We are much stronger than we think we are

We have survived even though all the while we have been enslaved

We have been held down

Held back

Pushed to the line

Yet we keep persevering the stress and striving to meet the demands of our families who rely on us to keep pushing harder working longer to meet the demands placed upon us

All the while others benefit from our hard labors and efforts to stay alive

We are stronger than we think

We are survivors

We made it this far for decades while those in power place more and more burdens on our backs we carry the load and keep pushing forward

They intend to break us

With laws and costs that should have by now

But we are survivors

And nothing can or will break us

We have been divided and spun about chewed up and spit out

But we are still here

We are stronger than we think

We are survivors we are still here

No matter how far they push us into the earth below we push up through the ground for the sun to help us grow

We are survivors

We are still here

So remember these words if the time ever comes

I will not comply

I will not submit

I will live free or die

I am a Patriot

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Beautifully said and very inspiring! Thank you!

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Thank you i wrote that early last year when i was overwhlemed with all the chaos presented

We constantly need to be reminded that we have survived the worse of times.. and we are much stronger than we believe .. at this moment in time more so than ever people need to reach in and find that inner strength. We will survive this.

And we will be stronger and better for it. Everyone needs encouragement now more than ever

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Wonderful. Thank you

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You haven't seen the "worse of times" yet.

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God loves his children

God has given his children many chances to show their love for him this time is gonna be different and yes these will be the times that try men's souls .. stand steady in Christ's army .. onward Christian soldiers

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Beautiful thanks for the reminder!

Fear not for Jesus the Lion of Judah has triumphed.

Revelation 5:5

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Thank you for the reminder...we are strong

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Thank you Ladagosta well said

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Perfect Patriot response🇺🇸🇺🇸Beautifully said!

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"There is only one remaining group of individuals that stands in the way of the total destruction of America. That group is the United States military." That is the conclusion I have come to, watching all of this play out. Your analysis is impeccable, thorough and well done, but I am a bottom line person, and to me, that particular quote is the bottom line.

I also feel strongly that this month (September) is going to have to be THE month where the elements underpinning the conditions necessary for the "big reveal" come forth. Lives are knowingly sacrificed in times of war in order to achieve certain objectives, and that is true on both sides of any given war. In my opinion, we are witnessing the final battle for control of the entire planet and it will go on until one side or the other gains sufficient control to direct the course of events after that.

There are many tools being used (such as weather warfare) that are not obvious unless one knows enough about them to see beneath the surface. The FBI, CIA, and BATF were complicit in the Oklahoma City bombing on April 19, 1995, following which the first "Patriot Act" was passed. It eroded several provisions of the Constitution and Bill of Rights, notably the right to due process and habeas corpus actions. I have always believed that 9/11 was an inside job, although there were many actors in the drama, both visible and invisible. It led to the passage of the second "Patriot Act" and the declared "war on terror" that followed, further paving the road to further control, corruption, and deception.

According to the documentation obtained by Maria Zack, Obama funneled $800 million (2 pallets) of the Iran cash into the Vatican bank. It was used in part to fund the use of the Leonardo satellite to change the vote count in the 2020 election. She gave the Italian affidavit to Trump in person at a Christmas dinner at Mar-a-Lago and supplied it to various entities in the Congress. According to the affidavit, the final vote count change was ordered by a CIA operative from within the US embassy in Rome. The owner of the Leonardo satellite is the Vatican. The US government is one of the major users of the Leonardo satellite. The emergence of this affidavit resulted in the breakup of the Italian government shortly afterward. The corruption is everywhere.

Yes, the military is the only hope left to save our country and when (and if) the reveal actually happens, it could provide hope and guidance for the rest of the world to take back control of their countries. However, I do believe that if this does not take place soon (no later then October), the "casualties" of this war will be catastrophic to a level that might mean there will not be much left with which to rebuild. Interestingly the Deagel.com forecast that the US population would fall to 100 million by 2025 was apparently removed on April 20, 2021 (https://seemorerocks.is/deagel-com-just-removed-2025-forecast/). Could this be a sign that we are near the point in time that these trends will be reversed? I certainly hope so!

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Totally agree with everything you've said, especially the time line. It's so very disheartening to see the Afghanistan debacle play out; at times I don't know how much more we can stand/take from this illegitimate regime. I know is a worldwide problem and believe Americans taking back our government will start a worldwide avalanche of patriotism and removal of illicit governing bodies. And it cannot happen too soon for me!

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"I don't know how much more we can stand/take from this illegitimate regime". I would imagine that there are many, many who feel this way. I would also imagine that Trump/The Patriots are also monitoring this popular feeling.

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Australians are in a literal police state with half the population acting like it's all for the best, believing every little word spoken by the mainstream media and politicians. Half the population is awake and protesting, police are treating them as if they are criminals, just the private thug force of politicians now. media won't report on the true numbers of crowds protesting

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At the most fundamental level the Media is the real problem. Take over the media and things would change very quickly for the good.

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The irony of it all is if this were 1971 instead of 2021, we'd be doomed to the media's narrative - with the lack of social media to 'hear' the other side, this country would have been taken over without so much as a whimper.

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In 1971 we had an independent press that did real investigations of the news of the day. So no we were not at a disadvantage - in fact it was better back then.

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That can be debated , but perhaps for another time. I was certainly of age to realize the JFK assassination. There was a huge coverup - the media had a big hand in this. The news papers and press screamed out about how Oswald was a Russian plant , the lone gunman, and that Jack Ruby was tied to a 'mob' or 'org' that was behind the killing. Perhaps the media was too trusting of the CIA and FBI? Could be. When Dorathy Killgallen was just on the verge of exposing just who/what was behind it she was found dead in her room which the press conveniently noted as a suicide. No investigation. Complete bullshit! Having just completed an episode of "What's My Line" did she look at all like she was a suicidal maniac?

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The Russians did it ! They took over the media in 1917 and never let go.

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They're lying here too, except for social media, we would NOT know of the protests going on world wide. But I have faith things are going to break open pretty soon; so hang in there, I think things are about to start happening on different fronts fairly soon. It's not just about our 2020 election, it's the whole world!

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Thanks Frog. Good reminder that protests are going on worldwide and some word is getting out. Thanks for sharing your faith that things will pop soon. Also your comments elsewhere - i agree that hope is important and can actually influence outcomes, that's why the bad guys want to squash it. I have been pretty down today. Thanks a million for your comment; freedom lovers world wide are not alone, are we.

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*the police are just the private thug force of politicians now, in australia

prob always were

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Bush number 43 lead us into an "Afghanistan debacle" which we could not win. Bush 43 was illegitimate too. Al Gore was actually the winner.

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Even if Gore won, do you really think things would be any different now? I get the feeling we're all living in a snow globe, only instead of snow, it's lies, and more lies to cover those lies and the globalists just keep shaking the globe to see what falls down.

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It was meant to not win. Obama working in tandem with the CCP meant to tie us up in the ME. What did Chyna do during this time? Seized the Sprately & Paracel Islands.

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Yes too much bad things are happening to innocent people. We need this to be resolved as soon as possible. At the very least stop the application of the death shot now

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Actually Ancile Deagle the founder of Deagle.com had spend nearly his entire career as Rockefeller's planning and research group. He died 2/2021 and the website went dark until the company he founded could make arrangements with the probate of his estate to buy the company and retain the website. it came back online a couple months later and the 2025 population adjustment down to 100K is still on the site kinda buried but all the other details of spending/budgets, etc exist only for current year. There was nothing nefarious... Just an elderly man many years removed from his company and website passed away.

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I didn't know that. Thank you for that information. I was hoping its disappearance was a sign of things not becoming as dire as he was predicting and that the "big reveal" was coming soon enough to prevent that level of death. Well, the dark winter Biden was talking about is coming and soon, and by next spring, we may well be looking at a very different landscape, assuming we survive until then.

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With respect to the population adjustments I'm not sure, but years ago when I first discovered Deagel.com and before our internet was censored, I did find research indicating Ancile's work with Rockefeller actually involved the depopulation agenda we're currently seeing with CoVid. He was some sort of planner/actuarial and the adjustments numbers were his calculations as a part of some plan Rockefeller had. Folks have found it and publish it - you may want to look. The old guard elites have been planning this for some time and I think Deagel.com 2025 projections were for those people to monitor. But I don't believe the current group operating Deagel's company were into the NWO. They still make their explanations and after bringing the site back online they do have an explanation that does involve our current geopolitics...

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Well we have hard trigger dates. Nov 2022 is one for sure. No plan survives first contact as we used to say in the military. If you have a solid base plan, "Devolution" then you can account for the variables. This is COIN warfare. The variable or key terrain in COIN is "the people." The COIN op can only move as fast or slow as the people make it happen.

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Oh boy that is an important point. The people have to go along with all this and they have to help drain fully the Swamp. I actually think we are well positioned for that to happen here in the US due to the vast support Trump and the Maga movement was able to generate. And also due to the egregious and blatant Election theft. And the many revelations of the profound corruption in many institutions

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Trump nominated 11 of the 12 Combatant Commanders (COCOMs) when he was in office!

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But were selected and placed by Trump hateing Generals Mattis and Esper. Those 2 were NEVER MAGA loyalists.

Patel author NEVER adddresses that FACT in his Dev fantasy fiction.....

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Agreed. However I believe Trump installed them because he knew they were Patriots and would defend the Constitution and save our nation if necessary. I'm thinking you believe Trump installed them because he felt they were loyal to him and would return him to office.

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A patriot WILL defend the Constitution, Trump installed patriot COCOMs, therefore the patriot COCOMs will uphold the Constitution. It's not a matter of them following Trump, but they will uphold the Constitution and use it to reinstall Trump back into office, Trump cannot reinstall himself back into office - the military is the only way.

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Agreed. Please share WHERE in the constitution the military is to do that.

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Read the Oath of Office that military officers recite where they swear to uphold the Constitution.

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Where in that Oath of Office does it direct military to reinstall a President. Their oath is to preserve the Constitution and save the nation. There are NO political directives.

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Army Oath - I (state your full name), having been appointed an officer in the Army of the United States, as indicated above in the grade of Second Lieutenant, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter, so help me God.

Natl Guard Oath - I, [STATE YOUR NAME], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State (Commonwealth, District, Territory) of ___ against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the Governor of the State (Commonwealth, District, Territory) of ___, that I make this obligation freely, without any mental reservations or purpose of evasion, and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the Office of [grade] in the Army/Air National Guard of the State (Commonwealth, District, Territory) of ___ on which I am about to enter, so help me God.

Navy Oath - ‘‘I, XXX, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.’’

Air Force Oath - “I [state your full name], having been appointed

a (rank) in the United States Air Force, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of

evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter. So help me God (optional).”

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your leonardo comment , plays into this all . eo 13905

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Watcher. Your post is very close to my head and heart. I have thought and considered the same things you have. You have more specifics, more facts than I can see, but you also have the Big Picture view from 40,000 ft as well. That's an unusual combination of general and specific that few can produce.

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Pertaining to the Devolution, if Trump and the military unleash The Storm too early, MSM will spin it as a fascist coup, and millions of liberals will believe them and take to the streets. And the non-arrested Antifa operatives will riot and burn. Swamp officials on all levels will publicly state that they refuse to obey orders, swampy military officers will do the same. And the swampy parts of corporate America will do whatever they can to cause chaos.

My guess is that only a small part of the military know about the devolution. But I still think that large parts of the military and regular law enforcement have been somewhat redpilled, are enraged, and would be loyal. I am also convinced there are invisible mole White Hats inside Big Tech and MSM, waiting to be activated. Some of them might even pretend to be Swampy enemies.

And don't forget the 200k sealed indictments all across the country. Please try to explain them away if this is all "hope p-rn". There must be tons to DAs and police officers involved in them.

My guess is that 60% of the population already think that the election was stolen, the covid policy is corrupt, and the Dems are doing a horrible job. But to avoid civil war, that figure must go up to +80% before the military can make their move.

The Afghanistan disaster has pushed this figure up. A large number of retired flag officers openly attacking Biden and demanding the resignation of the woke general in the Pentagon is an additional step to prepare the public, but is it enough?

That's why the State audits are so important. It must be obvious for everyone (including foreign leaders) that 2020 was stolen. If four swing states decertify and Biden refuses to resign That's even even better. A perfect excuse for the military to step in.

And to avoid conflating this with Trump hatred, my guess is that the military, Durham, and other patriot prosecutors will act on their own without Trump being publicly visible during the first phases.

I have seen speculations that the military will take control of Big Tech and all the TV networks and broadcast 24/7 an 8 hour long documentary showing all the evidence, video taped confessions, Gitmo military tribunal rulings, etc. Some red pill if that's true.

And as this is a war, we can expect asset seizures on a massive scale. I'm thinking Gates, Zuckerberg, Soros, Rockefellers, Koch, Bush, Pelosi, Clinton, Obama, Biden, Rotschild, many senators, the Freemasons, Hollywood bilionaires, the Harvard endowments, and on and on.

Even an extremely smart "regular guy" who becomes interested in politics would not be able to find all these obscure government documents and put the pieces together. Me thinks Patelpatriot is a high level spokesperson for the White Hats and that this is an intentional way to prepare the awake for what's coming.

This does not mean that we grassroots can be passive and expect someone else to take our country back in their behalf. As general Flynn has said repeatedly. Do whatever you can on the local level and up. Tens of thousands of positions must be filled after the purge. Start with all the unfilled volunteer positions in the local GOP organisation. If we are not ready, another swampy RINO will just step in after the arrests.

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Sorry I'm not au courant - re "Me thinks Patelpatriot is a high level spokesperson for the White Hats...", is the guy on the videos Patel Patriot? The podcasts I mean. Or is he like PP's stand-in? I ask because he is not very good as a spokesman. He just comes across to me like an ordinary guy with limited verbal communication skills.

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Could not agree more. This period is what I would term sting and expose. We are seeing the institutions who continue to engage in and coverup this COVID & Election fraud criminality as well as the actual people. And throughout this period some have red pilled themselves as they have delved into some research and opened accts on uncensored sites. Ironic that the censoring in itself served to get people at the least suspicious as to the "facts" I believe we have pieced together roughly what has been happening. What the final trigger to blow this all up and be officially redpilled by the Military may be is hard to gauge. But I think it is close because as you said Erick, sufficient have to awaken and it really has happened or is about to.

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As each day passes, we are becoming more and more divided as a nation. And the sad part is there are still many that have no clue or even care to know what is taking place. This and many of Patel's devolution parts provide strong evidence to support that the military IS the only way. As events transpire it becomes so very obvious that as America goes, so goes the the rest of the World. They see travesties taking place here and they follow accordingly. It's very depressing to many to see what is unfolding without having a feeling of despair and futility if you look at it from the very surface of it. There corruption runs incredibly deep. We let this happen because we were literally asleep at the wheel in a vehicle heading towards a deep abyss. Had a discussion with a buddy of mine today about how life seemed so different back in the 60's 70's and 80's being young and fully of desire - loving life , playing music and partying like it was going to be a 'forever love fest'. The young people today are going thru a different kind of 'party' - the one with a red sickle on it's invitation card.

Like a few that have noted, if there is a devolution, it must come very quickly. The feckless treasonous liars and rats that permeate the area in DC need to be fumigated to allow the patriots to advance further to take America back. If anyone remembers the movie/documentary "Cast A Giant Shadow", the part where the locals had to make a pathway up a very steep and treacherous hill at night, using shovels, pitchforks and pick axe's . That is were we are at this moment.

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Sep 18, 2021
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I think it's a good argument to say we were in the dark also, but in my case, I never paid too much mind to what went on in DC. I always assumed that the Pols were truly representing the People - schit was I wrong. The press practically put blinders on us. I mostly picked up the news paper to follow the sports section or read the comics. I'm my own worst enemy.

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PS...US Mil Intel have hundreds of options / suboptions for all scenarios...moves and countermoves...almost there.

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Including for insurrectionists and coup plotters...

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Why does DJT, the President, real one, continue to say to people that the deadly injections are good? To recommend taking it?

Is it all theater? Did the globalist cabal think they had to play Americans differently to Australians, due to the Second Amendment? It looks so very like imposing sanctions on a nation, prior to kinetic attack, in order to weaken them.

As the process drags out, even if intended to restore the republic, that seems less and less possible, as more people are injured and killed by pharmaceutical weapons.

Why does the President deceive people about the injection and what it does?

I voted for DJT, and he is, I know, still President, but it rapidly becomes a point that matters little, as he deceives people on the matter of an injection proven to be deadly, killing some almost at once, setting others up for debilitation and suffering before a premature death.

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Let me help you with that. I wondered when Ron made a similar comment. As you voted for Trump, I assume that you have looked up his past stance to vaccines. What did you find? I also assume that you know it is a bio weapon, not a vaccine.What is the intent of this bio weapon? Now lets take the information and apply it to the situation. We already know that the DS wanted continued lockdowns throughout Biden's reign. Warp Speed had their hand forced. I think there would have been more death without it. My thinking is more suppression, still same protocol, having people wait till the virus could not be treated. No one going in to have scheduled medical priorities addressed. Trump has always said vaccines cause problems, but it is our choice. People have to be responsible for their own decisions. I am going to use an old commercial. Remember the old Holiday Inn Express commercial? I think it was something like a guy saying he was not a brain surgeon, but after staying at said place...blah blah blah.Can you see where I am going with this?

Knowing all corruption has to be taken out because if any is left, the situation never changes. He has tried for 5 years to tell everyone to question everything. To do your research. No one would take it, if they did their research.

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I found that he appeared to do a 180. He had been going to sponsor work with RFK Jr. on an investigation of vaccine outcomes, pre-mRNA injections. Then he had a meeting with Bill Gates, and never contacted RFK Jr. again. At least, that is what I've found reported. I do not make conclusions based on that...it could have been a protection to RFK Jr. to drop it then. Yes, of course, the covid injections are bio weapons and do not fit an undistorted definition for "vaccine".

Your rationale for the choice of bringing out a "vaccine" in answer to covid is very much the argument made by Dave at x22 reports, which is where I was introduced to Patel Patriot via an interview he gave to Dave. Speaking of devolution, I still want to believe it all. I've said, "If I were writing a script for the movie, that's how I'd write it," smile... happy ending/new beginning. And I think we do need help at powerful levels, so I want it to be true.

I do appreciate that people ought to do their own research. I also appreciate that people have been conditioned/hypnotized to accept lies as truths. Arguing against myself, that might prompt a leader to make a "hard decision" to choose to sacrifice those who can be duped as a necessity for waking everyone else up, considered as a necessary step for ultimately winning the war. Will the sight of those dying and injured from the "vax" (assuming people allow themselves to see it, and don't believe it is caused by "variants" or the fault of the un-vaxxed) wake up more and more people to reality? A leader MIGHT make a choice to add to the deception IF he believes it absolutely necessary. I grasp that. I also grasp that by my own conscience, it is still wrong to do so. It is the kind of move that a control freak makes, not a person who believes in spirit.

I recall my father, saying when I was a very little girl, "Never trust a liar... a liar will do anything." A lie was the beginning of all sin, he indicated, and I agree. It betrays a lack of conscience, a desire to play god.

This lie, about the "vax", is not a "small" or harmless one.

Fighting fire with fire, evil with evil, lies with more lies... "No."

So, I am saying, I do not buy the rationale. I cannot. I wish I could, but my conscience prevents it.

I also do not see how President Trump can possibly expect people to back him when they realize that he too urged them to take a life-destroying jab.

Children...are they expected to do their own research?

Have you see a video of a beautiful 12 or 13 year old girl, whose body and life have been ruined by the injection, sitting by her mother in a wheelchair, very impaired, while her mother testifies to Senator Johnson that she (the mother) "trusted" the information she was given by the medical profession?

I also don't think it possible to predict that people, minus a "vaccine", would have put up with being locked down for years. My guess is that people, un-injected and healthier for that, would have stood against it when it dragged out too long. I may be wrong about that, of course. The masked zombies discourage my confidence in people, but the mothers and fathers laying it out for school boards encourage it.

I am aware that the DS has many methods of delivering poisons and debilitating energies to harm the people...and that most people still do not understand or believe such "conspiracy theory"....so, I will add that I could be wrong about what tactics are justified. A deadly "vax" makes what the cabal are doing very visible.

My scruples notwithstanding.

I admit my confusion.

As I indicated, hearing DJT urge people to take the shots does make me wonder if DJT is one of "them", only a finer actor than most. I don't feel that, I don't sense that vibe. But I could be in denial, wanting to believe in him.

I cannot justify his saying NOW, with so much data out, anything other than that the "vaccine" is a dangerous, indeed deadly, disaster. Or at least not urging it. Simply saying perhaps, that people should research it on their own, and then decide?

At first, I accepted the rationale...not now. Children are being injected, not only adults who sadly do not understand the crucial need for full information (because they trust too easily in authority figures).

I do consider it a moral imperative to think for oneself...in fact, the first commandment: thou shalt not put strange gods before me, seems to require the inner voice of spirit to direct a person's actions. And for many, this inner direction has been replaced by the sacred word of Fauci or "my doctor" (who does not read or understand research papers), modern false gods.

But then, a lot of people just aren't that awake. Nor were they lucky enough to be born with a "suspicious" mind and a natural will to dig and see for themselves. It's naivete and/or not having the necessary leisure time for the research...hardly crimes deserving of death, chronic illness, or physical impairment.

Fundamentally, I do not believe in deceiving people to their harm.

Again, I ask, Are we merely being played in a different way by the cabal... coaxed to believe in a plan of return to the Constitution? That would explain why DJT is still alive, if his challenge to the globalists is a sham. The "plan" spiel would keep people calm while the necessary debilitation is taking place. 5G rollout, injected populace, done and dished up.

I pray this is not the case.

I can see the argument you make well enough, I confess, to hope that it is true... I'm more than a little ashamed of that. The deception by DJT about the "vax" makes him look more and more like Bill Gates, the insane software salesman with a yen for genocide. It hurts, like hell. It is so wrong. IMHO.

One final point, I also understand that the core claim is that we are known, psychologically top to bottom, and the responses of people to circumstances have been gamed and reactions to various scenarios predicted ...and someone decided that more people, many more, would die, if the "vax" were not presented as it is.

OK. Despite that, I still consider it wrong to tell people this killer is good for them.

If the only way to serve God and truth is by lyinig...you see the contradiction?

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And then we can ask

Is this live or memorex to the entire ordeal?

I havent met one person who has died since this event started

I am just a lowly peon

No one special

I keep close to my family and limited circle of friends

Maybe that is why none of this has touched me directly.

Or as with the government lock downs

Nothing really ever changed

life goes on with or without them

Even during this Afghanistan event

Life continues

We see it on television

Do we know if it really happened ??

Unless we are there how would we know it really happend

? We dont

But someone said it happened they showed us pictures and videos so it had to have happened

I dont know what to believe

I dont really know anything

I have recently discovered possibly my entire life i have been lied to and programmed to believe lies and deception

I question everything

Even now those telling us this happened and that happened

How do i really know??

Prove it to me .. sorry i can't help what i dont know

And i now am starting to believe i woke up in some alternate universe earlier this year or last year .. nothing makes any sense what so ever

The world as i knew it is Gone

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That's all very silly. And it is not poetry.

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Good post m'am. Trump's continuing remarks concerning the "vaccine" are gratuitous. He doesn't have to say anything! So why make these statements? To me this alone is STRONG support for the argument that Trump is not President, there is no Plan...Trump actually has questionable character traits. I've said that Trump looked so good because everyone else was so bad. That's not a very unequivocal recommendation.

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Breck you seen to be coming around.....welcome to the real.

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Strong but not yet conclusive. I reserve the right to wait and see. But I am also an open-minded person and consider everyone's ideas. By the way I finally got around to reading the articles you cited re: Christopher Miller and Ezra Cohen. I did not find them saying what you said they did. Esp. with Miller; info on Ezra is almost non-existent.

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Miller said on the record to Vanity Fair Mag "trump threw us under the bus" regarding the Jan. 6 response to the FF capitol riots.....

He also said Trump was responsible for the incident but later tried to reverse his position during house testimony, but it was already out there...

ECW publiclly disavowed Qanon and Trump as core of Jan 6 capitol incidents :

“It's clear that the QAnon conspiracy was a core of what was going on at the Capitol and I want to do everything I can to delegitimize this conspiracy,” Cohen, 34, told POLITICO in an interview. “The country deserved better on Jan. 6 — what transpired was appalling and completely at odds with our democratic principles.”

“Twitter did a horrible job of responding to this,” Cohen said. “Twitter is getting very aggressive about the QAnon stuff now. But for a very long time they allowed this to fester. And it's not like they didn't know about it — we reported it to them.”

Cohen became so concerned about the proliferation of accounts suggesting links to him that he hired Washington-based lawyer Mark Zaid to investigate and push social media sites to shut them down.

While the first accounts explicitly impersonated Cohen, the next wave were more subtle, set up under vague names like @YourFriendlyE. While those accounts never directly claimed to be Cohen, they would quickly be identified, falsely, as Cohen by other QAnon-focused accounts.

“It was a cat-and-mouse game,” he recalled. “Every time we had an account get shut down, they would re-form and re-gain up to 20,000 followers and even higher within hours. And there would be this chorus of people online saying, ‘This is the new account.’”

“I took it as a threat.”

“In my professional opinion, being in the intelligence world, it really appeared to be a foreign state actor or a very organized operation,” he said. “I just don’t see that level of sophistication as just an amateur thing.”

His attorney: "The two years we have spent trying to successfully disentangle Ezra from the sticky webs of QAnon conspiracists has required incredible efforts both behind the scenes and publicly,” said Zaid, who has sometimes represented POLITICO reporters in Freedom of Information suits. “This is a movement and ideology that needs to be directly confronted by our government and citizenry.”


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I couldn't have said better.

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Yes. Vaccine salesmen DJT and W. Gates are very wicked.

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Stop. You're embarrassing yourself now. Tell you what why don't you just send a pic of yourself cowering under your bed w/ head tucked between your legs. Couldn't have used you in the IQZ or AFGN.

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In my collection of favorite sayings, two seem relevant here. One is "Timing is everything" The other is "Act in haste, repent at leisure." In considering various speculations being put forth on the question of why has Trump come forth in support of the jab, I have looked at the larger context in which his actions took place, including and especially this speech he gave at the rally in Cullman, Alabama on August 21.

The context is very large. The time scale depends on how much you drill in or out, to see more detail or the bigger picture. Both are useful, and taken together, one can get an inkling of what is going on and why.

Most of what we are witnessing now has its roots going back literally thousands of years, but it did not take on its present form and focus until near the end of the 1800s, when Albert Pike laid out the plans for three world wars. We are in the final phases of what was put into motion back then. The power elite (aka DS, Illuminati, cabal, etc.) are working on a schedule that they came up with as their goal for heading up a two-tier global system, with themselves in the top tier and everyone who is left after they carry out their depopulation plan will be under their total control and in the bottom tier.

This schedule has been laid out and published under various names, such as Agenda 21 (the 21 refers to the 21st Century -- the one we are living in now), Agenda 2030 (the 2030 refers to the year in which it is supposed to complete) and "the Great Reset" which seeks to use the excuse of the "plandemic" to carry out their achievement of these goals via lockdowns, destroying economies and nations, controlling food and water sources, and killing off millions of people along the way.

As I have come to understand it, their plan was to have continuous lockdowns and social restructuring from 2020 through 2025, after which they would introduce and mandate a "tested" vaccine (the ones that Trump forced out into the open through his Operation Warp Speed), and kill off most of who was left, so that by 2030, the overall global population would be below 500 million, the figure that they announced as their goal in 1980 when they erected the Georgia Guidestones.

From everything I have read about the current Devolution, it operates in secret until conditions are right for it to reveal itself, take out the enemies of the state (the true state, as defined in our Constitution, not the corrupt state that has supplanted it over time), and begin the process of restoration.

I DO follow the posts on realrawnews.com and have ever since I found my way to it in early January. I normally try to verify everything I read, but in this case, my gut told me it was true information in most cases (some details felt off), and one statement that relates to this question had to do with the reason that they (the military) did not arrest Fauci was that he is too much in the public eye. From the accounts of the arrests that they claim to have made, every one of them was carefully carried out in secret, using special forces operatives. If the person was married, it usually meant they waited until the spouse was not around.

If "timing is everything," and they (the military) want their actions to remain "below the radar," they have to be selective in terms of what they do so that they don't attract unwanted attention to what's going on in secret. According to the article posted at https://realrawnews.com/2021/07/trump-pledges-to-blow-lid-off-global-plandemic/ Trump has pledged to do his own "reveal" about the "plandemic" and "will humble himself and apologize to America for endorsing Operation Warp Speed and the Covid-19 vaccination."

He cannot do this until AFTER the restoration is carried out. His entire speech on August 21 was focused on showing how disastrous the Biden administration has been for this country, and you have to also remember that Biden was trying to claim the vaccines as HIS (Biden's) achievement, so in that context, it makes sense that Trump would continue to represent himself as the person who had stopped the lockdowns by bringing forth the vaccines in record time (a lie in itself; they were already developed in 2019) and saved the country from a worse fate (which was true).

I was very disappointed that he said it the way he did, but I also felt he does what he does because there are larger things at stake and sometimes in chess, one makes sacrifices in order to win the game later on.

It has been pointed out by others here that one important element in COIN is the people. I have wondered how the military gauges the readiness of the people to accept their intended "reveal." I think that realrawnews.com is an approved leak to see the reactions of one slice of the people. I know for sure they watched Simon Parkes during the intense times leading up to the sacrilege we refer to as the inauguration of a fraudulent regime under Joe Biden, but I don't know what other metrics they are watching.

It seems that 71% is the magic number required for adequate support to have a counterinsurgency action be successful and not be just a swapping of one tyranny for another. Given the difficulties and opposition being placed in the path of the elections audits going forward, I am not optimistic that they will be the thing that brings forth the "reveal" and restoration. In my gut, I see a long, hard, and tumultuous winter ahead. Disruptions in the supply chain are already taking place in major ways. If the numbers of deaths due to ADE for the vaccinated are even reasonably close, many millions will die and the health care systems will be overwhelmed precisely when they are needed the most.

I AM concerned about the weakening of our military through the dual effects of forced injections and resignations in protest of them, but it's at times like this that I have to let go of figuring things out and tell myself to "let go and let God handle the details." I am like an ant trying to understand the Graf Hindenburg back when Nazi Germany was forming up. The tools, weapons and technology we have now is totally beyond my ability to grasp, and our military has to continue to operate silently and secretly. Given that scope, Trump's tactics regarding this issue of the vaccines are a very small part of the bigger picture, and I do feel that that is what they are -- tactics that gain something larger through the sacrifices being made to win the overall war.

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REAL RAW SEWAGE is more like it....

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LOL. For once you found the bon mot! The hanging of HRC read like some conspiracy theorist's wet dream.

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INR, people will believe anything they read on the internet....Like it's scripture.....

Also why these Devo tales need to be reigned in with suspicion and logic not just hope alone......

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Thank you for that, and for the link. I am aware of some of the background. I do believe that the planned take-down of humanity on Earth goes back, not merely generations, but very much longer. I have wondered if President Trump has been, in his way, "doing a Professor Snape". But this is real, and while I can grasp it mentally, I reject the tactic at another level. Emotional or spiritual? I am conflicted.

I am grateful to you. What you have said feels right to me, it feels like peace. Now, wait and see. I don't need to worry about his conscience, only my own.

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worried about the vax, weakening the military .but not the current system of promotions ?the clear happenings of benghazi , 9-11 etc , should make most cower in fear !

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And this is why history is so important. And not just recent history like the Hussein Obama Regime with HRC, etc. One can go back to FDR confiscating the people's real money - gold. And that was a direct result of the Stock Market Crash of 1929 which was a direct result of the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913, and that was the direct result of .... and so on and so forth.

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Watcher, I mean really?! You believe this? Hillary Clinton can be arrested, flown to Cuba and hanged and not one person has said one word?

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I think DJT is a double agent working for the CABAL.

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I have begun thinking that way since the Pandemic began in Jan 2020. Way too many coincidences to explain....

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I don't think so. When I heard him speak at the Alabama rally, I noticed a shift in terms of what he said and what he did NOT say. Prior to that rally, every time he spoke, he emphasized that if we did not deal with what had happened in the 2020 election, there wouldn't BE an election in 2022 or 2024. At the Alabama rally, although he still referred to the 2020 election as having been rigged and stolen, his entire focus was twofold -- to point out all of the damage being done by the Biden administration and to support particular candidates who would be running in the 2022 and 2024 elections. I had the distinct impression that he was stepping back out of the limelight, in order for someone else to step forward, which led me to think that the reveal would be the next thing that happened.

That feeling of mine was reinforced this week by two Clif High podcasts. In his September 4 podcast (https://www.bitchute.com/video/N83sjbNlbL3b/), he talks at length about Devolution and Ukemi -- the art of falling to great advantage. He says very clearly that this isn't about Trump. He says that Trump was just the face put forth to play a role in the Devolution. He also went on to say that the "self-organizing collective" (SOC) that is going up against the Deep State involves millions of operatives, all over the world. In the USA, the military plays a larger role, but there are non-military personnel involved, too, especially in other countries. This is the final battle for who will control the world.

In his September 8, 2021 interview with Greg Hunter (https://usawatchdog.com/deep-state-deception-tricks-us-into-thinking-theyre-winning-clif-high/), Clif also makes it clear that this is not about Trump. Combined, these two videos lay out exactly how the Ukemi tactics being used in the Devolution are playing out. However, Trump played an important role in setting the stage for what is about to take place. These next three months should tell the tale well, and I don't expect Trump to come forward again until after the "reveal" has been made and cleaned things up enough for him to do so.

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Oh great. Now it's Clif High. Let me ask you, as I can't find this anywhere in High's "predictions" based upon his computer program on linguistics: did he say anywhere in his reports, prior to say Autumn 2019, that his program was picking up the word "COVID"?

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Beware Cliff High believes an "Alien Bug" is orchestrating the DS, Cabal, NWO, China for world domination.

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PS In that Sept. 4 podcast, around minutes 28 to 30, Clif says we are now at COGON 2/DEFCON 2, and he interprets that to mean that we are very close to the time when real, visible action will emerge.

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Fail.....This attempt does not explain Trump's vaccine genocide disaster and his pigheaded continued stance promoting it....

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Reverse psychology? If he says they're good the people that love the vaxx but hate him may not take it, thus saving their lives?

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It don't compute.

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Yeah i started to bend that way.. yet at the Alabama rally i heard him say it's safe get it .. the crowd started to boo him.. he shifted off topic after saying it shouldn't be mandatory people should have a choice..

Then he went on several interviews and said he doesnt think children should get it and that Pfizer and the fda are working together and it isnt a good thing ..

So he is definitely in a hot mess with this .. he doesn't seem to support it yet he says he does .. then directly contradicts himself .. that isnt like Trump.. so idk

Just throwing it out there

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No it IS like Trump.

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I hope that Patel sees and addresses this.

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The answer is all over the web if you look hard enough. Trump had to for many reasons but the key ones were:

DJT had to countermove the globalist agenda with COVID - if he didn't support it, the media and the political left wing cabal would have left him hung out to dry. He still has to support to prevent from the economy being shutdown. The vaccine was actually put in place at the time when they had thought HRC would win the election. If you check the patents the vaccine went as far back as 2003. Search the web for a Dr. David Martin - he has all the facts on this. DJT insured that the vaccine had to be labeled experimental. If Trump was in office don't think for a second that he would have been mandating this push for businesses thru-out the US like Biden is doing. Trump may have said he took credit for it being out so fast but this is something that is very debatable.

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i agree, step further it was a trap. He knew they wouldn't be able to resist the added power. When the FDA announced the "approval" of the Pfizer vaccine, he said, I think there might be a conflict there. I think folks are asking the wrong question, ask your self this; Would we know how corrupt the FDA, AMA, CDC, HHS, NIH and the NIAD is if this vaccine wasn't expedited for EAU? Would you know that hospitals were following protocols that the CDC recommended are killing people? Would we know that pharma with the help of the CDC, NIH and AMA were colluding to suppress cures like HQC and Ivermectin? By "supporting" the vaccine Trump has exposed the corruption of the entire medical system.

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My friend's horse was given Ivermectin. It did a world of good. You should have seen the huge pile of dead worms it pooped out ...

Who thinks Ivermectin is good for eliminating Covid ? Peter Navarro ?

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Ivermectin inhibits and disrupts binding of the SARS-CoV-2 S protein at the ACE-2 receptors AND it binds to the spike protein and prevents clumping or blood cells. Stop watching CCP paid TV.

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You go girl!

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Many doctors who have bucked the system have used it with good results.

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its used in african refugees , to deworm them before coming here ? many uses and has been proven already . who thinks it doesnt work for covid ? sheep ?

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Hmmm...seems unnecessarily convoluted to me. If people who haven't yet gotten the vaccine don't get it, as per Trump's directive, the economy will be shut down? So I guess I should get the vaccine like Trump says so I can keep the economy up and running? (It's just my bad luck that in order to keep the economy running I have to take a dangerous drug eh?)

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By speeding up the Cabal's time table on the vaxx they couldn't be able to mandate it because it has to go thru an FDA schedule of testing for release preventing them from forcing a mandate. You notice their 2020 Agenda has now shifted to 2030?

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Sorry I don't follow you. The FDA is a joke, a non-entity in this matter. And the damned thing has been out there as an experimental without ANY testing.

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Correct you're not following. Like you said it's experimental only, therefore it can't be mandated until the FDA does appropriate testing which takes 3-5 years. That was the DS plan. To lock us down 2020-2025 while they were in testing phase.

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There was no Agenda 2020

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Huh? At the time the vaccine was available back in November, announced days after the election, did you or anyone think it was dangerous? I don't recall. Trump had no choice. Would anyone at that time had believed him if he said it was dangerous? I bet not.

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How does that pertain to now, like in the recent rally in Alabama. This isn't November 2020. It's 10 months later. What is he saying?

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We know he's no biologist for sure. At the that time he had to support it. Can't give you an answer on this. I wouldn't rely on any politician or business man for medical advice for sure.

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Here is a very recent interview with DR. David Martin - a real bombshell as to when the vaccine was patented and how it was created.


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It's not just here in the USA. See https://www.bitchute.com/video/GXQS6tr2q9I9/ for a stunning presentation by Dr. David E. Martin to a Zoom meeting with Vaccine Choice Canada. Their national elections are later this month, and according to Chris Sky (https://www.redvoicemedia.com/video/2021/08/canadian-protesters-arrested-by-trudeaus-gestapo-citizens-reach-boiling-point/), there is not one candidate that is a credible alternative to defeat Trudeau . Dr. Martin pleads with the people listening to him to reach out to those wiithin their circle of contacts to bring criminal actions against the companies and organizations pushing these jabs. It's up to the people to take their country back, and with courts being so compromised, in my opinion, only the US military is in a position to provide the necessary leadership and control to navigate the predictable chaos that will follow.

Australians are in a worse position. The world is looking to the US as their hope, and we are looking to our military for hope. It is discouraging to see the mandates being carried out against our military under Gen. Austin's orders. (see https://realrawnews.com/2021/09/27-u-s-air-force-pilots-resign-over-covid-19-vaccination-mandate/ as one example of the fallout. )

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Doc Martin is intelligent and also educated in some ways, but he is clearly not a toxicologist. True, the vaccine contains a chemical formulation that is designed to irritate the body into producing anti-bodies. So you get a swelling at the site injection, as with a bee-sting. So if you like, you can call the vaccine toxic. But all toxicologists know that "the dose makes the poison".

The body is well able to tolerate low doses of toxins and does so all the time. Alcohol is toxic, yet some people take it every day ! People who drink a whole bottle of whiskey every day often die. The dose makes the difference between a toxin and a poison and Doc Martin, were he a toxicologist, would know that. Vaccine doses are carefully calibrated to be sure that no poison thresholds are approached.

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Ha-Ha! Very good Mal. Vaccine good. It's all good. Nothing to worry about. Get the vaccine and get your passport and live a happy life.

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These are NOT vaccines, in any sense of the word. These are the second phase of a bioweapon direct attack on humanity. The "virus" (pathogen) was man-made from splicing bits of different viruses to enhance its infectiousness and ability to disable the body's innate immune system. (HIV is one of the components). The "vaccines" get the body to produce the pathogen (the spike protein) and its that spike protein that is causing the damage in vaccinated individuals.

See https://dougbillings.us/video/creators-of-covid19-the-jab-guilty-of-worst-crime-in-human-history/ at minutes 11:30-15:00, where Karen Kingston points out that these nanoparticles containing the spike protein bind very well to cell membranes, but the monoclonal antibodies that the body produces against the spike protein DO NOT BIND to the spike protein, which means they do not neutralize it.

As for toxicology, these "vaccines:" ALL rely on (and contain) graphene oxide as part of the nanoparticle lipid shells that deliver the mRNA that codes for production of the protein, as it is too unstable to survive outside of the cells. See https://dougbillings.us/video/exclusive-part-2-truth-about-ingredients-dangers-of-the-jab-7-16-2021/ at minutes 24-35 and 47-50 where Karen Kingston provides detail about that.

In addition, you can see a report by Dr. Robert Young at https://www.drrobertyoung.com/post/transmission-electron-microscopy-reveals-graphene-oxide-in-cov-19-vaccines that shows the ingredients HE found, using various forms of microscopy and spectroscopy.

Finally, in terms of the EFFECTS of these "vaccines," you might want to listen to https://www.redvoicemedia.com/video/2021/09/whistleblower-nurse-destroys-delta-narrative-vaccinated-patients-fill-hosptial/.

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guess ,you dont know anything about the vaccines causing polio in africa ? as for your carefully calibrated part ?j&j has left the building . moderna has been ran out of a bunch of foreign countries and pfizer is lining the pockets of the left , so guess you havent been reading much either ?

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Years & years ago, if this COVID vaccine scam were to take place. Dr. Martin would be on 60 Minutes. It's just incredibly inane to see what this man is producing as a strong case to even , at the least, investigate it yet hardly very few even know about it.

Regarding Austin's orders, we're about to find out soon what the officers and enlisted men do about this. Will there be a mass exodus of our finest which will really weaken what we already know is a demoralized group? This will make a great case for devolution to kick in very soon. If it doesn't, I'm at a loss.

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What does this have to do with Trump pushing a dangerous drug therapy?

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It actually raises more questions as to it's intent and why Trump was caught with a dilemma. If you watch it, it involved the corrupt DOJ and how Barr and the rest did nothing about it. I don't have the answers myself. But it makes one wonder how much Trump knew and how much he didn't.

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Oh he knew then and knows now.....

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Not so fast. There was and is a lot the DJT does not really grasp. Which is why I said elsewhere that he is really not a very good person to be President. Oh his heart is in the right place. But his head?

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How do you know "he's still President"? If you have doubts about Trump b/c of his stance on the "vaccine", then how can you also support PP's devolution scenario?

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I hope this doesn't go in twice, as I did reply already, but I do not see it here. Oh, well.

I aplogize. I was unclear. My saying that I know he is "still president" has to do with the rock solid evidence of election fraud. I consider it proven that the election was stolen. I do not think of the impostor as "President Biden". He is fake. I watched evidence of hacking on the night of, and overnight, and then spent, hours, days and weeks looking at evidence and listening to witnesses and researches present what they'd seen or discovered. I consider it as plain as the nose on a face, Donal Trump was re-elected.

It had nothing to do with a formal recognition by anyone in the power structure, or with devolution per se.

That said, I think that Patel Patirot has done more than a man's job in presenting evidence that strongly suggests that the process called devolution is taking place. So, I follow it, and hope. Investigative reporting is the very cream.

I am not, however, fully convinced that devolution is a fact, as I am of election fraud. And when the President, the elected one, not the impostor, recommends the "vaccine", I am at a loss. "WTH?" is my least disheartening response.

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OK. Thanks. I'm with you 90%.

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Is anyone reading thru the comments here. It's pretty well explained. This is not a Marvel Comic. It's a real below level, low intensity conflict (LIC) "Unrestricted Warfare." Read folks, stay alert, stay alive. People are going to get maimed & die in this. This is not about some Super Hero who comes in & saves everyone & everyone goes on in love & unicorns.


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An excellent point, Yvonne. It seems to prove what I have long suspected: DJT has been co-opted by the CABAL. His 'warp speed' initiative was designed to produce the 'pharmaceutical weapons' and was able to do it really fast-- as you say, there are no vaccines but only poisons; these could be taken from the shelf in any Chem lab.

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Could he have been the "deceiver" warned of in Bible tribulations???

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how do we know the pharm cocktails havent been switched to placebos ? i ,like you . rest alot of my issues with this all , upon the big pharm rhetoric !if the wh allowed big pharm to poison half the population [ regardless of political party ] they too should be held by the nuremburg laws.

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I don't see how we can know what is in the vials, unless we can have each one analyzed. So much chicanery! Different batches could be different concoctions. If I were a big pharma killer, I would send out the initial injections with quite a few harmless batches, so as not to make the harm too obvious. Later batches and "boosters" would be progressively more deadly/damaging. Just to keep potential victims lulled while the health authorities and MSM kept up the propaganda.

I have read reports of analyses done by a Spanish team, replicated by others, and a report by an electron microscopist, a Dr. Robert Young, and all have claimed to find deadly concoctions containing anything and everything but the kitchen sink, and that only got left out either because it was too benign or too big: graphene oxide, metals, parasites. Japanese have also, officially, found "contaminated" batches full of metals.

I have kept on considering this, at least in the back of my mind, and I agree with you. No matter the motive, genocide or tactical deception in service of a wider cause claimed to be noble and necessary, anyone who pushes the injection is responsible and should be held liable if done from a position of authority.

Now, that said, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. And opinion is not infallible...which is why mandates are criminal.

DJT is not a scientist, and he may not understand the issue. But I did think he was smart enough to figure it out ... However, he may be/have been deceived.

That said, I think it was, still is, his responsibility to inform himself fully, study up if need be for sufficient background to grasp the essentials, or to say, "I don't know," if he hasn't the time or inclination to get it sussed. To speak in favor of the injections, without informing himself, is at best malfeasance.

Is he being used by background players?

Don't know. I still think he is a good man, but even good men can make terrible mistakes.

If he is praising the injections and recommending them with knowledge of the harm they cause, then he must be judged by what he has done, however much we would prefer to admire him.

In these terms, an old justification for violence and death perpetrated on innocents, from the Vietnam era, comes to mind: We had to destroy the village in order to save it.

To mislead people to harm is without justification, I believe, no matter how much I want to believe in "the patriots" and devolution. If we wake up one day to find that instead of a team that has our backs, we are on our own facing what appears to be overwhelming control, we can still preserve our own integrity. Even if it turns into "a good day to die," we can be true. Hope remains, more with the creator than with patriots, but the creator may back patriots...wasn't 1776 a true miracle?

However, I'm keeping in mind that the soul comes first, not counting on "the patriots" with my whole being, in case it doesn't pan out.

I personally think it is past time for President Trump to disavow the injections, and to apologize for "warp speed" if he was misled. People want a representative, and as President he would represent the people of the nation, who Tells the Truth.

Yes, ...look how that worked out for JFK. As he grew in knowledge of the cabal we are up against, he did begin to tell the people. I can't even imagine him recommending a kill shot to the people knowingly.

Thank you, for your comment. Nuremberg code, yes.

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agree on the vials , but one thing i will tell you from all my searching , never underestimate djt. his comment on the uv light and the bleach ? both were legit and being studied by cedar sinai when he said that . the uv light method ? his uncle , held some patents on uv light and radiology type medicine. everyone laughs when you say 4d chess. but to be honest , my distrust of djt as a trojan horse . has shown me he is 8 moves ahead in almost everything he does . its his delivery of words that leads the lambs into the slaughter . but i too am like you . only when i see proof it is a placebo ? which also has the same side effects too , bells palsy , etc . hopefully the day is coming soon!

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The bleach thing DJT was talking about is clorine dioxide solution or CDS. At least I"m fairly sure that's what he was referring to. Look up Dr Andreas Kalcker for info on CDS. On rumble you can find a video " The Universal Antidote " which has much info on CDS. When taken properly can kill any virus. Has been used effectively on aids, malaria, covid, and cancer as well as many other things. This one thing would completely bankrupt big pharma, and they have gone to great lengths to cover up any info about CDS

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Bleach is sodium hypochlorite, NaOCl. "Clorine dioxide" is ClO2 - both are excellent disinfectants. When wiped on surfaces they will immediately kill all manner of viruses and bacteria cells. Unfortunately when injected into the body, these chemicals will kill most of the body cells too.

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Thank you, again. I may have a tendency to mistrust overmuch, and to doubt the likelihood of goodness being able to outwit evil. Hoping for sweet surprise! DJT, I catch the vibe of a good and very smart man...and I hope I could not deceive myself on that. Whatever ensues, strapped in for the ride, and planning to be aware of all of it. Interesting lives we are leading these days. Take it easy, my friend.

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This is the biggest ripoff since the election. It is really sad that you continue to lead people on with this nonsense. I guess it is true that a lie is easier to believe than the truth. The military is having its own problems with its leadership and Chris Miller's recent comments is very telling. There is no secret plan or shadow government other than the deep state which is only going to be removed either by revolution or a miracle. Get a grip people and wake up, our country is not coming back without some serious pain and intervention, but that would take an effort and most Americans are not interested in that.

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Think of reality here "Reality". Every nation on earth has Continuity of Gov't (COG) plans. Even Pakistan. Our has been on file & updated very often especially since the Cold War. So if one thinks that the US just forgot, you're mistaken. You need to read Machiavelli. "A nation state will do everything & anything to survive." That's because a state is just a collection of its peoples.

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Yes, it will do anything to it's people to sustain itself...including vaxing, killing or enslaving them.

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That miracle your talking about is devolution! It is miracle to you, but it is a plan of some one else, definitely a smarter person than you!

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It is a plan to get people not to stand up and do something, so you keep waiting for this to unfold and before you know it you will see the reset and the build back better, and wonder why we don't have elections anymore.

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some things we can do like school boards and local elections but when it comes to arresting traitors and trying them don't you see that is the military's role?

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Right. This takes both a top down (white hats) & bottom up approach (patriots). It has to be from both end. Think of Germany c 1944. We invaded Normandy & had a hell of a fight breaking out of the Hedge Rows for several months. Once we did we were a juggernaut into the Rhineland & the Soviets pushed from the east. The world got smaller & smaller for Germany. Suicide weekend is around the corner.

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It's a plan of Devolution. "Q" was just a "samizdat" press like they had in the USSR to get around the state run media. It's a Counter Insurgency. In all COIN Ops the key terrain is the people. (See previous comments). The people must be informed to what's happening & to prevent all out Civil War which would strategically favor China & the globalists. Why? Because they would immediately call for UN Support in which our enemies would be openly invited onto US soil & thus conflagrating it to all out International War. Miller was my Battalion Commander in IQZ in 5th SFG. I trust him, the men trusted him & he was a hell of a commander.

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Drop the TRUTH bomb on these Devolution cucks.....There is only reality or fantasy.

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I like those strategies Breck.....Good find. I will save that. Contemplate it.

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Brandon is a stand-up guy, very smart, and more impt. able to keep it simple in his thoughts as he relates them.

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that theory , still requires dependency upon politicians motives or actions . too easy to infiltrate .

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The MIL no better because the citizens don't sellect any of it's leadership. If the upper ranks are compromised there is no way to fix it....

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guess you havent read all of the series or the comments in all of them ? lots of proof and intel laid out in both .

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I've read all of the series. Patel Patriot has done a good job putting together what he thinks is substanting "evidence". I've said from the beginning when Thomas Wictor over at quodverum.com brought up the concept it can be executed as a part of COG but there's no accommodation to return a Presidential candidate to office. While Devolution is a legitimate strategy for a govt and it does have it's place within the US COG and the fact that we may be witnessing a Devolution of sorts, it's simply not realistic to believe Pres Trump will follow the foot heels of the military and return to the Oval. It is true the1878 case of United States versus Throckmorton. In that instance the the matter was about a bill in chancery, the plaintiff seeking to have the court set aside the confirmation of a land grant. The case was reviewed by the Circuit Court and then reviewed by SCOTUS. Both courts held Throckmorton was denied his due process because fraudulent information had been given the court and ruled 'FRAUD VICHIATES'. There is a huge difference between a court case regarding a bill of chancery (an old English process where disputes would be settled on concience and fairness NOT law. Think magistrate courts) and a presidential election that is Constitutional and within the scope of State Legislatures. I'm not an attorney but anyone can find a review of this court case and what it was about and WHY SCOTUS ruled the way it did. You'll be easily convinced there's NO equivalence to a Presidential election. I believe there was massive fraud in the 11/3 election and that Donald Trump was the rightful winner. However, the only remedy is to pass the fraud back to the States to either decide to conduct a new election (which they won't do because of cost) or they could reconcile the fraudulent votes from the vote totals and decertify the election rendering the Electoral College votes null. Scholars see NO avenue for Trump to return. It won't happen. So how could a military devolution (which really is a decentralization of govt back to the states until things can be sorted out) overcome all that law, the Constitution and Scholars' legal analysis? I would like it to happen, but I'm not holding my breath. Once again Patriots will have to secure their own freedom and liberty. Sorry for the long post but I've never seen any forum discuss Devolution in Constitutional context of Presidential elections. Hope this helps.

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Your a welcome sight around here....Post more often, wherever necessary to wake up these sleepwalking Trump MIL Coup suckers....

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i do think that even though he may be vindicated as the 2020 winner , i too think he will never step into office or run a campaign for himself , again . he knows the nation could never fully be one again , with him in power , and he has said numerous times , he did, what he came to do . i think he will go out a winner but not be back in . everyone hangs on his ego , but fails to see the side he shows almost daily . where he can be humble and put others first .

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benny, yes I'm aware of that possibility too, that he's vindicated but someone else is president

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NOT vindicated from the Operation Warp Speed crimes...

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i partially agree , he laid out the pathway . but it isnt him , that orders it ok or not ? that being said , do you honestly believe the vax is a vax ?

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No it's not, but if he is & he is, the rightful, duly elected President then is absolutely necessary that he returns or it's not justice.

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I'm sorry you don't like the answer but it's what we have. How do you propose within our current Constitution bring Trump back into the Oval without a vote? Provide your links please.

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He already won. The states audits prove this. If an Olympic Gold Medalist is found to have cheated after the fact does he get to keep his medals? Ask Lance Armstrong.

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Patel suggests that Trump halted the electoral college count. I don't think Trump would let the biggest fraud in the history of the US go through on his shift, unless he is in the game, which is possible though unlikely. Trump would never let this get to a point where he is no longer in control. Not when the stakes are so high. I appreciate the fact that you are trying to guess what he did. I believe it will be something related with the PEAD documents, possibly what Patel suggested or something else. I will guess it will be something else. In an information war you point everyone to one direction while you go in an opposite one. Deflection is key here. I'm 100% sure Trump got this. He wouldn't be acting the way he is if he wasn't in control. Let's see what happens.

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If the Pres Action did in fact create extra Constitutional actions halting the Elec College vote, those PEAD(s) must be classified. There release would cause huge repercussions from the Dimwits, it would have been wall to wall excoriation of Trump as a dictator. Not one of the PEADs I read state that fact. Patel Patriot has yet to substantiate his claim. And why have we not seen those actions come to fruition? In otherwords, why are so many egregious actions of biden's group allowed, most specifically the handing over $86B in state of the art mil araments, abandonment of American citizens and the orders to move missionaries/orphans outside the Abbey gate then within an hour precisely where a bomb is detonated. 20 children, several missionaries and 4 Marines along with numerous others at the gate, were killed and over 200 injured? Now released are texts/emails revealing the bomber was locked on, biden ordered stand down. Would that that cause military to intervene? Over and over we're experiencing evil and heinous actions of the Cabal and the argument is to allow things to happen to "awaken the people". Halt the EC count? No such thing happened. The world witnessed the US House ratify count and the Senate certify that count. Are you suggesting that was a staged charade? Do you really believe the Dimwits would go along with that? Sadly I don't see Trump in control.

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Chris Miller's recent comments? Such as?

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1st, What is IKR?

2nd I see where you are going with this re: Trump. I've said to you recently that I take anything written by the mainstream media/press (Vanity Fair, Politico, etc.) with careful reservation.

3rd however ... the snippets and quotes in these articles do present a very similar view of Trump betw. Nov. 3rd and January 6th to that of the memoir written by Patrick Byrne, and featuring his side-kicks, Mike Flynn and the sublime Ms. Powell, as they got into the Sanctum Sanctorum under the radar, and tried to talk with Trump about what was going on with the campaign to rectify the Nov 3 fraud.

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INR is I know right.

Hey, these guys are on record what they said regardless of the left news source. It speaks for themselves. If you want to believe these news outlets fabricated them or misquoted them, that is a big stretch as They have not retracted or denied anything regarding these interviews in any way or social media. So it has to stand on its face.....

Yes, Byrne, Powell and Flynn all so confirmed, Trump was sandboxed by his counsel Pat Cipollone, COS Meadows and other traitors.

Further, Cipollone was ordered to release the declass but instead hid them....


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Truth. "It is easier to fool the people than to convince them that they have been fooled." -Samuel Clemons.

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Great truth quote Bonzer......sheeple will love the lie no matter how big as long as they don't have to admit they were fooled.

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September 8th

I was just watching the economic news. C19 & the vaccine are one thing, and certainly important. People could or will die. Trying not to be hard-hearted, the deaths of those who wanted the vaccine are not going to change the course of history. In a sense it's a tangent.

What I am worried about is the economy and financial system. The death of it will affect everyone not just some people. Furthermore, destroying the financial system (as is being done) is irreversible. Once we pass a certain point, that's it. The rest then just happens. And will happen even if Trump were to become the President tomorrow.

This whole theory that Trump and the Patriots are just waiting until the situation becomes so bad that X number of people finally see it, seems to me to ignore just what damage IS going on. I believe that if they are patriots then they should have stopped this whole Re-set a long time ago. Otherwise, like ticks, the bad guys are just digging themselves in, deeper and deeper. Which means harder to remove.

We are approaching one year since the election. That is a long time in any body's world. I feel it is too long and has allowed the bad guys to just continue to acquire and exercise more and more control. By waiting to over thrown them, the Patriots are just making them more powerful.

It's beginning to look to me like this is a surgical operation which waited too long to be done, and even if there is an "operation", alas the patient died.

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To Tim and Stuart, and readers of this thread, to use two time-worn phrases: 'we are on the same page', and 'misery loves company'. Both of your replies to my original post amplify my points, as well as pointing out new angles. I like them both very, very much. We could be seen as forming some sort of informal 'triumvirate' which has come to exist between two of the poles I see on this subject (i.e. 'Devolution is true and we're all saved' vs. 'Devolution is just another wish fulfillment delusion').

What I found myself doing with my original comment was to try looking at our situation from the opposite point of view. Instead of analyzing devolution from optimistic 'how are we going to effect it?', I looked at it, as I said, from the pessimistic 'but what if?' (recall my surgical operation analogy).

I came to the 'contra-establishment' point of view back in ca. 2005 when I began to understand our current world-wide financial system (the one that Henry Ford said of, 'if the people understood our (American) financial system there would be a revolution tomorrow'). He was speaking of the system put in place in 1913 with the Federal Reserve system in this country - a privately owned national bank put in control of the nation's money.

That understanding led (almost inexorably, or inevitably) to a study of Austrian economics. The economic theories of that school explained just how the system works, why it won't work, and what it will lead to (Stuart correctly used the term "mercantile", i.e. mercantilism, which is a modern form of feudalism). We are on the very verge of that new economic system right now as a direct result of the policies of governments for the last 100 years.

This is why my concern over our present situation was pessimistic. "Trump and the Patriots" are, fundamentally going up against a long-entrenched financial and economic system, and everything else that folks discuss on this thread and this webpage are subservient to it. I believe they are looking at all of the trees and discussing the various species, and ignoring the forest. To paraphrase Clinton's campaign slogan, "It's the financial system, stupid!". No offense meant - it's so easy to get bogged down in the "weeds".

Hence, when I said that even if 'Trump were president tomorrow', we may have reached the point of no return w/ re: to the financial system. Trump is a businessman, in fact he is the only businessman to be President in recent times. And, as a businessman, he knows (or should) that the Federal Reserve cannot create trillions and trillions of new dollars, conjured completely out of 'thin air', without there being consequences. Those trillions of new dollars, completely removed from the actual gross national product, are the means by which the Deep State has dug us down into a very, very deep hole economically.

How do we get out of it? Even if Trump were President and was in control of the government by fiat power, and he declared the C19 charade was over, told everyone it was a big con-job, had all of the mask mandates and vaccine passports removed, and opened all of the small businesses (what's left of them), that still would not get us out of the Deep Hole.

Meanwhile the Deep State, the Cabal, the "invisible enemy", the Swamp have done exactly what they have wanted to do for a hundred years - destroy the American financial system and be ready to institute the NEW system they want. Trump and the Patriots are going to need a very powerful, cogent Plan to remedy this state of things. Tick-tock, time is passing...

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Thank you Breck, and tim. Your comments deserve a longer response, so I will break the habit of a lifetime and try to put together a piece which will continue the discussion and hopefully provide a couple of starting points for an approach to the longer-term problems we are all facing.

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By the way I wrote this before I saw and read O'Flannagan's of today. He is also on the same page in a way. He even mentions "the point of no-return" and that there is no way out of it other than by a controlled demolition (i.e. Devolution).

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Agreed. While there are no doubt white hats in positions of power, it's down to a numbers game, and the fact is that we don't have the numbers. The point was to 'show the people' however the people are incapable of looking or listening. It's unfortunate, but the people are by and large, incapacitated and unable to think due to decades of dumbing down and financially degraded to the point of hand-to-mouth existence. An excellent example is being played out right now in AUS and NZ. The police are successfully used against the people simply by the threat of loss of income. This will happen here too, sadly despite efforts of police and fire unions to resist jabs. In the end, no amount of evidence being presented will bring the people together. I feel that the only recourse the military would have is to shut down all media for a period of at least six months to clear the fog, however it does again, come down to a numbers game. Devolution is a viable strategy, but the stars would certainly have to align for it to work. To Patel: Your research is top notch and if things were to work out, your series should be taught to students throughout the world as part of their history studies.

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while in some ways i agree with you , i will also point out . no where yet ,has the millions of gun owners , stood up yet . when the information starts to come available as evidence ? i think you will see an uprising of support .

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Not unless the grid goes down.....

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Thank you for your thoughts. While it is true that gun owners do number in the millions...I'm a target shooter, a great number of folks are either new gun owners who haven't even taken the time to get trained in proper use of a firearm, or people who have purchased for home defense. These need to be thrown out for consideration based on the fact that they will most certainly not stand up. Of course, I do not believe that it would have to come down to the people physically coming together as a show of force...simply voicing their presence continually keeps the gun grabbers on the back foot. I believe the bigger problem is that the methods of communication between the people have been severely degraded over the years. An interesting point is that the repeater system for ham radio operators has been almost completely dismantled across the US over the past five years. Additionally, readers to this site would all agree that all electronic communications are not only stored, but easily monitored at a moment's notice...think StingRay. I recently spent about a month on Telegram and quit that when I realized how polluted ALL social media is. Encryption systems are released only after DS has the means to monitor...remember that the TOR browser was developed by the US Navy. Anyway, yes I do take your point about gun owners... It is kind of funny that these old time thinkers continue to use the same failing ff events with the same old crisis actors again and again. What was it that Einstein said about trying the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result? Like MTV advertised in the 80's...'they just don't get it'...must be the inbreeding, eh? On a positive note, Breck has done his economic homework which bears out the massive forces marshaled against the people, but there is a lot going on right now in our favor. I believe the 'great reset' is something the the PTB are attempting to hijack as of their own construct, I disagree and feel that with the widespread adoption of blockchain, distributed ledger technology, 3D printing, smart contracts and even bartering and use of untraceable and non-hackable cryptos like Cloud Coin have put these scumbags at the back foot at the base of a landslide and will lose. The end of the control system can be realized if the people can simply disregard them, ignoring them, and this is happening already...think jab 'mandates'. As said before, the stars really need to align in our favor, but it is possible. I have a five year old son and my first life lessons for him are Discipline, Discernment and Discretion. I think that everyone needs to sharpen up on these essential skills....I sure do!

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agree on the coms. if and when the first shots are fired , it will be easy to know who was a gun lover , pre-trump era. they will have more than 5-6 mags full . lol i also wouldnt put much in line on the militias for the most part , there is some good but alot have been replaced by the selfie crews . bragging about liberty ,while posting their hardware pics on fb . or posting their "collection " pics on here . even after being told there is data mining software that pulls serials out of the pics . i simply dont post pics as they are easily identified for thieves or law enforcement .one case i think back to , a few years ago , a northeastern state was proud they caught a fugitive living in the woods . near a college campus . they were bragging that they found his illegal weapons and ammo . the pics showed an ar, a shotgun and a pistol . the ammo was 2-3 ar regular 30rd mags , an extra for the handgun and 4 duckbill sks mags . they were proud . always wondered if anyone found the missing sks ? lol

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tim, please see my reply to Breck above.

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I look forward to your insights.

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see mine of today in reply

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Point of no return is a possibility.

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Yes Seamus used the same words I believe.

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I have similar concerns. The pandemic action and the election fraud, are big enough issues for any normal times, but these days are the culmination of a growing abnormality/enormity across the whole of Western society, from the economic/financial train-crash (which has been latent now for many years, and has only been accelerated by corporate globalism reaching some kind of mercantile limit) to the wholesale rape of our culture, and confiscation of our histories (I speak from the UK).

I'm sure that, given the willingness to act and the wisdom to act with prudence and timeliness, the military are indeed the only option, and probably the sufficient resource to handle some urgent major issues. However, the resources wielded by the other side (or sides - there are likely more than one player jostling for position) are enormous and all-but ubiquitous. The corruption reaches down among us as well as within the entrenched other side - it's just a different corruption. In hindsight, the whole consumerist/choice movement (which now reaches as far as abortion, gender and other culture-mutations) serves only the aims of the globalists, whether they are opportunist oligarchs, technocrats, religious or marxist ideologues or space aliens (!). What exactly is Devolution capable of rescuing - can it provide a stable enough interim framework to allow an entire culture to shrug, and turn away from its induced dependencies of the last 75 years or so?

It doesn't just require local citizen engagement to reconstruct a working society - it takes the attention and dedication of worthy successors to those Founding Fathers, towering humans who created a nation in the first place. I hope they can be found, and will step up to the plate.

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see mine of today in reply

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What will trigger the military to take action? What happens if the military does not act? It seems to me that as more time passes, the military gets weaker and weaker. I hope Patel Patriot is right but at this point it is lots of theory. Thanks for the research. At this point I straddle hope and skepticism

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The MSM only allows you to see what they want you to see. I believe without a doubt there is a a military group that knows exactly what has transpired and they WILL take action, I have 100% faith in this. If, it doesn't happen, then we're doomed, but I don't believe America is done yet, not by a long shot, therefore, I'm not jumping in with the "it's too late crowd" because, as they say, it's not over until the fat lady sings!

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Get ready to role the credits frog....

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"the military gets weaker and weaker" -- so true. Our military couldn't beat a bunch of peasants in Viet Nam and Kabul. Do you think they will do better against Americans?

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Again we were set up to never win these wars.

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Politicians have been the biggest killer of soldiers in history...

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"Our military" is a very general, almost meaningless, term. Our military is huge and even if much of it is "weaker and weaker", what you need to consider is the size of the Special Operations branch. It has, iirc, ca. 70,000 soldiers. Do you know what Special Operations is? It's like the Green Berets, Navy SEALs, etc. This people are the creme de la creme.

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TYPO: these people not this people

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Trump has everyone he needs in the military, USSOCOM. That's why Miller was brought in & gave Direct Line Authority (DIRLAUTH) of SOCOM-SECDEF-POTUS. It's Counter Insurgency Warfare (COIN) & in COIN SOCOM should be the lead command & the other commands support the effort. In conventional warfare, SOCOM takes a supporting effort role to the other commands.

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What is Chris Miller doing? what has he done since January 20th?

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Notice he can't explain this.....

What is he gonna say ex acting SecDef Miller is going to stand up somewhere and activate his magic ring and the special forces and DS COM CMDRS are going to all awaken to his prior 1 month fledgling authority and execute arrests and takedowns?????

hahhahahhahahhahhahhaha.....get real ass clowns...

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I totally agree, many seemed worried about the military doing it's job, but as you said, Trump has the military, or at least the ones who matter, behind him. Just as our Congress will be purged of the treasonists and and traitors, so too will the military. I half expect something to happen if Biden is put out on 25A; from my understanding there will be a lapse of time, couple days or so, before Harris takes the Oath of Office (not that that means anything to any of them) providing an opportunity for the military to move in as, technically, there will be no CDR in Chief. Just opining here, but I know the scenario will also involve the AZ results and Durham's report.

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Froggy, Trump don't have shit, stop fantasizing and get fucking real...

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I don't think the democrat's will risk their majority in the senate. There current power is tenuis at best with a narrow house majority and the 50/50 split in the senate, Harris is their ruling power.

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Me too Mr. W.

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When? Children are being stolen at the border, people are being seriously injured or killed by the injections, people are dying from fentanyl overdoses, people are losing their homes and jobs, we’re all losing our civil liberties, and the march is on for a full fascist takeover of planet Earth. When?

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Well, here's my thought, which is based upon a "phenomenon" I've seen repeated many times in my own life. If it is true that Trump is an agent of the Lord God Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, Lord of the Universe, then I imagine this thing is going to follow the usual course that God takes with us mortals here below - namely He comes in AT THE VERY LAST MINUTE. He had done this with me and my life and I have seen Him do it in the lives of nations.

Consider a promise we see made in 2nd Chronicles: “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” I see His people calling mightily on His name and praying - praying hard! I see us seeking His face with all of our strength and with all of our faith.

When? at the last moment when all seems lost and He shows His power. Then once again we will know that He is God.

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Remember both Christ & Satan must work thru the aegis of men.

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Great point!👏👏👏I totally agree though I think it’s last minute not because of God but because of our unwillingness to let go of our illusions until there is no other way. And once we do let go, “poof!” we find God where’s He’s always been - right in front of our faces😁

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I accept your corollary.

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I don't think DJT is an agent of God. What is the evidence? He is interested in power and money. He will never pass 'through the eye of a needle' and get to heaven. The Virgin Mary would never accept to have a pussy-grabber enter the Pearly Gates.

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Was Operation Warp Speed Evil Gods will??

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I wasn't referring to Trump. Where did you get that idea?

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thanks for showing your dem side .

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That is a fair question to ask considering all this happening. Partly, the answer is I think when we ALL put a stop to it. As in via huge numbers not complying and mass civil disobediance. We have to leave our comfort zones behind and be all in to pressure these DS agents to cease and desist

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I understand, but it seems to me that the returns have diminished to a point where the time is now. Any longer and the continuing horror show will dwarf what would’ve happened if Trump had just dropped his reveal back in January. Nunes is now suggesting that AG Garland isn’t going to release Durham’s report🙄Enough already. Australia and NZ look to be done for. I’m a parent and a very patient person. If I’m feeling this way, then I can only imagine how bad other Americans are feeling. We need a clear and concise AZ audit report that EVERYONE can understand. And then the hammer needs to be dropped. If there is a hammer... And if there isn’t a hammer, then we should have been told that months ago😳

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if they dropped early , the left would have caused the violence . look at myanmar . this way they open the peoples eyes.

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Screw that theory benny.....Being afraid of leftist violence is chicken shit cowardice.

Either your eyes are open or they never will be......

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I too think it has to be by ALL. Since I was at a certain place near the 5th of our first calendar month. I now see how the DS uses every opportunity. Being a christian and knowing the US needs God back in her heart. Breck and Tom are correct. Pass it on Sept 9th gives a great opportunity to ask God collectively to put his hand into this matter and fulfill the promise made in 2nd Chronicles. I think a massive pray can only help.

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Jan. 6th is National Insurrection Day.

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Great analysis again. I would just segway a bit to give a background and a bit of history that demonstrates how this corruption became so pervasive and deep rooted. Here is an accounting of how economic power is so concentrated in just a very few hands.https://www.lewrockwell.com/2021/04/bill-sardi/who-runs-the-world-blackrock-and-vanguard/

And here is an accounting of when you could say our country was sold out to the behemoth economic titans who really came to rule the world. https://www.nationallibertyalliance.org/two-us-constitutions

All this ties in with Devolution in the sense that not only was our country going to become a subsidiary of CHINA INC. but the entire planet was being set up for a New World Order. A One World Govt. I think this effort to dismantle the US was setting it up to be neutered as regards any ability for US citizens to resist. Then with the worldwide Virus and lockdowns, they the Cabal were going to fully realize their NWO PLAN which included massive Depopulation. Much info exists now on the Net to support all this I just mentioned. All this is so big and profound it really boggles the mind. It is really a War for our collective destiny as a species. Finally, I would say Devolution may really have gotten started with President Kennedy what he knew and was about to do and his assassination and certain high up Military personnel who came to understand the profound corruption characterizing a hidden rule by a very few incredibly wealthy entities

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Actually, it goes back to the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913 which was rammed thru Congress Christmas Eve by quorum vote. The two richest men in America that opposed the Fed was John J. Astor & I can't remember the others at the moment. Both of those men went down with the Titanic while JP Morgan changed his travel plans at the last minute & didn't go on the Titanic with both of them. Coincidence?

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I believe the evil plan for the NWO, orchestrated by the 1% elites, DS and WEF. I still do not get WHY so many countries are allowing it - what is in their interests to give up their power and influence in their own country? There can only be so many (relatively few) leaders in a global one world government and if these numbnuts think that they are going to be sitting in the arena of actually having power and making decisions rather than people like the Rothschilds and Rockerfellers that will, and always have, pulled the strings form the shadows; they are clearly delusional. I just cannot figure out what their benefit is - why would they comply? Money is not enough when they could continue with their backhanded deals and corrupt agreements to enrich their personal bank accounts? Their relinquishment of their power boggles my brain. Can anyone explain to me what is in it for the Presidents/Prime Ministers etc of the countries permitting this to happen


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You see many/all of these politicians decision makers etc are gulity of very serious crimes themselves. And in some cases they have been blackmailed to having done these things. Including of course the worldwide Scamdemic. So if they do not go along with all this, all of them are going to face justice. Plus, they re scared themselves of being "suicided" . Finally the high up Minions probably believe they are part of the club that will hold priviledges in a depopulated tyrannical world

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I could not have said it better

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It's actually a lose-lose proposition for them. They're in so deep either way.

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Good points, and I agree with Camilo mendoza that many have been coopted by the global elitists, or just are simply evil to begin with, to take their respective countries over the proverbial cliff, probably with a promise that they and their families will be spared (yeah, right) as long as they comply. All these subverted countries will lead to the NWO, as they've been planning for quite some time now. My guess is they want a more docile, less populated world to do their bidding which explains the jab; I doubt not one of those corrupted leaders, nor their families, will receive the actual poison.

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What is even more startling to me is the many American politicians and people working within the higher levels of our government who willingly assist the takeover of our country. These people were raised in America. They lived the life of privilege this nation has provided. They know the story of the founding of this nation. Just consider the Post Office as an example. The US Constitution provides for the existence of 2 organizations funded by government and tasked with specific duties. These are the military tasked with protecting our borders and national integrity and the Post Office tasked with delivering the mail. Now isn't it ironic that one of those institutions is at the forefront of saving America while the other was complicit in the fraudulent election and thereby assisted in its attempted dismantling.

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What a great juxtaposition and ironic considering they want to privatize the Postal Service, probably as another arm of their deceitfulness, along with a federalized police force--which is almost here with the DOJ and FBI.

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The politician have believed for a long time that China will win, so they want to be on the winning side. That is until they see the real side of China. Once they secure power they'll liquidate everyone at the top that will be a threat. China just picked up where the Soviets left off. Good, short little video by former KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQPsKvG6WMI&list=PLI4SDE7GSCQab0U4XCNQKQWrSY2lXs7yU&index=48&t=16s

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Useful idiots are disposed of when they are no longer useful.

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So today the operative word according to Seamus is "shattering". Today the National Archives Records Administration placed cautionary labels onto the United States Declaration of Independence, The Constitution and the Bill of Rights identifying these documents as inflammatory speech. They are identified as the voice of old white men that do not reflect the values of our current America. The glass pane reflecting our nations history and the values that we hold dear and which made us the greatest nation on earth are shattered by this fraudulent administration. What is the greater loss, our 13 beloved servicemen or our national heritage? All were bought with the blood of patriots. Yet we keep waiting for the moment when this injustice will be called out. In the interim what is being shattered is the confidence of the everyday American who has lost sight of the nation they were born into and love to the depths of their hearts. They are not reading these texts building momentum in their hearts that the day will come when they will stand up and say never more. My finger on the pulse of the nation, my brothers and friends that continue to hear to me telling that the patriots are coming, is growing weak by the continuing shattered dream that justice will prevail. In fact, even to hear me tell it again and again is to hear a voice that is cracked by the repetition of saying it over and over for such a prolonged time. Please God, do not shatter my dreams that the nation will rise up out of these difficult times and if we must again pay the price with the the blood of our youth let it be swift so that the wound can be tended and the nation then where that scar of it into tomorrow when we will know that America stands united as never before.

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wear that scar America

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I do follow Q a bit. And Q said in various ways we have to be taken to the precipice to truly change or want change. The precipice is seeing the deep rot that has metastized. And seeing we were collectively being taken to ruin. The Vaccines deaths are one way. They want to kill us. So maybe now we know we really are in a War.

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Q has taken you to the stolen elction and quit on your sorry asses.....

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Good evening Mr. Mendoza,

I like to read your take on Patel Patriot's take on Devolution. Here, in Canada, we have nothing close, not even 1 %, to Putin or Trump to help us get out of the grip of the Globalists.

If you don't mind, I would like to ask you three questions :

1. General James Mattis seems to have been a great soldier, general, thinker and competent and devoted Secretary of Defense. Do you think he will ever come back to lead the DoD (under Trump or another President) ?

2. What is your opinion of Rex Tillerson, the former Secretary of State of Trump ? An engineer trained man who lead Exxon Mobil for a long time and seems very good at business, negociation and international economic diplomacy, do you think he may come back one day (with or without Trump) as Secretary of State ?

3. What is your opinion of Tulsi Gabbard and what do you think is her political future ? Do you think she will either become President or Vice-President ? Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of Homeland Security, US Ambassador to the UN, US Ambassador to Russia, US Ambassador to Syria, CIA Director, NASA Director, DIA Director, NSA Director, White House Chief of Staff, Director of National Intelligence, Veteran's Affairs Secretary, Space Force Director, Secretary of the Interior, CISA Director or a lot of these one at a time ?

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I can't answer 1 and 2 but 3, Tulsi Gabbard is a Democrat wolf in sheep's clothing.

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Sep 3, 2021
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She seems to be of an odd mix. She is, as you rightfully stated, a libertarian. For example, she is in favor of legalizing all drugs, including marijuana in all the US. She is also a liberal since she believes in freedom of speech, freedom of thought and freedom of religion. She is against censorship in all forms, including on the Big Tech platforms. She is also a leftist, since she believes in a public health care system in the US, like the one we have in Canada. She was also against banning transgender people from the Military. Finally, she is kind of a conservative from her use of rationality, science, morality and decency in politics, while being very feminine and married.

So, Mrs. Gabbard is an odd mix.


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As a matter of rule cannot trust any politician. Politics is just to corrupt to fathom anyone staying above it and thus not compromising themselvs

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she was the closest thing , either side had to a libertarian , until she showed her healthcare views . yes, the left despises her.

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Yes Tulsi is a fake Patriot. Rex is probably a good businessman who in that aspect was useful to Trump and General Mattis based on the following article appears DS. Remember this entire Information War by the White hats as been exquisitely employing deception and suberfuge. Trump was even as late as 2017 acting like "one of them" and the refrain keep your friends close and your enemies closer is also quite apt

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Why do you think she is a fake patriot ? I think she is more of an Independant case, more like Ross Perot, Patrick Joseph Buchanan and Ralph Nader ? In the world of fiction, she seems close to the character of the President of the USA Tom Kirkman, played by the Canadian actor Kiefer Sutherland in the tv series Designated Survivor. The difference with Tom Kirkman being that she is not a centrist. But both are not really '' from the Party ''. A Democrat, but hated by so many Democrats, that says a lot... Loved by a lot of Republicans and Patriots and Trump supporters. That also says a lot...

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Thank you, Mr. Mendoza. I just read the article, but is Mr. Mattis really a deep state agent ? He really talked the way Congress wants the Secretaries to speak about Russia in order to get in. But, he did not do anything against Russia in practice. Furthermore, like Trump, he did not want to attack Iran, which is a good thing. Finally, he oversaw the secret agrandisement of Guantanamo and other prisons for the future convicted and guilty of treason that are about to be indicted. Is this really the legacy of a deep state agent ? Plus, having him as a Secretary of Defense for the sting operation and the reshaping of the military for the purpose not of war, but national liberation, being physically so close to Trump and the draining of the swamp, does not seem to me as examples of a man working for the treasonous globalists.

He seems to be an American patriot, even if it does not always appears obvious.

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Good points

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If Mr. Tillerson and Mattis make a comeback eventually and are really not deep state (as I think they are not), then I hope they will stay as heads of the State department and DoD for a longer period of time. They seem to ve VERY capable individuals. There is also John Kelly, who I think should eventually make a comeback as Homeland Security where he did marvels to solve the border problem. For Kirstjen Nielsen, she would make a good chief of staff for John Kelly at the Homeland Security department (as she already was) or a good Chief of Staff of the White House. I would see it as a great thing for Kayleigh McEnany to be back as the White House Spokeswoman and even the White House Communications Director (both hats for her). I think also that Dana Perino would be very good again as the White House Spokeswoman. Beautiful as hell, sexy, decent, honest, very kind and open minded, she will make a fine addition to the Trump team if Mrs. McEnany does not want to come back.

Finally, Tulsi Gabbard should be the next NASA director for...8 years. Yes, you read me well. After 8 years, the amount of experience she will amass will make her fit for, let's say, DIA director (military intelligence like Mike Flynn before her), but contrary to Mr. Flynn, she will stay DIA director for three years and not two (hopefully). Then, she should head the CIA for 4 years if the CIA continues to exist after the Great Purge (by Trump and his allies). Then, she should become the head of the NSA for 4 years, before heading the CISA for 4 more years, then the Space Force for 4 years and then finishing this by becoming the DNI for 4 years. Then, she should graduate to US Ambassador to the UN for 8 years, before becoming the National Security Advisor for another 8 years. With all this professional experience, she can then become Secretary of State for 8 years, then Secretary of Defense for another 8 years, Veteran's Secretary for 4 years before becoming White House Chief of Staff for 4 or 8 years. Then, she can retire or decide to become a US Ambassador to Syria or Russia or somewhere else. And, why not, Vice-President and maybe POTUS.

What do you think about that ?

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I wouldn't trust any of those with anything.....

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Mr. Tigerclaw, tell me why.

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I’ve just reread Art of War and I think your analysis is wonderfully accurate - Trump is a master at”holding out baits” and the Deep State can’t seem to resist. He is backing them into a trap while remaining entirely secure.

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Call Trump a master or your master at your peril....

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I'm beginning to suspect this whole thing is Hopium. Where's that chairwoman from the Arizona State Republican Party who was so prompt in giving daily updates? Last I heard she was nursing COVID patients in the state senate. Now California has demonstrated that they can run the fraud under their own terms with not a peep from the masses. Red October is starting to look like the color of the leaves as the sun moves lower into the skyline.

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The Reality is clear of the current events and situations....But conspiracy nutbags want to dream of castles in the sky....

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full control of the house and senate for 6-7 months , what have they passed or done ?

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It's 50-50 in the senate and the repubs have been filibustering to good effect.

However, watchout for their plan to cancel the filibuster to go around it.

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funniest shit on the internet ! you denounce a possible devolution , but claim the dems were blocked by filibusters? you should sit out for the govt discussions now , you just proved 110% you are nothing more than a CNN EDUCATED TROLL .

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Benny your a clown....If your trying to say Trump has control of Congress and the power to block the Libs agenda the past 10 months because of Devolution or the MIL????

Your batshit crazy.....Have you spoke with your shrink in a while?

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wtf does my statement have to do with orange man ? once more you prove my troll tigerclaw theory ? here oh brilliant one ,,,fil·i·bus·ter


Learn to pronounce

See definitions in:





noun: filibuster; plural noun: filibusters


an action such as a prolonged speech that obstructs progress in a legislative assembly while not technically contravening the required procedures.



delaying tactics









kicking the can down the road



a person engaging in unauthorized warfare against a foreign country.


verb: filibuster; 3rd person present: filibusters; past tense: filibustered; past participle: filibustered; gerund or present participle: filibustering

act in an obstructive manner in a legislature, especially by speaking at inordinate length.

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Half full - half empty. I can see your suspicion.

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Today I can't comment on some of Patel Patriots posts - only the elite paying subscribers can. Bad move, PatelPatriot!!! The comment section under your posts is the best on the internet - a good cross section of people, variously thoughtful, kind, analytical, info-filled, and/or sharing of their own experiences where they are. Freedom-loving of course. We the People need to know the thoughts of the many others of like mind at this time, when Evil people with horrendous plans are making their final pushes for total control. This is not a time to censor ordinary, not-rich, freedom-loving people. Don't leave us out of the fellowship and conversation as Big Tech so often does for their own reasons.

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The Patel Patriot Gustapo Nazi's are censoring any freespeech that contradicts their fables on the Telegram and TwitchTV....

How very fascist of them.....Dissent in there future paradigm will be purged it seems.

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My sentiments exactly!

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Totally agree

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