Trump never conceded did he?

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No he didn't

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Sorry you guys are getting crap. We are all frustrated, but this shouldn't be an excuse for dumping on you. You guys have presented facts, and interjected opinions and TOLD us when said opinions came up. Like BB asked on another podcast....' Where ELSE ya gonna go ???'. The dark side??? Na...I'll stay the course!!!

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Taking you guys on and AZ bike trail for the next 1.5 hrs. and listen to DPH#98. So blessed to journey with y’all🥹

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Great show, guys! ♥️

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Many of the recently informed need to change their frame of reference on the war. The op against the deep state has been going on since the Reagan years, and DJT is only a very recent addition to efforts. I think people understanding that the infiltration by the DS had gotten so deep since the 1960s it has taken a very new (and long term strategy) by the military to overturn this version of the evil in the past 35 years. So appreciate your deep dives into the facts- please help the normies and recently awakened understand all the tactics of the warfare over a long term battle plan. I know you have repeatedly pointed this out. Just hoping you will consolidate this into one or two focused presentations.

The people must stand up or military will continue to be on delay (and managing devolution) until they are. I have been recently making some statements to influencers I know in Brazil (through LinkedIn), talking to them about monetary corruption, digital currency, and the real war that is going on. The response has been excellent. Let's hope US citizens begin to peacefully revolt like my friends in Brazil.

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Check out American in Exile! He's IN Brazil and an Amazing Patriot 🙏

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The Devolution framework was originated under Obama, is it possible that the entire 4 yrs served by President Trump was under Devolution set up by Obama before he left office. And it was modified and approved again by President Trump so when a new President was elected/selected Biden then the Devolution transferred away from the prior order of Obama and continued under President Trumps approval? Making it possible for President Trump to actually serve 2 more terms as President because a coup prevented him from a full Presidential term? Obama traveled ahead of President Trump on his foreign country visits and some of his administration were contacting countries during his administration and it appears that many blocked and obstructed President Trump in a number of ways.

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PLS Help me SHARE n Check out my CALL TO ACTION Re: The Censorship of Clandestine Petition

I so appreciate any effort you can take to SHARE! Ty! Be Blessed! Lisa


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Thanks for this!

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