I do disagree with part of it and I do believe it is the very reason so many patriots are frustrated watching the country be destroyed while not understanding why Trump and the military don’t step in to stop it.
The part where you said...the political establishment represents the biggest threat to America.
I don’t think that’s true at least as far as my definition of political establishment. I think the political establishment are just puppets. They are completely corrupt and doing everything they can to enrich themselves and destroy the constitution. We all can name them. Hillary, Obama, Biden, McConnell, Schumer, Pelosi, and on and on. But they aren’t who Trump is fighting.
From the get go Trump has been fighting the global elite who control our political establishment. The ones who groomed them, funded them, protects them and also gives them orders.
You are right that Trump has already beaten the political establishment. They weren’t even a challenge.
But who Trump is really fighting is the puppet masters that control all central banks in the world and money supply. And the puppet masters that control the worlds entire medical system. Every part of it. And the puppet masters that control all media. And the puppet masters that control elections worldwide. And these same puppet masters control governments and their militaries.
That’s who Trump is actually fighting. It’s a real war and not easy. Fixing the corruption in America is going to be swift when the time comes but cleaning up America does nothing about taking down the cabal permanently. Over time they just corrupt the next generation of politicians in our country.
This is why most patriots are frustrated with Trump not stopping the destruction of our country yet.
Their focus is on the puppets not the global masters.
And another name I’ve seen many speculate on but not sure.
One family was taken down already in Saudi Arabia.
Trump is fighting a far more dangerous enemy than the political establishment and unless patriots see that, by all these systems they control being exposed, then they will never understand why he hasn’t acted yet.
Great points Joe (and Camilo, 5D, and watcher). We all know elements such as black rock and van guard own EVERYTHING. To stay on the trajectory that devolution IS the plan (or part of), and couple military planning and strategy, it has to begin somewhere; I guess what we’re purporting here is that waking the people would be an important piece to the plan, right? We do know that there are other elements at play here. Such as, durham’s investigation, the declas stuff yet to be revealed, an unprecedented 150K+ sealed indictments, the merging of FED with treasury last year, the whole Chinese conflict, five eyes corruption, etc etc I don’t think what we’re saying here is “uncover the election fraud and we’re good to go.” This may be the first big domino? (So many anomalies, mathematical impossibilities, etc that Lindell’s thing displayed — I think he’s still got the “PCAP” thing up his sleeve). Election Fraud: The first breeze (of the storm) that blows down the house of cards? We the people are the bedrock on which these thieves enjoy their serpentine comforts. A great awakening will make that foundation “sand”, then striking from every angle (with mass indictments and class-action lawsuits, more awakening will be logarithmic or exponential — I’m not a mathematician), crumbling their power structure. As far as moloch and the 5D chess (against princes and principalities), that will always exist until Jesus returns; but we can cripple the dragon/serpent, decimate the 3D Tower of Babel that Satan has currently constructed. That’s my two cents. My one caveat of doubt is the damn vax! So many docs saying it’s literally a bio weapon. I’ve heard the optics argument and the “if he hadn’t done it, millions MORE would have died”….I get it. It’s just puzzling! Godspeed. Pray ceaselessly.
It is correct to say that waking up the people is an important part of the plan. I believe however that the "bottom-up" movement is, along with being the more time consuming aspect of any retaking of our Republic, Extremely Important to the stability of the political structure.
You need look no further than the School Boards, the City and County Counsel members, directors and Precinct Committeemen, to see the critical need to return these decision making entities back to the people that have some assembleance of common sense and moral compass and insure that they are truly operating in the best interests of the population and families that they affect.
Without the purging of these local authorities, you are asking for a continuation of the corrupt, subversive, and harmful policies that were implemented and went undetected for so many years.
I think it will go even further as a complete restructing of society seems to be in the cards. So the need to wake up as many as possible can be seen as critical so the masses are on board with these wholesale changes. As Q said it is that corrupt
This is correct. The nobility in Europe and around the world are the hidden hands who control the puppets. Obamo, Schumer, Piglosi are small time potatoes to the real criminals whose names you never heard of. You have heard of some like Dimon, Gorman, etc...ceo's of banks are all controlled. They have their people in positions of power in all companies, media, entertainment, etc. They change their names and marry 2nd or 3rd generation within to keep the bloodline. This is how its done and they are so embedded in every facet of industry in the world that its difficult to root out. The CFR, BIS, UN all need to be destroyed in order to save the world. That's how it will work and the only way. People need to wake up and understand that the true power are in those whose names you never heard of but you can research and find them. They call the shots all over the world. Until they are rooted out, we are stuck unfortunately. We need to save the US first and go from there. The mafia families in Italy, Royals all over the world, etc. These are the hidden hands....until we take them down, we have not won anything. Devolution or not, the hidden hands beyond Soros needs to go down. That means rooting out the Rockefellers, Roths, Medici, etc...all of them. Their offspring are everywhere and placed in positions of power all over the world in every govt and organization.
Jump ahead in time to the post by Patel about the Message From A Patriot. In addition to your comments about the puppet masters (which which I agree) he explains why Trump has not yet acted. Many think as you do, that they would like Trump to act faster, but the best explanation yet was in this message where he stated,
"To me, q is not only an explanation about what has or might be happening behind the scenes right now (devolution, etc). It is SO much more.
It has been a map to highlight the links between the biggest "conspiracy theories." In doing so, it removed the false assumption that they were random, unconnected, & could easily be relegated into categories "owned" by a specific political party. It showed, definitively, that the previous adoption of the "R vs. D" division paradigm was false, how easy it has become to deceive us in such manner, and the role that division played in a very specific and long-term plan."
Most importantly and this hit home to me as to why it has to be this way is this...
"It educated millions of people around the world in what, in my opinion, may be more important than any clandestine actions of our military. You see, even if the military steps in right now, completely "fixes" things and ends this charade, we are still living among a population that has-- very literally-- been programmed (brainwashed)."
End of quote
It is crucial that the majority be awakened to the reality of the evil & corruption of the global cabal about which you spoke of as puppet masters. As Trump has stated, the swamp is deeper and wider than he imagined. He cannot hope to defeat the global entity until he has the majority of Americans on his side and to do that we must defeat the political establishment which represents the biggest threat to America at this time.
The central banks are holding the purse strings and through their control of money are manipulating world events. But in some respects, as Q said, these people are stupid. Their actions show they believe they are infallible. The one pulling their strings is 'the one you do not name,' while we have on our side right, truth and justice and the One who decreed such things.
Many say on social media, just pray, nothing else is required. I maintain that if man were created in God's image, that it was not a physical image, but rather the image of having a mind capable of reason and purpose. We must use our minds. Many in this movement have done so and it is for that reason, and the facts uncovered that I am here. Those who follow Q and the events occurring do not claim to know the future, but like you and I are piecing together the plan and the glue holding it together is the facts we are discovering.
To Patel, Thank you for your research, your insight and all your work posting this information in an easily understandable form. I research every link in the reports. Daily I listen to Dave on x22reports where I first heard about Devolution and your site. The interview merely scratched the surface of your theory. I believe it is probable that Devolution is real and daily facts support the theory to the extent that soon we will all know it is reality.
Please keep up your work as you are one of many important warriors in this war.
Good points. Remember though, the puppet masters greatest strength was their anonymity. But they lost it as NSA captured them via the sophisticated monitoring capabilities that Snowden talked about. See the video by Charlie Freak "Taking down the Cabal fron A-Z". Most people cannot understand what we refer to by these puppet masters.. But as Q attests to and much supporting info, a Plan was in motion "Q A Plan to Save the world" another good primer. The Devolution series also dissects this Plan. Yes, the scope of it is global. I hope Mr. Patel gets into the more global aspects of it in his Addendum series.
I agree that all of this is being run by those few, but undercutting their resources and operatives pulls out their platform from beneath them. I am encouraged that we are getting close to the "big reveal" but am also discouraged when I hear that it won't happen until the Arizona audit results are released. That keeps getting pushed out further and further in time by the Maricopa County's Board of Commissioners' stalling tactics and refusal to hand over the routers. Meanwhile more people are being "persuaded" to accept the injections and more people are being freely let into this country that shouldn't be.
There is only one big mistake that you have made with your synopsis and that is you have "ASSUMED" that Trump and the patriots "haven't" gone after the global elites. I believe he has and I also believe that this is why it's taking longer. I also believe that Trump and the alliance had no choice but to take the elites and their entire system down systematically, because if they didn't it would just grow back bigger stronger, and eventually not only would America be lost, but the whole planet would have been consumed by the evil that has existed for far too long. Devolution is not just USA based its global. WWG1WGA
You are right on target! The power brokers of the world are the true enemy of America. They hate the idea of the people having the power to rule themselves instead of them having rule over the people. What President Trump did was to open our eyes to the corruption of the political establishment but that was just the stepping stone. The big fish that needs to be gutted are those puppet masters who scheme and plan for the downfall of our sovereign nation and all that it represents to the world. They want to rid America of it's liberty and freedom and bring in their New World Order for complete control over the United States. We stand in their way for them to accomplish their goals. Removing the last stronghold of a free people is their target. Will they succeed? I sincerely hope not.
I agree with everything you said and the evidence for devolution is compelling, is it not?
Do you wonder who the power brokers of the world are? I've been searching for the answer to that question for several years.
I may have found the answer. Go to Ryan Zehm's channel on YouTube and look for the video "Altiyan Childs Exposes Freemasonry" These are likely the puppet masters behind the screen or the 'veil' as they call it.
I'm a bit late to the party here, but Ipod, you've hit the nail on the head in my view. And the political/media proxies can't do what do without our acquiescence. Once, if, we the people get political and media criminals into prison for life, thereby showing future criminals that committing high crimes means long times in prison, the whole human landscape changes. The one reason the higher powers get away with their crimes is that the enablers they corrupt to do their work are never made liable for their actions. Change that, and we shall make serious progress.
It would be very disappointing if Trump or someone/something else were to expose corruption in our national leaders only. I'm not holding my breath. Even if the clock were to be turned back by three or four decades, which I would be glad to see, what we ultimately need (unless of course you're waiting for Jesus to return riding on the clouds in the short term) is to see the globalist puppet masters exposed and deposed. Again, I'm not holding my breath.
Your argument seems to agree with what he said, The Political Establishment, by being corrupt are not protecting this country which is their Primary Duty.
Trump won a battle with that establishment but not the war. Until both house, senate and agencies are cleansed he is still at war with them. He was not able to clean them out in the first term because their were so many and many still hidden. That is why appearing to lose allows them to feel comfortable in showing themselves. Now he has all of them.
One thing is I agree .......you can pull the surface of the weeds out.......but if the roots are not taken with it they will just grow back. God has written in the heavens (stars). Evil must be stamped out by God, if not it will resurface very soon with even greater power. God and his people must be in unified effort to bring in the new age. Thus, ending the evil that has got us here.
I agree God is in control of everything on earth and heaven but just like President Trump God wants the people to wake up to the Evil all around you and your families and pray for his help in taking out the evil in this world. Pray and Believe Evil can and Will be Defeated.
Do you worry that Americans are too soft? How are we going to save us when we’ve lived a life of comfort, excess and distraction? Majority of the last few generations are entitled and mesmerized by gaming and deceptive media. The sad truth is that most people want the help but they don’t want to work for our freedom. So if it’s up to we, the people to finish this, I’m concerned.
I agree. But it’s not so much the younger generation. Look at the baby boomers. I passed out flyers to each house on my street about attending a peaceful protest to stand up for Medical Freedom. I did NOT see one of my neighbors there. Pathetic!!!
You commented that no baby boomers responded to your flyer to protest for medical freedom, but younger people did. It could be the luck of the draw on the group you were inviting. Perhaps you didn’t consider the demands on the sandwich generation, who are often juggling many tasks, caring for their parents while still raising their kids and working.
I stand by my statement that it is not helpful to complain about other generations. It tends to consist of stereotypical and unhelpful judgments.
It’s not a judgement by the way, Trish . It’s a conclusion I made from my observation in my area. It’s interesting that you criticize any one who says something that doesn’t go with your paradigm but yet criticize me for my observation. Who are you ? If you look at past history, it’s the same as today … the small percent are the ones who stood up and did what was needed to be done. And that is what I AM seeing to be true today. So get off your condescending high horse and go do something like make flyers and pass them out in your neighborhood like I did and see how many respond instead of making comments that my comment is nothing more than “ unhelpful judgements”. Don’t worry replying to me because I’ve wasted enough time with you.
People respond in different ways. Your way may not be their way. Baby boomers are not the enemy and are not as complacent as you imply. Ester's concern (above) is understandable, but not if you look for those who have been awakened to the push for the new world order. Start to look for the glass half full and filling more every day. You may be amazed. People worldwide are conducting 'peaceful protests' in their own way.
Keep moving forward with yours. You never know who you might be influencing in the right direction.
I’m just stating a fact that there are people who are apathetic and that everyone of these people who I referred too In my comment are double vaxxed and boosted pretty much proves my point. I never said ALL baby boomers. I guarantee you though that it is a high percent. Those you mention protesting are the 20 percent .
While these points are interesting and it is important to be aware, it has taken me a long time to realize that man, no man, can correct what is wrong. The injustice and pure evil promulgated throughout the earth are being disclosed. While the Almighty God may use individuals such as Trump and Q, they are not the answer. God, whose very name has been removed from the Bible, is in control. He has a timetable for the events of the exposure of evil to occur and for His Son to return to earth.
At this point I have come to realize that neither is 'Devolution' the answer. Read your Bible yourself and don't listen to anyone who wants to interpret for you. The Bible tells us there are many who will deceive us. You have a mind and now is the time to use it.
The people who read this substack are looking for answers, as they should. Trump's team have not punished anyone of the many who we see oppressing and cheating the people in this country. The same can be said of other countries of the world. Is evil rising? I don't know, but it is certainly being exposed.
The separating of good and evil is happening now at an ever increasing rate. Which side will you be on? Will it be the side of man or God. His real name is not God, Lord or any other title. The Creator's name is YAHUAH as used almost 7,000 times in what is commonly called the Old Testament and His Son's name is Yahusha.
As Yahuasha, the Messiah, said, As in the days of Noah men will be eating and drinking and taking in marriage and then the Son of Man will come on clouds of Glory. Many are being given the choice, but are scoffers, non-believers and ridiculers of The Almighty. Yahusha did not come to bring peace. He came as He said, to divide the wheat from the tares, which is the evil from the righteous.
I know many who are soft. Someone close to me told me about a seminar he attended which focused on the motivating factors of change in individuals. The change was brought about by a 'significant emotional event.' For some that has been losing a senior relative in a nursing home, having to close down a business they have worked for years to build because of government mandates, coming up might be hyper-inflation combined with increased taxes, the inability to feed one's family, etc. Those who lose the ability to play games and follow Hollywood must begin to look around them and question what is going on. The majority will have such an event, big or small, that will open their eyes and they will begin to search. Q called this the Precipice and many are approaching it. We have had several years to learn all of this and we can help them to learn the truth. Americans will have a hunger to learn as they must to survive and defeat the evil within.
Tel a vision has social engineered the demeaning of masculinity. Have you heard of the Barbie movie out now targeted toward young kids? It makes men look bad . It’s what all TEL A VISION is about… subjecting our minds to believing in a vision they want… pyschological war upon us. Been going on forever. I have no TV in my home now.
You are right on target. Now here's the tough part. We will have to be partially wiped out before we are hungry enough to do what is needed to get us out of this mess. Some will die and some will surely suffer. It's time to get ready and gear up... Be smart
Everyone can do something, even if it is just to be giving support to someone who is doing something. But it has been my experience that every individual has unique God-given talent that can be expressed. Stand up, speak out, be present, and let your unique strength add to that of your fellow patriots. United we have a power that cannot be stopped. Write your local officials, attend meetings, write letters to the editor, research topics to find the truth, teach others. DO NOT BE AFRAID. If you love God, then you know that Divine Love will meet every need, provide all supply, put the government on His shoulders, and protect his image and likeness. Getting our Republic back may be a task, but the end result is assured.
We'll never be united. And that's what individual freedoms are all about: people are allowed their own opinions. Many people are successfully brainwashed or are naturally inclined to need to be superior. The left tells people they are superior if they will only hold leftist opinions. Bam! You're now superior and you didn't have to train and excel in a trade or a sport or to be self-'disciplined. You don't need to think or analyse, You just have to believe and promote leftist dogma!
You cannot trust in people alone to defeat the cabal. Not enough are internally mature. I would advise, yes do what you are called to do, mentally intend for the outcome you want, and give the rest to a higher power after you do your part.
We had 80 million vote for Trump. After what has happened since Mr Biden has been installed in the WH, many more have joined in. I think we are discounting all these millions who WILL stand up if push comes to shove. The problem is the shove may come to late.
It's Never to late to fight for Freedom. We will all come together the ones that are not Evil who truly have a heart that beats for people and want true Peace and show love for their neighbors. They want us to hate each other Why?? That's the Devil. We were born to love and care for each other. The Democrats for decades have tried to kill off the African race and they tell them its the White Race but now with the Virus it's the Chinese people. Don't let that happen look for the good in all people . yes I know there are some who are just evil but most are just brainwashed or just given up on life. I pray when this ends we all have a true blessed life. No one living on the streets . people having good job no more welfare the kind of life we were meant to have . pray and keep the faith. This is true .What you speak and dream about and it goes out into the world happens. So start speaking truth to everyone. America is going to come back Stronger and Better than ever. Don't be afraid to Dream Big . Pray Dream Big and have true Faith and see what happens. No one believed President Trump would win in 2016 but he did and he still is winning. He has said he dreams big and is not afraid so why should we be afraid to have big dreams. God bless all of you on here!
Magic Eyes (twitter I think) did a great uncovering of how Q drops align with the Military Law manual. This has been and continues to be a worldwide military operation. And Trump absolutely could not be seen as supporting it or would be seen as a coup and Trump as would be tyrannt. It is all being done within military and constitutional parameters. Information is continously being leaked as legit info and counter insurgency disinfo. It is about catching ever more if those who persist in carrying out high crimes and concurrently exposing to the masses the inherent ubiquitous corruption
When we planned an undercover operation we would plan it for at least a month.
Trump has an unbelievable task ahead of him. He has to seize all the media, all the alphabet agencies from the CDC to the CIA. How does one man do that? You plan for months with the military at your disposal.
You have to arrest the CEO's and heads of all of them secretly. Then when the time is right you use the military to seize everything. Your timing has to be perfect. He had Generals who were loose cannons. They had to be fired and arrested.
I posted it but most of you probably didn't see it. Bezos, Zuckerberg, Dorsey, Zucker, Pichai, and all the heads of the lettered agencies including CIA Director Gina Haspel were arrested. There have been so many arrests. Trump is now ready to move.
Many of you received the EBS. They said it would happen on the 11th and it did happen. I expect any day now that Trump will use the EBS to announce he is back. All the rogue media will be seized and made to play confessions. I suspect the internet will be out and the phone service will also be out.
You should have cash on hand because when the internet goes dark you will not be able to buy groceries with your credit card because that has to have the internet to process the transaction. There will be riots but they will be easy to shut down because of no communications.
The riots will be in complete disarray. When you see the military on the roads, do not be in fear because they are the good guys. They are not coming after you.
Our military have their own communication systems. It has been said that our communications will be down for 10 days. I will not put a date on it but I expect it soon.
Like many, the trigger point for this to occur has had me guessing when that moment in time will be initiated. When you take a backseat view as to what has took place up to this point, there is no question military is the only way. Between the insecure boarders, the imposed COVID mandates which now includes our military personnel, the infiltration of spies, hacks and physical harm that took place at Lindell's Cyber Symposium, the amassing of hard evidence of election fraud, the disaster of the open boarders, the absurd Piglosi led jan 6th commission (not too mention the confinement of Patriots for no reason except for political purposes), the total failure of the Xiden administration to handle the Afghanistan situation and the danger of the US military to lose face and respect from our enemies as well as allies, BLM and ANTIFA bullying and rioting, exploding numbers of murders in our police-defunded cities, what better time to push that big red 'militia' button? I believe we are coming to that fork in the road - the path that does nothing which leads to inevitable ruination, or the path to breaking it all down and building it up again. I feel in either case War is unavoidable: foreign and domestic. But who said a fork must have only 2 paths?
this part = "the total failure of the Xiden administration to handle the Afghanistan situation and the danger of the US military to lose face and respect from our enemies as well as allies, "was done on purpose . i can tell you the media is telling a story that is no where close to true .
During the late 1980's and far into the 1990's I had the great experience of working in the middle east along side Arabs, Pakistanis, Indians, Iranies, Kuwatis, Iraquis, etc. I was actually on location in Kuwait in May of 1991 just after the completion of our successful military op. Yes, during all the oil rig fires. My project mgr. was actually a hostage held in Iraq in July, August and Sept. I was there the day the last one was put out, and that was a strange celebration, to say the least. Most of my time was spent there and in UAE. What I took from my time there was the better understanding of how the locals lived and what their ideologies were and still are. Rather than try to write an essay on this and try to point out the many reasons on why we failed in Afghanistan, the belief that we can just come in and have democracy take a stronghold on the people that are of many Islamic sects ( two of the highest are , Sunni - which contains about a half dozen sub-sects that follow schools of law and Shi'ah which has several that branch out to ones like Twlevers, Jafri, Ismali, depending on what area of the middle east you are in) and a few others is laughable. These sects are the stronghold that make up their ways, their beliefs and their laws. Now, based on some info I have heard, the Afghan ideology and beliefs are exactly why we had to leave. Put it simply, you can't expect to build an army of patriots by just handing them a gun and telling them how to shoot if they are not willing to. Our failure to understand this is the biggest of all. Sad to say , many Americans are ignorant of this, including those that push the buttons in DC. The saying "you can't change a zebras stripe" applies heavily here.
We were never meant to win the war in Afghanistan. It was always a money laundering operation tied into the poppy industry run by the CIA. We could have defeated the Taliban in short order if that was the real goal. But it was designed to be a never-ending war from the start.
heard the same thing from alot of sources . the left acts like its new york city , and reality is "americans cant walk the streets alone " but a few sources have shown me . the current situation there . is a "show " to sway others . why would they drive 25-30 miles to fly out . in the night , from an airbase ?
Exactly Benny. The Taliban takeover is the White hats doing. The interpretation by the MSM is of course lies that suit whatever nefarious agenda the remaining DS players have. As was intended the fictitious Xiden administration is the one who is being seen the worst in all this.
If this is a "White Hat" operation - this has to be the dumbest MoFO WH operation ever conceived. To abandon and Air Base, leave Billions of weapons, cause chaos among the citizens running for their lives hanging from planes, caused 13 or our service men to be killed, tell the whole world on how inept leaders are, piss off all our allies including GB, transport thousands of Afghanies to the US, free 1000's of terrorists from jails...what else? And that Trump's hiring of Gen McKenzie was a complete blow up? I'm sure I missed something. At least if you or a few others on this blog think this is a WH operation, please by all means enlighten us as to why those here think so
You obviously didn't see that the running along planes was totally staged as was the so called suicide bombing as was the whole damn takeover. Meaning the White hat military and Taliban are working together. I am not sure about the 13 killed. As for those other supposed occurrences, the MSM is running with those stories so I would be highly skeptical of them. Look Patel correctly said the good Military cannot control everything. But a few things we can be sure of. We have pretty much left there. The Taliban likes it that way and we in turn said keep your country clean of the real terrorists and DS people and we will not return. And finally and best of all. Biden is looking like the most incompetent leader that can be imagined. I would be happy to hear constructive criticism of my arguments
Understand, I don't expect anyone to have all the answers here. I'm also not very keen on debating or to criticize anyone's opinions. My own is based on some questionable actions. Yes, I did see the Afghans running along the planes. I also saw them falling from the planes from several hundred feet in the air. Were they real or were they dummies? I don't know. I don't know how far deep the MSM is running with this. All my source of info are coming from social media news and private broadcasts. I still hear that not all citizens have left. If you say 'we have all left', were is data to support this? The MSM is doing some part in making Biden look bad, but recall one of my posts that theorizes that if Biden is kicked out, that devolution kicks in. If it doesn't and Harris takes over, it really doesn't matter whether Biden leaves or not. The puppet masters are still in charge. Regarding the 1000's of freed jailed terrorists and the refugees flown to the US, do you have proof this is not the case? This can't be debated or criticized if you nor I can present it.
Yes agree. It does not seem they can wait much longer. The War has been going on for awhile. More specifically the information War. Enough people here in US and around the world awake. And even the ones not awake are fed up with the state of things. I pray it happens soon. Military martial law disclosure etc
No EBS test here in Oregon for testing on the 11th. I use Patriot Mobile. We did receive a weather event warning for the heat today... but oddly enough did not receive one on our 117 degree day a few weeks ago.
I have heard that only about 15% of Americans received the EBS. Probably the deep state was blocking it from going out. Hopefully the test allowed the Patriot team to see where they need to make fixes to get the message to everyone next time.
I can't trust anything that is associated with that entire thing about NESARA/GESARA. Early on, when I first heard Charlie Ward pushing it, my caution flags started waving strongly because he was making statements as if they were fact that were playing very fast and loose with the facts. I have been aware of the NESARA scam since 2001, but gave Charlie the benefit of the doubt and did my own research on it once again. It always comes back to the claim of a "secret law" signed by Bill Clinton in 2000, so I had to conclude that it was the same scam, dressed up in new clothes. We don't have ANY secret laws in this country. If it's not published, it's not enforceable. It also doesn't make sense to me that worthless zimbonds are going to be revalued at anything other than their current value as collector's items on ebay.
Yea, Charlie Ward, Simone Parks, those clowns are nobodys trying act like they know secret shit when they don't no anything.
It is a criminal what disinfo they have spewed on the people.....
NESARA/GESARA is completely made up and conspiracy clowns run with it like it's really going to happen.....There is ZERO credibility in the Bill Clinton origins of it.
It’s not up to you to decide what anyone should believe. People need to take responsibility to research for truth. Can your prove it’s not true? I’ll wait here for your proof. (I already researched it).
There are so many reports like this on the internet that it's become common knowledge. This is one example and you can search duck duck go to see the others.
I don't bother giving sources to negative people in comment sections because they don't believe news unless they hear it from CNN. The Devolution series is incredibly well researched yet there are people who come here just to call it fake.
Nobody ever talks about this, but I also think there is a practical aspect as to why they are delaying taking back the country. The global economy has to be reset. The current financial system is going to implode, and that is why this particular time was chosen for all of this to take place. No matter what happens, it is going to be very, very unpleasant, and ordinary people stand to lose everything. Whoever is in charge right now is going to face extreme anger, riots, and protests.
I think the military is waiting until AFTER the economic system is reset before they move. It is going to impoverish that vast majority of Americans, and that is going to 1) make it very fertile ground to come in and change leadership, and 2) give the people an administration (other than Trump and the military) to seriously hate for destroying their lives. Look for interesting things to start happening after the IMF-WBG meeting in October, when the new system is likely to be revealed making the USD no longer the global reserve currency.
There is a lot to this - all the paths are converging to a point in time where the global financial system is going to implode and while it won't happen all at once, we are reaching the start.
That is why the globalist elite are so focused on taking control while they still have some legitimacy and power - once the system breaks, the illusion that they've carefully created will collapse and their chance to retain control will be severely limited.
The Euro System is a dead man walking - it's been broken since the start, but the real, irreparable imbalances have started to show over the past years, and the measures to contain a collapse are going to fail soon. That is why the globalist elite are so desperate - they are cornered and this is their last chance.
Monomial, the idea expressed in your comment makes a huge amount of sense to me. I couldn't make informed predictions at all, but it would make great strategic sense to let the reset happen on a bad guy's watch. Then let the good guys in the US make their move. It's the only place it can happen. Currently, The cabal are consistently advancing their agenda to completely change the way normal society operates, especially in countries like canada, uk and australia, so it's not like we have to wait long for them to ruin life on earth as everyone knows it.
Earlier this week I woke up with a curiously strong, lingering date on my mind, and I remember it left me smiling-- 9.11.21. The 20 year anniversary. Could that be the day the hammer drops?
Terrific article but, like Joe Lang earlier, I don't believe that the "Political Class" is the driving force. They are but a cog in the wheel of the Globalists who have been at this for centuries. Even traitors high up on the political food chain like Barry, SanFranNan, Billary, and ChuckU answer to people like Soros and the families that have controlled the world for some time. Other cogs are the legacy media, social media, educational establishment, big pharma, pretty much every other large institution that exists, all of whom have been destroyed by the Globalists/Marxists. If it was "just" the political establishment that had to be overthrown, that would be easy compared to the actual task at hand. A task that has been already won, We The People just have to wake up enough to realize it...
Yes the hidden puppet masters Cabal Illiminati came to control/ own so much of the major corporate, religious ,Media ,governmental etc institions around the world. The power of money
"Deep Character flaws" ? ? I am a New Yorker and I never saw any deep character flaws. Where do you get that from? MSM? Also loved the tweets--He's talking directly to us!
It's also exposing the fake truthers who jumped off the bandwagon either within days of the coup or before/on the illegal and illegitimate inauguration, where the military gave us several clues that Trump was still the president and 'Biden' was considered a foreign dignitary. Alex Jones, Breitbart, Ian Miles Cheong, Paul Joseph Watson, Mark Dice and others exposed themselves as nothing more than plastic patriots who had no heart for the fight and no ability to think beyond the scope of what they see on TV or their small spectrum of alt-right sources. Same for those on social media who became arrogant, belligerent and controlling as well as trying to gaslight those who still remained hopeful or believed (i.e. researched) things they hadn't bothered to look into or had just come across a cognitive dissonance block. This is spiritual Darwinism and a true fight between good and evil, and good can't be watered down by people who have no real commitment or faith.
I can't remember which of Clif High's videos (he has so many!) is the one where he held up the Military Code book (which is always on his desk) and pointed to it as the source of his statement that any successful counterinsurgency effort has to obtain the acceptance and approval of 71% of the populace before it can come out in the open and move forward. The PEOPLE are the foundation of this Republic, so those who have not been aware of what's going on have to become aware and (as Juan O Savin puts it) "feel the pain" before the military can do the "big reveal" and prepare the ground for handing the reins over to Trump as the duly elected President. You can see more of his thinking on this subject at https://www.bitchute.com/video/fcfjybmrRw91/ . I found it quite useful in understanding what's going on and WHY it has to be this way.
Agree with others here, the Economic system is ready to implode. Which is not necessarily a catastrophic outcome given how much dysfunction and exploitation was involved. I do not think the Militaries can wait until after it happens. They must intervene as it happens to preserve law and order. Whatever new economic edifice emerges it surely should be better than what we have now. Especially, as these elite sociopaths are no longer calling the shots
Since we're just spitballin' - I partly disagree with this addendum. I agreed until you said that arizona audit will be the trigger, and that it's up to the people. I agree with all the devolution articles, they ring true, but not this one. The people alone won't soon win against the Cabal, all the institutions and laws are controlled by them and most people won't naturally stand up to entrenched power. Most humans psychologically need leaders and prefer to be babied, even if the 'parent' /govt is mistreating them. Having said that I think in America the amount of people who embrace individual freedom will continue to grow, but the military is needed, as are smart powerful strategists, for a hope of winning. Fortunately we do have the military and good powerful strategists. In my opinion, this is all being made possible because it's approaching the end of a long era, spiritually speaking, so some sort of higher power is enabling the dismantling of the swamp and will work through decent freedom-loving humans including military. Humans alone couldn't swing it. Just my take. It still works if you subtract the spiritual element for those not that way inclined.
Great addendum!
I do disagree with part of it and I do believe it is the very reason so many patriots are frustrated watching the country be destroyed while not understanding why Trump and the military don’t step in to stop it.
The part where you said...the political establishment represents the biggest threat to America.
I don’t think that’s true at least as far as my definition of political establishment. I think the political establishment are just puppets. They are completely corrupt and doing everything they can to enrich themselves and destroy the constitution. We all can name them. Hillary, Obama, Biden, McConnell, Schumer, Pelosi, and on and on. But they aren’t who Trump is fighting.
From the get go Trump has been fighting the global elite who control our political establishment. The ones who groomed them, funded them, protects them and also gives them orders.
You are right that Trump has already beaten the political establishment. They weren’t even a challenge.
But who Trump is really fighting is the puppet masters that control all central banks in the world and money supply. And the puppet masters that control the worlds entire medical system. Every part of it. And the puppet masters that control all media. And the puppet masters that control elections worldwide. And these same puppet masters control governments and their militaries.
That’s who Trump is actually fighting. It’s a real war and not easy. Fixing the corruption in America is going to be swift when the time comes but cleaning up America does nothing about taking down the cabal permanently. Over time they just corrupt the next generation of politicians in our country.
This is why most patriots are frustrated with Trump not stopping the destruction of our country yet.
Their focus is on the puppets not the global masters.
And another name I’ve seen many speculate on but not sure.
One family was taken down already in Saudi Arabia.
Trump is fighting a far more dangerous enemy than the political establishment and unless patriots see that, by all these systems they control being exposed, then they will never understand why he hasn’t acted yet.
Just my opinion
Great points Joe (and Camilo, 5D, and watcher). We all know elements such as black rock and van guard own EVERYTHING. To stay on the trajectory that devolution IS the plan (or part of), and couple military planning and strategy, it has to begin somewhere; I guess what we’re purporting here is that waking the people would be an important piece to the plan, right? We do know that there are other elements at play here. Such as, durham’s investigation, the declas stuff yet to be revealed, an unprecedented 150K+ sealed indictments, the merging of FED with treasury last year, the whole Chinese conflict, five eyes corruption, etc etc I don’t think what we’re saying here is “uncover the election fraud and we’re good to go.” This may be the first big domino? (So many anomalies, mathematical impossibilities, etc that Lindell’s thing displayed — I think he’s still got the “PCAP” thing up his sleeve). Election Fraud: The first breeze (of the storm) that blows down the house of cards? We the people are the bedrock on which these thieves enjoy their serpentine comforts. A great awakening will make that foundation “sand”, then striking from every angle (with mass indictments and class-action lawsuits, more awakening will be logarithmic or exponential — I’m not a mathematician), crumbling their power structure. As far as moloch and the 5D chess (against princes and principalities), that will always exist until Jesus returns; but we can cripple the dragon/serpent, decimate the 3D Tower of Babel that Satan has currently constructed. That’s my two cents. My one caveat of doubt is the damn vax! So many docs saying it’s literally a bio weapon. I’ve heard the optics argument and the “if he hadn’t done it, millions MORE would have died”….I get it. It’s just puzzling! Godspeed. Pray ceaselessly.
I can’t disagree with anything you said my friend
It is correct to say that waking up the people is an important part of the plan. I believe however that the "bottom-up" movement is, along with being the more time consuming aspect of any retaking of our Republic, Extremely Important to the stability of the political structure.
You need look no further than the School Boards, the City and County Counsel members, directors and Precinct Committeemen, to see the critical need to return these decision making entities back to the people that have some assembleance of common sense and moral compass and insure that they are truly operating in the best interests of the population and families that they affect.
Without the purging of these local authorities, you are asking for a continuation of the corrupt, subversive, and harmful policies that were implemented and went undetected for so many years.
I think it will go even further as a complete restructing of society seems to be in the cards. So the need to wake up as many as possible can be seen as critical so the masses are on board with these wholesale changes. As Q said it is that corrupt
I agree and that’s why they moved their labs up ten years. Because of the great awakening that is going on. It started to spoil their plans.
Good point
I also agree with what you said. Our destiny is in our's and God's hands. There must be a revival to pray and ask God to heal our land.
This is correct. The nobility in Europe and around the world are the hidden hands who control the puppets. Obamo, Schumer, Piglosi are small time potatoes to the real criminals whose names you never heard of. You have heard of some like Dimon, Gorman, etc...ceo's of banks are all controlled. They have their people in positions of power in all companies, media, entertainment, etc. They change their names and marry 2nd or 3rd generation within to keep the bloodline. This is how its done and they are so embedded in every facet of industry in the world that its difficult to root out. The CFR, BIS, UN all need to be destroyed in order to save the world. That's how it will work and the only way. People need to wake up and understand that the true power are in those whose names you never heard of but you can research and find them. They call the shots all over the world. Until they are rooted out, we are stuck unfortunately. We need to save the US first and go from there. The mafia families in Italy, Royals all over the world, etc. These are the hidden hands....until we take them down, we have not won anything. Devolution or not, the hidden hands beyond Soros needs to go down. That means rooting out the Rockefellers, Roths, Medici, etc...all of them. Their offspring are everywhere and placed in positions of power all over the world in every govt and organization.
Jump ahead in time to the post by Patel about the Message From A Patriot. In addition to your comments about the puppet masters (which which I agree) he explains why Trump has not yet acted. Many think as you do, that they would like Trump to act faster, but the best explanation yet was in this message where he stated,
"To me, q is not only an explanation about what has or might be happening behind the scenes right now (devolution, etc). It is SO much more.
It has been a map to highlight the links between the biggest "conspiracy theories." In doing so, it removed the false assumption that they were random, unconnected, & could easily be relegated into categories "owned" by a specific political party. It showed, definitively, that the previous adoption of the "R vs. D" division paradigm was false, how easy it has become to deceive us in such manner, and the role that division played in a very specific and long-term plan."
Most importantly and this hit home to me as to why it has to be this way is this...
"It educated millions of people around the world in what, in my opinion, may be more important than any clandestine actions of our military. You see, even if the military steps in right now, completely "fixes" things and ends this charade, we are still living among a population that has-- very literally-- been programmed (brainwashed)."
End of quote
It is crucial that the majority be awakened to the reality of the evil & corruption of the global cabal about which you spoke of as puppet masters. As Trump has stated, the swamp is deeper and wider than he imagined. He cannot hope to defeat the global entity until he has the majority of Americans on his side and to do that we must defeat the political establishment which represents the biggest threat to America at this time.
The central banks are holding the purse strings and through their control of money are manipulating world events. But in some respects, as Q said, these people are stupid. Their actions show they believe they are infallible. The one pulling their strings is 'the one you do not name,' while we have on our side right, truth and justice and the One who decreed such things.
Many say on social media, just pray, nothing else is required. I maintain that if man were created in God's image, that it was not a physical image, but rather the image of having a mind capable of reason and purpose. We must use our minds. Many in this movement have done so and it is for that reason, and the facts uncovered that I am here. Those who follow Q and the events occurring do not claim to know the future, but like you and I are piecing together the plan and the glue holding it together is the facts we are discovering.
To Patel, Thank you for your research, your insight and all your work posting this information in an easily understandable form. I research every link in the reports. Daily I listen to Dave on x22reports where I first heard about Devolution and your site. The interview merely scratched the surface of your theory. I believe it is probable that Devolution is real and daily facts support the theory to the extent that soon we will all know it is reality.
Please keep up your work as you are one of many important warriors in this war.
Very nicely put American
Good points. Remember though, the puppet masters greatest strength was their anonymity. But they lost it as NSA captured them via the sophisticated monitoring capabilities that Snowden talked about. See the video by Charlie Freak "Taking down the Cabal fron A-Z". Most people cannot understand what we refer to by these puppet masters.. But as Q attests to and much supporting info, a Plan was in motion "Q A Plan to Save the world" another good primer. The Devolution series also dissects this Plan. Yes, the scope of it is global. I hope Mr. Patel gets into the more global aspects of it in his Addendum series.
In Clif High's discussion with Greg Hunter regarding the current situation (https://usawatchdog.com/biden-desperate-as-vax-narrative-falls-apart-clif-high/), Clif instructs Greg that the real prize for Trump will be "the elimination of Moloch from the planet."
I agree that all of this is being run by those few, but undercutting their resources and operatives pulls out their platform from beneath them. I am encouraged that we are getting close to the "big reveal" but am also discouraged when I hear that it won't happen until the Arizona audit results are released. That keeps getting pushed out further and further in time by the Maricopa County's Board of Commissioners' stalling tactics and refusal to hand over the routers. Meanwhile more people are being "persuaded" to accept the injections and more people are being freely let into this country that shouldn't be.
Dude, the greg hunter/clif high interview! Holy moly! Thanks for sharing. What a red-pill …
Clif High is always clutch
There is only one big mistake that you have made with your synopsis and that is you have "ASSUMED" that Trump and the patriots "haven't" gone after the global elites. I believe he has and I also believe that this is why it's taking longer. I also believe that Trump and the alliance had no choice but to take the elites and their entire system down systematically, because if they didn't it would just grow back bigger stronger, and eventually not only would America be lost, but the whole planet would have been consumed by the evil that has existed for far too long. Devolution is not just USA based its global. WWG1WGA
Good point
You are right on target! The power brokers of the world are the true enemy of America. They hate the idea of the people having the power to rule themselves instead of them having rule over the people. What President Trump did was to open our eyes to the corruption of the political establishment but that was just the stepping stone. The big fish that needs to be gutted are those puppet masters who scheme and plan for the downfall of our sovereign nation and all that it represents to the world. They want to rid America of it's liberty and freedom and bring in their New World Order for complete control over the United States. We stand in their way for them to accomplish their goals. Removing the last stronghold of a free people is their target. Will they succeed? I sincerely hope not.
I agree with everything you said and the evidence for devolution is compelling, is it not?
Do you wonder who the power brokers of the world are? I've been searching for the answer to that question for several years.
I may have found the answer. Go to Ryan Zehm's channel on YouTube and look for the video "Altiyan Childs Exposes Freemasonry" These are likely the puppet masters behind the screen or the 'veil' as they call it.
Yo Joe, It's not an Opinion when your RIGHT!!!
Add the Vatican and the Royalty to your list.
Semper Fi,
You forgot the CCP
The global master couldn’t do what they did without the political establishment
I'm a bit late to the party here, but Ipod, you've hit the nail on the head in my view. And the political/media proxies can't do what do without our acquiescence. Once, if, we the people get political and media criminals into prison for life, thereby showing future criminals that committing high crimes means long times in prison, the whole human landscape changes. The one reason the higher powers get away with their crimes is that the enablers they corrupt to do their work are never made liable for their actions. Change that, and we shall make serious progress.
Your opinion is correct and is coming into full light; slowly at first, but now accelerating.
It would be very disappointing if Trump or someone/something else were to expose corruption in our national leaders only. I'm not holding my breath. Even if the clock were to be turned back by three or four decades, which I would be glad to see, what we ultimately need (unless of course you're waiting for Jesus to return riding on the clouds in the short term) is to see the globalist puppet masters exposed and deposed. Again, I'm not holding my breath.
Same here....These Q zealots are so far down the conspiracy holes, they can't climb back up to common sense.
Put your 10 masks back on and go get your 99th jab dummy.
Your argument seems to agree with what he said, The Political Establishment, by being corrupt are not protecting this country which is their Primary Duty.
Trump won a battle with that establishment but not the war. Until both house, senate and agencies are cleansed he is still at war with them. He was not able to clean them out in the first term because their were so many and many still hidden. That is why appearing to lose allows them to feel comfortable in showing themselves. Now he has all of them.
One thing is I agree .......you can pull the surface of the weeds out.......but if the roots are not taken with it they will just grow back. God has written in the heavens (stars). Evil must be stamped out by God, if not it will resurface very soon with even greater power. God and his people must be in unified effort to bring in the new age. Thus, ending the evil that has got us here.
I agree God is in control of everything on earth and heaven but just like President Trump God wants the people to wake up to the Evil all around you and your families and pray for his help in taking out the evil in this world. Pray and Believe Evil can and Will be Defeated.
I totally agree. People like Soros has been doing this kind of thing to countries since WWII along with the other elites you mentioned.
I think you’re right.
Do you worry that Americans are too soft? How are we going to save us when we’ve lived a life of comfort, excess and distraction? Majority of the last few generations are entitled and mesmerized by gaming and deceptive media. The sad truth is that most people want the help but they don’t want to work for our freedom. So if it’s up to we, the people to finish this, I’m concerned.
Could you imagine current Americans mustering as in WWII? Those were hard working farmboys. What would you call them now?
Not WWII, the Revolutionary War, but yes, it would be hard to imagine.
I agree. But it’s not so much the younger generation. Look at the baby boomers. I passed out flyers to each house on my street about attending a peaceful protest to stand up for Medical Freedom. I did NOT see one of my neighbors there. Pathetic!!!
Picking on other generations doesn't help us to unite. Everyone has something to contribute.
I wasn’t picking on anyone Trish. I was merely stating a fact .
You commented that no baby boomers responded to your flyer to protest for medical freedom, but younger people did. It could be the luck of the draw on the group you were inviting. Perhaps you didn’t consider the demands on the sandwich generation, who are often juggling many tasks, caring for their parents while still raising their kids and working.
I stand by my statement that it is not helpful to complain about other generations. It tends to consist of stereotypical and unhelpful judgments.
It’s not a judgement by the way, Trish . It’s a conclusion I made from my observation in my area. It’s interesting that you criticize any one who says something that doesn’t go with your paradigm but yet criticize me for my observation. Who are you ? If you look at past history, it’s the same as today … the small percent are the ones who stood up and did what was needed to be done. And that is what I AM seeing to be true today. So get off your condescending high horse and go do something like make flyers and pass them out in your neighborhood like I did and see how many respond instead of making comments that my comment is nothing more than “ unhelpful judgements”. Don’t worry replying to me because I’ve wasted enough time with you.
People respond in different ways. Your way may not be their way. Baby boomers are not the enemy and are not as complacent as you imply. Ester's concern (above) is understandable, but not if you look for those who have been awakened to the push for the new world order. Start to look for the glass half full and filling more every day. You may be amazed. People worldwide are conducting 'peaceful protests' in their own way.
Keep moving forward with yours. You never know who you might be influencing in the right direction.
I’m just stating a fact that there are people who are apathetic and that everyone of these people who I referred too In my comment are double vaxxed and boosted pretty much proves my point. I never said ALL baby boomers. I guarantee you though that it is a high percent. Those you mention protesting are the 20 percent .
While these points are interesting and it is important to be aware, it has taken me a long time to realize that man, no man, can correct what is wrong. The injustice and pure evil promulgated throughout the earth are being disclosed. While the Almighty God may use individuals such as Trump and Q, they are not the answer. God, whose very name has been removed from the Bible, is in control. He has a timetable for the events of the exposure of evil to occur and for His Son to return to earth.
At this point I have come to realize that neither is 'Devolution' the answer. Read your Bible yourself and don't listen to anyone who wants to interpret for you. The Bible tells us there are many who will deceive us. You have a mind and now is the time to use it.
The people who read this substack are looking for answers, as they should. Trump's team have not punished anyone of the many who we see oppressing and cheating the people in this country. The same can be said of other countries of the world. Is evil rising? I don't know, but it is certainly being exposed.
The separating of good and evil is happening now at an ever increasing rate. Which side will you be on? Will it be the side of man or God. His real name is not God, Lord or any other title. The Creator's name is YAHUAH as used almost 7,000 times in what is commonly called the Old Testament and His Son's name is Yahusha.
As Yahuasha, the Messiah, said, As in the days of Noah men will be eating and drinking and taking in marriage and then the Son of Man will come on clouds of Glory. Many are being given the choice, but are scoffers, non-believers and ridiculers of The Almighty. Yahusha did not come to bring peace. He came as He said, to divide the wheat from the tares, which is the evil from the righteous.
We each have a choice.
I know many who are soft. Someone close to me told me about a seminar he attended which focused on the motivating factors of change in individuals. The change was brought about by a 'significant emotional event.' For some that has been losing a senior relative in a nursing home, having to close down a business they have worked for years to build because of government mandates, coming up might be hyper-inflation combined with increased taxes, the inability to feed one's family, etc. Those who lose the ability to play games and follow Hollywood must begin to look around them and question what is going on. The majority will have such an event, big or small, that will open their eyes and they will begin to search. Q called this the Precipice and many are approaching it. We have had several years to learn all of this and we can help them to learn the truth. Americans will have a hunger to learn as they must to survive and defeat the evil within.
Yep,no heart, no vision, no no virtue, no valor. Searching for a pulse,; somebody?
Tel a vision has social engineered the demeaning of masculinity. Have you heard of the Barbie movie out now targeted toward young kids? It makes men look bad . It’s what all TEL A VISION is about… subjecting our minds to believing in a vision they want… pyschological war upon us. Been going on forever. I have no TV in my home now.
Well said Esther, and jimthedog well said also.
You are right on target. Now here's the tough part. We will have to be partially wiped out before we are hungry enough to do what is needed to get us out of this mess. Some will die and some will surely suffer. It's time to get ready and gear up... Be smart
So true.....Am culture been dummed down to soyboy TikTok patty wacks....
Everyone can do something, even if it is just to be giving support to someone who is doing something. But it has been my experience that every individual has unique God-given talent that can be expressed. Stand up, speak out, be present, and let your unique strength add to that of your fellow patriots. United we have a power that cannot be stopped. Write your local officials, attend meetings, write letters to the editor, research topics to find the truth, teach others. DO NOT BE AFRAID. If you love God, then you know that Divine Love will meet every need, provide all supply, put the government on His shoulders, and protect his image and likeness. Getting our Republic back may be a task, but the end result is assured.
We'll never be united. And that's what individual freedoms are all about: people are allowed their own opinions. Many people are successfully brainwashed or are naturally inclined to need to be superior. The left tells people they are superior if they will only hold leftist opinions. Bam! You're now superior and you didn't have to train and excel in a trade or a sport or to be self-'disciplined. You don't need to think or analyse, You just have to believe and promote leftist dogma!
You cannot trust in people alone to defeat the cabal. Not enough are internally mature. I would advise, yes do what you are called to do, mentally intend for the outcome you want, and give the rest to a higher power after you do your part.
We had 80 million vote for Trump. After what has happened since Mr Biden has been installed in the WH, many more have joined in. I think we are discounting all these millions who WILL stand up if push comes to shove. The problem is the shove may come to late.
It's Never to late to fight for Freedom. We will all come together the ones that are not Evil who truly have a heart that beats for people and want true Peace and show love for their neighbors. They want us to hate each other Why?? That's the Devil. We were born to love and care for each other. The Democrats for decades have tried to kill off the African race and they tell them its the White Race but now with the Virus it's the Chinese people. Don't let that happen look for the good in all people . yes I know there are some who are just evil but most are just brainwashed or just given up on life. I pray when this ends we all have a true blessed life. No one living on the streets . people having good job no more welfare the kind of life we were meant to have . pray and keep the faith. This is true .What you speak and dream about and it goes out into the world happens. So start speaking truth to everyone. America is going to come back Stronger and Better than ever. Don't be afraid to Dream Big . Pray Dream Big and have true Faith and see what happens. No one believed President Trump would win in 2016 but he did and he still is winning. He has said he dreams big and is not afraid so why should we be afraid to have big dreams. God bless all of you on here!
Magic Eyes (twitter I think) did a great uncovering of how Q drops align with the Military Law manual. This has been and continues to be a worldwide military operation. And Trump absolutely could not be seen as supporting it or would be seen as a coup and Trump as would be tyrannt. It is all being done within military and constitutional parameters. Information is continously being leaked as legit info and counter insurgency disinfo. It is about catching ever more if those who persist in carrying out high crimes and concurrently exposing to the masses the inherent ubiquitous corruption
Q is gone and nothing has happened.....
Thank you Patel. You are in my prayers. Take care in your travels. God Bless you Brother.
Oh and this Truther Chief
Aug 13, 2021
When we planned an undercover operation we would plan it for at least a month.
Trump has an unbelievable task ahead of him. He has to seize all the media, all the alphabet agencies from the CDC to the CIA. How does one man do that? You plan for months with the military at your disposal.
You have to arrest the CEO's and heads of all of them secretly. Then when the time is right you use the military to seize everything. Your timing has to be perfect. He had Generals who were loose cannons. They had to be fired and arrested.
I posted it but most of you probably didn't see it. Bezos, Zuckerberg, Dorsey, Zucker, Pichai, and all the heads of the lettered agencies including CIA Director Gina Haspel were arrested. There have been so many arrests. Trump is now ready to move.
Many of you received the EBS. They said it would happen on the 11th and it did happen. I expect any day now that Trump will use the EBS to announce he is back. All the rogue media will be seized and made to play confessions. I suspect the internet will be out and the phone service will also be out.
You should have cash on hand because when the internet goes dark you will not be able to buy groceries with your credit card because that has to have the internet to process the transaction. There will be riots but they will be easy to shut down because of no communications.
The riots will be in complete disarray. When you see the military on the roads, do not be in fear because they are the good guys. They are not coming after you.
Our military have their own communication systems. It has been said that our communications will be down for 10 days. I will not put a date on it but I expect it soon.
Like many, the trigger point for this to occur has had me guessing when that moment in time will be initiated. When you take a backseat view as to what has took place up to this point, there is no question military is the only way. Between the insecure boarders, the imposed COVID mandates which now includes our military personnel, the infiltration of spies, hacks and physical harm that took place at Lindell's Cyber Symposium, the amassing of hard evidence of election fraud, the disaster of the open boarders, the absurd Piglosi led jan 6th commission (not too mention the confinement of Patriots for no reason except for political purposes), the total failure of the Xiden administration to handle the Afghanistan situation and the danger of the US military to lose face and respect from our enemies as well as allies, BLM and ANTIFA bullying and rioting, exploding numbers of murders in our police-defunded cities, what better time to push that big red 'militia' button? I believe we are coming to that fork in the road - the path that does nothing which leads to inevitable ruination, or the path to breaking it all down and building it up again. I feel in either case War is unavoidable: foreign and domestic. But who said a fork must have only 2 paths?
this part = "the total failure of the Xiden administration to handle the Afghanistan situation and the danger of the US military to lose face and respect from our enemies as well as allies, "was done on purpose . i can tell you the media is telling a story that is no where close to true .
During the late 1980's and far into the 1990's I had the great experience of working in the middle east along side Arabs, Pakistanis, Indians, Iranies, Kuwatis, Iraquis, etc. I was actually on location in Kuwait in May of 1991 just after the completion of our successful military op. Yes, during all the oil rig fires. My project mgr. was actually a hostage held in Iraq in July, August and Sept. I was there the day the last one was put out, and that was a strange celebration, to say the least. Most of my time was spent there and in UAE. What I took from my time there was the better understanding of how the locals lived and what their ideologies were and still are. Rather than try to write an essay on this and try to point out the many reasons on why we failed in Afghanistan, the belief that we can just come in and have democracy take a stronghold on the people that are of many Islamic sects ( two of the highest are , Sunni - which contains about a half dozen sub-sects that follow schools of law and Shi'ah which has several that branch out to ones like Twlevers, Jafri, Ismali, depending on what area of the middle east you are in) and a few others is laughable. These sects are the stronghold that make up their ways, their beliefs and their laws. Now, based on some info I have heard, the Afghan ideology and beliefs are exactly why we had to leave. Put it simply, you can't expect to build an army of patriots by just handing them a gun and telling them how to shoot if they are not willing to. Our failure to understand this is the biggest of all. Sad to say , many Americans are ignorant of this, including those that push the buttons in DC. The saying "you can't change a zebras stripe" applies heavily here.
We were never meant to win the war in Afghanistan. It was always a money laundering operation tied into the poppy industry run by the CIA. We could have defeated the Taliban in short order if that was the real goal. But it was designed to be a never-ending war from the start.
Only thing you've said I agree on.....
heard the same thing from alot of sources . the left acts like its new york city , and reality is "americans cant walk the streets alone " but a few sources have shown me . the current situation there . is a "show " to sway others . why would they drive 25-30 miles to fly out . in the night , from an airbase ?
Because CENTCOM Gen. Mckenzie and SecDef Austin are nitwits following orders from marxists....
Ohhhh god, here goes crazy benny again on his Afgan is a show, we're still in control bullshit......
Your quick to dismiss one’s comments but can you offer up proof the claims are false? I’ll wait…
Exactly Benny. The Taliban takeover is the White hats doing. The interpretation by the MSM is of course lies that suit whatever nefarious agenda the remaining DS players have. As was intended the fictitious Xiden administration is the one who is being seen the worst in all this.
If this is a "White Hat" operation - this has to be the dumbest MoFO WH operation ever conceived. To abandon and Air Base, leave Billions of weapons, cause chaos among the citizens running for their lives hanging from planes, caused 13 or our service men to be killed, tell the whole world on how inept leaders are, piss off all our allies including GB, transport thousands of Afghanies to the US, free 1000's of terrorists from jails...what else? And that Trump's hiring of Gen McKenzie was a complete blow up? I'm sure I missed something. At least if you or a few others on this blog think this is a WH operation, please by all means enlighten us as to why those here think so
Be weary of crazy benny and camilo, they are as lost a conspiracy nutbags as you will read around here.....
You obviously didn't see that the running along planes was totally staged as was the so called suicide bombing as was the whole damn takeover. Meaning the White hat military and Taliban are working together. I am not sure about the 13 killed. As for those other supposed occurrences, the MSM is running with those stories so I would be highly skeptical of them. Look Patel correctly said the good Military cannot control everything. But a few things we can be sure of. We have pretty much left there. The Taliban likes it that way and we in turn said keep your country clean of the real terrorists and DS people and we will not return. And finally and best of all. Biden is looking like the most incompetent leader that can be imagined. I would be happy to hear constructive criticism of my arguments
Understand, I don't expect anyone to have all the answers here. I'm also not very keen on debating or to criticize anyone's opinions. My own is based on some questionable actions. Yes, I did see the Afghans running along the planes. I also saw them falling from the planes from several hundred feet in the air. Were they real or were they dummies? I don't know. I don't know how far deep the MSM is running with this. All my source of info are coming from social media news and private broadcasts. I still hear that not all citizens have left. If you say 'we have all left', were is data to support this? The MSM is doing some part in making Biden look bad, but recall one of my posts that theorizes that if Biden is kicked out, that devolution kicks in. If it doesn't and Harris takes over, it really doesn't matter whether Biden leaves or not. The puppet masters are still in charge. Regarding the 1000's of freed jailed terrorists and the refugees flown to the US, do you have proof this is not the case? This can't be debated or criticized if you nor I can present it.
Afghanistan was, truly, a WH operation (White House/fake White House) and all messed up.
Yes agree. It does not seem they can wait much longer. The War has been going on for awhile. More specifically the information War. Enough people here in US and around the world awake. And even the ones not awake are fed up with the state of things. I pray it happens soon. Military martial law disclosure etc
No EBS test here in Oregon for testing on the 11th. I use Patriot Mobile. We did receive a weather event warning for the heat today... but oddly enough did not receive one on our 117 degree day a few weeks ago.
I did Not receive the EBS announcement on my AT&T cell phone. I know of at least 11 more people who also didn't get an EBS from AT&T...
I have heard that only about 15% of Americans received the EBS. Probably the deep state was blocking it from going out. Hopefully the test allowed the Patriot team to see where they need to make fixes to get the message to everyone next time.
I don't know anyone who recieved it here.
I didn’t receive the EBS on my AT&T cell. I opted in.
You have to have your settings correct to receive alerts from EBS. I have an S10+.
Settings--> Notifications--> Advanced Settings--> Wireless emergency alerts--> Allow Alerts on
I have my alerts on, always did and no alerts from AT&T
Do you have an Android?
I can't trust anything that is associated with that entire thing about NESARA/GESARA. Early on, when I first heard Charlie Ward pushing it, my caution flags started waving strongly because he was making statements as if they were fact that were playing very fast and loose with the facts. I have been aware of the NESARA scam since 2001, but gave Charlie the benefit of the doubt and did my own research on it once again. It always comes back to the claim of a "secret law" signed by Bill Clinton in 2000, so I had to conclude that it was the same scam, dressed up in new clothes. We don't have ANY secret laws in this country. If it's not published, it's not enforceable. It also doesn't make sense to me that worthless zimbonds are going to be revalued at anything other than their current value as collector's items on ebay.
Yea, Charlie Ward, Simone Parks, those clowns are nobodys trying act like they know secret shit when they don't no anything.
It is a criminal what disinfo they have spewed on the people.....
NESARA/GESARA is completely made up and conspiracy clowns run with it like it's really going to happen.....There is ZERO credibility in the Bill Clinton origins of it.
I live in NC, have T-mobile and Samsung 9+ and received it at 2:20p on the dot
Could the DS corporation like AT&T have blicked the signal?
I have alerts on but did not receive any EBS alerts.
Did you and others opt in to receive it?
Time is relative to the task at hand.
Cam don't post shit you can't prove regarding all those above have already been arrested. That's just BS.....You don't know so stop.....
All that is wishful dreaming so far.......STOP leading people to believe horseshit.....
It’s not up to you to decide what anyone should believe. People need to take responsibility to research for truth. Can your prove it’s not true? I’ll wait here for your proof. (I already researched it).
You have NO such proof of anything you stated.
And you have no proof it didn't happen. There's a lot going on behind the scenes we won't learn about until this is all over.
And alot of dushbags are making stuff up too....
You’ve offered zero proof of anything you’ve posted. Your just here to argue and gave offered no valuable insight.
If your going to negate someone’s comment, please have proof of your research to share.
There are so many reports like this on the internet that it's become common knowledge. This is one example and you can search duck duck go to see the others.
I don't bother giving sources to negative people in comment sections because they don't believe news unless they hear it from CNN. The Devolution series is incredibly well researched yet there are people who come here just to call it fake.
Agreed. Those people aren’t really here to seek the truth. Devolution is the only thing that explains so many “coincidences” or the “unexplainable”.
Nobody ever talks about this, but I also think there is a practical aspect as to why they are delaying taking back the country. The global economy has to be reset. The current financial system is going to implode, and that is why this particular time was chosen for all of this to take place. No matter what happens, it is going to be very, very unpleasant, and ordinary people stand to lose everything. Whoever is in charge right now is going to face extreme anger, riots, and protests.
I think the military is waiting until AFTER the economic system is reset before they move. It is going to impoverish that vast majority of Americans, and that is going to 1) make it very fertile ground to come in and change leadership, and 2) give the people an administration (other than Trump and the military) to seriously hate for destroying their lives. Look for interesting things to start happening after the IMF-WBG meeting in October, when the new system is likely to be revealed making the USD no longer the global reserve currency.
There is a lot to this - all the paths are converging to a point in time where the global financial system is going to implode and while it won't happen all at once, we are reaching the start.
That is why the globalist elite are so focused on taking control while they still have some legitimacy and power - once the system breaks, the illusion that they've carefully created will collapse and their chance to retain control will be severely limited.
The Euro System is a dead man walking - it's been broken since the start, but the real, irreparable imbalances have started to show over the past years, and the measures to contain a collapse are going to fail soon. That is why the globalist elite are so desperate - they are cornered and this is their last chance.
Monomial, the idea expressed in your comment makes a huge amount of sense to me. I couldn't make informed predictions at all, but it would make great strategic sense to let the reset happen on a bad guy's watch. Then let the good guys in the US make their move. It's the only place it can happen. Currently, The cabal are consistently advancing their agenda to completely change the way normal society operates, especially in countries like canada, uk and australia, so it's not like we have to wait long for them to ruin life on earth as everyone knows it.
Excellent Work! Thank You
Earlier this week I woke up with a curiously strong, lingering date on my mind, and I remember it left me smiling-- 9.11.21. The 20 year anniversary. Could that be the day the hammer drops?
You heard it here first. 😅
Terrific article but, like Joe Lang earlier, I don't believe that the "Political Class" is the driving force. They are but a cog in the wheel of the Globalists who have been at this for centuries. Even traitors high up on the political food chain like Barry, SanFranNan, Billary, and ChuckU answer to people like Soros and the families that have controlled the world for some time. Other cogs are the legacy media, social media, educational establishment, big pharma, pretty much every other large institution that exists, all of whom have been destroyed by the Globalists/Marxists. If it was "just" the political establishment that had to be overthrown, that would be easy compared to the actual task at hand. A task that has been already won, We The People just have to wake up enough to realize it...
Yes the hidden puppet masters Cabal Illiminati came to control/ own so much of the major corporate, religious ,Media ,governmental etc institions around the world. The power of money
"Deep Character flaws" ? ? I am a New Yorker and I never saw any deep character flaws. Where do you get that from? MSM? Also loved the tweets--He's talking directly to us!
It's also exposing the fake truthers who jumped off the bandwagon either within days of the coup or before/on the illegal and illegitimate inauguration, where the military gave us several clues that Trump was still the president and 'Biden' was considered a foreign dignitary. Alex Jones, Breitbart, Ian Miles Cheong, Paul Joseph Watson, Mark Dice and others exposed themselves as nothing more than plastic patriots who had no heart for the fight and no ability to think beyond the scope of what they see on TV or their small spectrum of alt-right sources. Same for those on social media who became arrogant, belligerent and controlling as well as trying to gaslight those who still remained hopeful or believed (i.e. researched) things they hadn't bothered to look into or had just come across a cognitive dissonance block. This is spiritual Darwinism and a true fight between good and evil, and good can't be watered down by people who have no real commitment or faith.
And physical Darwinism as some decide to take the poisonous jab
I can't remember which of Clif High's videos (he has so many!) is the one where he held up the Military Code book (which is always on his desk) and pointed to it as the source of his statement that any successful counterinsurgency effort has to obtain the acceptance and approval of 71% of the populace before it can come out in the open and move forward. The PEOPLE are the foundation of this Republic, so those who have not been aware of what's going on have to become aware and (as Juan O Savin puts it) "feel the pain" before the military can do the "big reveal" and prepare the ground for handing the reins over to Trump as the duly elected President. You can see more of his thinking on this subject at https://www.bitchute.com/video/fcfjybmrRw91/ . I found it quite useful in understanding what's going on and WHY it has to be this way.
Ahhh, god ole Cliff High. The man that believes an alien "bug" is controlling the cabal and evil on this planet......
Yes, that guy....
Agree with others here, the Economic system is ready to implode. Which is not necessarily a catastrophic outcome given how much dysfunction and exploitation was involved. I do not think the Militaries can wait until after it happens. They must intervene as it happens to preserve law and order. Whatever new economic edifice emerges it surely should be better than what we have now. Especially, as these elite sociopaths are no longer calling the shots
Since we're just spitballin' - I partly disagree with this addendum. I agreed until you said that arizona audit will be the trigger, and that it's up to the people. I agree with all the devolution articles, they ring true, but not this one. The people alone won't soon win against the Cabal, all the institutions and laws are controlled by them and most people won't naturally stand up to entrenched power. Most humans psychologically need leaders and prefer to be babied, even if the 'parent' /govt is mistreating them. Having said that I think in America the amount of people who embrace individual freedom will continue to grow, but the military is needed, as are smart powerful strategists, for a hope of winning. Fortunately we do have the military and good powerful strategists. In my opinion, this is all being made possible because it's approaching the end of a long era, spiritually speaking, so some sort of higher power is enabling the dismantling of the swamp and will work through decent freedom-loving humans including military. Humans alone couldn't swing it. Just my take. It still works if you subtract the spiritual element for those not that way inclined.