on in the world right now everyone us at a breaking point I understand that that is why I left. I am the last to fight or get upset I told my husband the other day I am done and ready to fight. My uncle died in 9/11 thanks cabal he was one of the 343 fire fighters. My husband lost 13 friends in Iraq that he had to try and save as a Navy medic the first time we were over in that sand trap. To see what this illegitimate president/cabal is doing to this world right now sickens me. I can't do much to help in the fight but when I heard what I did I thought I might be able to help in the fight some by giving you a little bit of new info you might not havr heard of yet. Sorry I am rambling but I was so upset all night about this I couldn't sleep.

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